View Full Version : Instalation Guide.

03-06-2007, 03:54 PM
UPDATED GUIDE 23/06/2007. Please report any problems in the 9100 forums.

The guide as originally posted is at the bottom of this post.

I first wrote a guide for myself so if I need to reinstall later I wouldn't have to start from scratch.

I have added to it in the hope others may also find it helpful.


I will assume the following IP's. You may use them or choose your own.

Router (If Used) = Computer = Technomate =

All files are from the a**** forum (The shop you probably got the 9100 from). Most are also available on Satpimps.


The 9100 standard has Original Image 01 loaded when you first get it. (Image = Operating System).

This will only work with Free To Air channels. It also has some bugs.

You need to load another Image to get encrypted channels, and to use the built in card reader.

Juliet 006 and UR 006 images are the main two at the time of writing. Some people are using UR008 Beta.

I am using juliet 006 which is reported to be a little more stable than UR 006. It still has bugs though!

Juliet is better if you do not have a Router & therefore connect the 9100 directly to the computer.

The main differences are the way you load the EMU's, and possibly the key updates.




Part a) using a Router, Part b) without a Router.

Part a). This guide assumes you connect your 9100 to a Router.

You need :-

1. Cat5 (or Cat6) PATCH cable from the 9100 to the Router.

2. Dreambox Control Centre dcc v2.92.


Setup the 9100 Comms.

Expert Setup
Communication Setup
Enable Network - x
Port - 80


Set Up & Test Lan Networking

Start DCC292.

In Connection Type box select Router.
In login box change the password to technomate.
In "This Computer" select
Click the Search button under Router.
It should find both the Router & 9100's IP's.
Highlight the Router IP & accept.
Now do the same for the Search button under "Dreambox"
Highlight & accept.

It should now say :-
Telnet Connected
FTP Connected

Bootmanager: not found.

If it doesn't, see the Lan Networking guide on Darkmans site.

Close DCC.

Go to "Load the image"


Part b). This is for those without a Router who connect the 9100 directly to their computer by Ethernet.

You need :-

1. Cat5 (or Cat6) CROSSOVER cable and an ethernet socket on your PC.

2. Dreambox Control Centre dcc v2.92.


Set the Computer Up To Talk To The 9100.

Start, Control Panel, Network Connections
Right Click on Local Area Connection.
(If disabled, click enable)
Click Properties
In the box "This connection uses... highlight Internet Protocol, & click Properties
Select Use The Following IP Address & fill in the box's
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Default Gateway


Set the 9100 up to talk to Computer.

Expert Setup
Communication Setup
Enable Network - x
Port - 80


Set Up & Test Lan Networking.

Start DCC292.

Select Direct Crossover.
Change the password to technomate.
In "This Computer" select
Click Search.
It should find the 9100. Select It & Accept.

It should now say :-
Telnet Connected
FTP Connected

Bootmanager: not found.

If it doesn't, see the Lan Networking guide on A**** site.

Close DCC.


Load the Image (Operating System).

There are different versions available depending on wether you load by Ethernet, Serial or Memory card. I used Ethernet.

You need :-

1. Either original 005 Image OR Juliet 005. I used Original 005.

2. Juliet 006 Image.

3. Technomate Control Center 6.

(NB You have to first load original 005 [OR Juliet 005], followed by Juliet 006).

Start Technomate Control Center 6
Click Update
Enter the IP address -
Enter ID - root
Enter password - technomate
Click Save.
Click Auto Update
Select the Original 005 folder (or Juliet 005 if you choose to use that instead)
Wait until the download has finished
When it says Completed, turn the TM-9100 OFF/ON (from the switch on the back)
Do a Factory Reset. - Menu, Setup, Expert Setup, Factory Reset. (Or see 5 lines down)
Set the 9100 up to talk to the computer again.
(NB Don't do a Satellite scan, you will loose it at the Juliet install).

Repeat the above, this time selecting Juliet 006.
This time do a satellite scan.

Alternative method of doing Factory Reset.
Turn off with back switch.
Press & hold the up button on the front of the 9100.
Switch the box on from the rear switch, & keep holding the up button until you get a boot screen,then choose factory reset using the front buttons.

Install the EMU's (Softcam Emulaters).

There are several ways to do this. The easiest is direct from the internet if you are using a Router. If not connected to the internet go to Part b).

Part a). Direct using a Router.

You need :-

Juliet URL. (Unziped).

Start DCC.
Click FTP.
In the left hand payne Click var.
Click juliet.
In the right hand payne navigate to where you downloaded the url.
Click var.
Click juliet.
Highlight the url & Click the lower blue arrow to transfer it to the 9100. You should now see it in the left hand payne.
Close DCC.

On the 9100 select a free to air channel.
Press Blue.
Press Red.
Press 1, highlight Install Addons & press OK.
Manual is highlighted. Press OK.
Highlight Cams & press OK.
Highlight the Cam you want & press OK.
I suggest using Mgcamd v123 for most encrypted channels & Gbox v2.25 if you use a smart card in the card reader.
After installing, Reboot - Menu, 8, OK. Same procedure for cardservers etc.
I think there is a problem with Skins, so best not to install those.

Go to Install Keys.


Part b). Manual install using files in the tar.gz format. NB. Only .tar.gz files work with this procedure. Do NOT unzip them.

NB. To watch Premier & TPS/Multivision you need mgcamd 1.23 or 1.24. I haven't come across them in tar.gz format. Therefore install 1.22 & upgrade to 1.23 or 1.24 as detailed below.

You need ;-

1. EMU's mgcamd_1.22_newcs.tar. (DO NOT UNZIP!). Any cam in the .tar.gz format can also be installed if wanted. (If you have a smartcard such as S*y you also need Gbox.)

2. Dreambox Control Centre dcc v2.92.

Select a FTA channel.
Remove any CAM if fitted.
Press blue button
Press red to stop all cams
press 1

Start DCC.
Select FTP.
In the left hand payne double click temp to open the temp folder.
In the right hand payne navigate to the folder you downloaded the .tar files to.
Highlight mgcamd_1.22_newcs.tar.gz
Click the blue < button to copy it to the left hand payne. Check it appears there.
Close DCC.

Click install addons
click manual
click manual (not the top one! NB A common MISTAKE is to select Cam from this list instead of manual) - You should now see the cams waiting for you to install
move down to the file highlight it and press ok button
It should say install addons
When it disapears you can check you have the cam by exiting then pressing the blue button and scroll to see if installed.
press green to start all cams
Exit & reboot TM9100

Watching Premier & TPS/Multivision Using MgCamd 1.23.

You need :-

1. mgcamd 1.23 or 1.24.

2. Notepad++

This is an upgrade from MgCamd 1.22, So first install mgcamd_1.22_newcs.tar as detailed above. Reboot.

Download & unzip MgCamd 1.23.

Change the name of the file mgcamd.ppc to just mgcamd

Using Notepad++ (Not the Windows notepad) open the mg_cfg & look at line 24.
Change from U: { 01 }
to U: { 04 }

Use DCC to FTP these 2 files to the 9100.
Any other files are not required.

Move mgcamd to var, bin. Right click on it, select Attributes. Click 755. Click OK.
Move mg_cfg to var, keys.
Check the var, keys folder. Delete tps.au if there.


NB. It may still show as 1.22 when selected, but it works as 1.23.

Install the Keys.

You need :-

1. satankeybundle.

2. D******ankey-Updater_DM500-DM7000 (Only if the 9100 is connected to the internet).

Unzip satankeybundle.
Then unzip satan.tar.
Inside the var folder are 2 folders keys & scce.

Start DCC.
Click FTP.
In the left hand payne double click var to open it.
In the right hand payne highlight the keys folder & copy it across to the left hand payne.
Do the same for the scce folder.
Close DCC.
Reboot the 9100.

To install satankey updater, start DCC.
In the L.H. payne, Click var, tuxbox, plugins.
In the R.H. payne navigate to where you downloaded satan updater. Click var, tuxbox, plugins.
Highlight the first file & click the lower blue arrow button to copy it across to the L.H. payne.
Right click on it, click attributes, 755, OK.
Now transfer the other file & 755 it.
Close DCC
Reboot - menu, 8, OK.


Note about DCC

It doesn't always transfer the files when you press the blue arrow button.
Check the file appears in the 9100 after doing so.
If it doesn't, close DCC & try again.
It always seems to work second time.


Using the 9100 on encrypted channels.

D+/Taquilla keys change 2 or 3 times a day. This is where an internet connection to the 9100 comes in!
When you need new keys, press Yellow. (It can take a while for them to become available after a key change).
Select D******ankey_Updater, OK.
New keys will automatically be downloaded from the internet.
You may need to reboot if no picture.

If no internet connection download the latest keys, install & reboot.

For TPS/Multivision a new set of keys are used daily.
These are automatically loaded over the air.
Ensure you are using Mgcamd 1.23 or higher.
Select channel France 4. A picture should appear after a few seconds.

Premier PPV channels are selected via their portals.
Therefore select Erotik - AB 18, Premier Direkt or Premier Sport Portal.
Press Green. For Premier Direkt you will see a list of channels and the time the film started (In central European Time). They appear in this list a few minutes before the start time.


Select English Soundtrack.

You can set the 9100 to automatically select an English soundtrack if transmitted.

Open the Web interface (Start Firefox or Internet Explorer & type in your box's url, i.e.

Click Config, Settings.

In the Audio Channel Priority box type in the language you want. Use # to seperate them.

English#Englisch#Tonoption 2#Original#orj#dos#ory#org#esl#qa a

Click Save.


Other Possibilities not covered by this guide.

1. Streaming to your computer & the internet.

2. Card Sharing. (Not discussed on Satpimps).

3. Using other channel lists i.e. Captain Settings.

4. Controlling the 9100 from another device i.e. PDA.

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Guide as originally posted.

I've put this together. Hope it helps someone.

Thanks to althetaff, DaOne, echelon, goodolddad, gov400, zad, Posters in the dark place & anyone else for their contributions.


EDIT 12/06/2007. Remove any smartcards & Cams from the CI slot before installing images. EMU softcams are OK left if reinstalling.

Now we know a little more I think the advice is to load Juliet 006 or UR006 image if you plug the 9100 into a router, and load Juliet 006 if you plug it into your computer by ethernet.

The main differences are the way you load the EMU's, and possibly the key updates. In day to day use you won't see any real difference.

I have used IP's of for the computer & for the 9100.

This guide assumes you connect your 9100 to the computer directly by Ethernet.
If you connect to your Router see the guide on Darkmans site.

You may find the guides on Darkmans site such as Lan Networking better as they include screen shots.

You need :-

1. Cat5 (or Cat6) CROSSOVER cable and an ethernet socket on your PC.
(If you get a Patch cable use a crossover adapter - www.mapl*n.co.uk/Search.aspx?criteria=A07AB&source=15&SD=Y).

2. Original Image 005. Others report Juliet 005 can be used instead. However I used Original 005.

3. Juliet Image 006.

4. EMU's camd3881.tar.gz (Not camd3882!) & newcamd 610.tar.gz. (DO NOT UNZIP THEM!)

5. Satankeybundle Keys.

6. Dreambox Control Centre dcc v2.92.

7. Technomate Control Center 5.


Set the Computer Up To Talk To The 9100.

Start, Control Panel, Network Connections
Right Click on Local Area Connection.
(If disabled, click enable)
Click Properties
In the box "This connection uses... highlight Internet Protocol, & click Properties
Select Use The Following IP Address & fill in the box's
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Default Gateway


Set the 9100 up to talk to Computer.

Expert Setup
Communication Setup
Enable Network - x
Port - 80


Set Up & Test Lan Networking

Start DCC292.

Select Direct Crossover.
Change the password to technomate.
In "This Computer" select
Click Search.
It should find the 9100. Select It & Accept.

It should now say :-
Telnet Connected
FTP Connected

Bootmanager: not found.

If it doesn't, see the Lan Networking guide on Darkmans site.

Close DCC.

Load the Image (Operating System)

(NB You have to first load original 005, followed by Juliet 006).

Remove any smartcards & CI Cams from the 9100.

Start Technomate Control Center 5
Click Update
Enter the IP address -
Enter ID - root
Enter password - technomate
Click Save.
Click Auto Update
Select the Original Image 005 folder
Wait until the download has finished
When it says Completed, turn the TM-9100 OFF/ON (from the switch on the back)
Do a Factory Reset. - Menu, Setup, Expert Setup, Factory Reset.
Set the 9100 up to talk to the computer again.
(NB Don't do a Satellite scan, you will loose it at the Juliet install).

Repeat the above, this time selecting Juliet 006.
This time do a satellite scan.

Install the EMU's (Softcam Emulaters). NB. Only .tar.gz files work with this procedure. Do not unzip them.

Select a FTA channel.
Remove any CAM if fitted.
Press blue button
Press red to stop all cams
press 1

Start DCC.
Select FTP.
In the left hand payne double click temp to open the temp folder.
In the right hand payne navigate to the folder you downloaded the .tar files to.
Highlight camd3881.tar.gz.
Click the blue < button to copy it to the left hand payne.
(You can probably also copy across newcamd610.tar.gz at the same time)
Close DCC.

Click install addons
click manual
click manual (not the top one! NB A common MISTAKE is to select Cam from this list instead of manual) - You should now see the cams waiting for you to install
move down to the file highlight it and press ok button
It should say install addons
When it disapears you can check you have the cam by exiting then pressing the blue button and scroll to see if installed.
press green to start all cams
Exit & reboot TM9100

If you didn't install both at the same time, repeat the above for the other EMU.

Install the Keys

Unzip satankeybundle.
Then unzip satan.tar.
Inside the var folder are 2 folders keys & scce.

Start DCC.
Click FTP.
In the left hand payne double click var to open it.
In the right hand payne highlight the keys folder & copy it across to the left hand payne.
Do the same for the scce folder.
Close DCC.

Reboot the 9100.


Manual Install Of CCcam 1.70.

Start DCC.
Navigate to & open the CCcam Bin folder.
Use FTP to copy the CCcam file into the var, bin folder.
Right click on it, select Attributes. Click 755. Click OK.
Navigate to & open the Juliet folder.
Copy ccam.emu to the var, Juliet folder & change to 755.
Press Blue & check if its there. If not, press 1, Remove Addons <Enter>, Exit & check again.


Watching Premier & TPS/Multivision Using MgCamd 1.23.

This is an upgrade from MgCamd 1.22, So first install mgcamd_1.22_newcs.tar by the usual method. Reboot.

Download & unzip MgCamd 1.23.

Change the name of the file mgcamd.ppc to just mgcamd

Using Notepad++ (Not the Windows notepad) open the mg_cfg & look at line 24.
Change from U: { 01 }
to U: { 04 }

Use DCC to FTP these 2 files to the 9100.

Move mgcamd to var, bin. Right click on it, select Attributes. Click 755. Click OK.
Move mg_cfg to var, keys.


For TPS autoupdate select France 4 & wait a short while.


Reboot when all else fails.

Turn off with back switch.
Press & hold the up button on the front of the 9100.

Switch the box on from the rear switch, & keep holding the up button until you get a boot screen,
then choose factory reset using the front buttons.


Don't forget

After loading the image hold in channel up and factory reset

do this every time


03-06-2007, 09:26 PM
just a little to add to this section regarding keys,
ive stuck the satan key plugin in the firmware section for auto updates (requires internet connection)


you can also modify the softcam file manualy using tux commander if you wish to change keys with the remote, i will leave a more indepth way of doing this once im 100&#37; sure on what files you need to modify for what (unless someone else does it first lol)

04-06-2007, 09:32 PM
to load the emus correctly you will need to set the file permissions on the transfered files as 755 (i use flash fxp to do this using this software you right click on the transfered file on the 9100 and select attributes chmod then change permissions to 775 and ok) other ftp will have the chmod options somewhere but you will have to hunt it out yourself as there are quite a few different ftp programs and it would be impossible to list the way to do this will all of them

to install the emu's without an auto installer you will need to copy a few files to various locations on your 9100

for example with the mgcamd emu

Mgcamd.uni - \var\.uninstall
Mgcamd - \var\bin
Mgcamd.emu - \var\juliet
Newcamd.list - \var\keys
Mg_cfg - \var\keys

using the ccam emu

Ccam.uni - \var\.uninstall
Ccam - \var\bin
Ccam.emu - \var\juliet
ccam.cfg - \var\etc

its vital you set the permissions of the files correctly

after this turn off your 9100 and switch back on, if every thing has gone ok you should be able to see the new emu after pushing the blue button

05-06-2007, 12:44 AM
@ zad

Aren't there any script or config files to edit after you FTP? I dont have one of these boxes...yet, but i know on dreambox if you manually install as you instructed you have to also edit some script/config file to get the emu to work and show up onscreen and this varies from image to image too, making it more confusing.

@ zad

Aren't there any script or config files to edit after you FTP? I dont have one of these boxes...yet, but i know on dreambox if you manually install as you instructed you have to also edit some script/config file to get the emu to work and show up onscreen and this varies from image to image too, making it more confusing.

there is a cfg file for some of them but ive installed these 2 this way without any issues but cant say for others

05-06-2007, 03:05 PM
by daone:-

channel list backups , or loading channel lists into the box

make sure you have downloaded the captains settings and the dreamboxedit 2.02 or later version. (does not matter) ( or dreamset )



1. Open up the dreamedit 2.02 software
2. Click into the options folder make sure your all your settings are correct to what is on your TECHNOMATE BOX you can test to see if all is working ok by clicking the test button next to each section.
3.Once setup is done and ok go back to the main screen and on the top left hand side click on the open button.
4.When opened go down to the bottom right hand side and and select the drive where your folder is with the channel settings.
5 Then click on the FTP button at the top left,
6.Tick the box send files to dreambox
7.Then press the send files to dreambox
8.They should start sending


In the FTP section you can also upload your settings from the technomate as well.

Hope this helps

********************************* ***************

serial loading

But do start the Technomate control centre first then turn power on and hold ok button

A quick reminder


1. Open Technomate Control Center 6 and set up the COMPort.Click on File and then go to Files of Type and click on the Down arrow next to it. Select Image (.img). Select the Serial Image (noboot) and click on Open.
2. Hold the OK button on the front panel, and whilst still holding the OK Button, turn the AC Power On. A black screen (uboot) will appear.
3 If it does not work, press the OK button again.
6. When it says Done on the receiver and Download Completed on the PC, turn the AC Power Off/On.

Don't forget

After loading the image hold in channel up button and do a factory reset