View Full Version : Original Image

03-06-2007, 07:28 PM
I been reading with great interest about the technomate 9100 series all day.

To upgrade to Joliet 006 it says you must first load Original 005.

I cannot seem to find this image anywhere.
Does it come on a disk with a new 9100?

I have just purchased one of these boxes and getting the tools ready ;)


03-06-2007, 07:55 PM
I been reading with great interest about the technomate 9100 series all day.

To upgrade to Joliet 006 it says you must first load Original 005.

I cannot seem to find this image anywhere.
Does it come on a disk with a new 9100?

I have just purchased one of these boxes and getting the tools ready ;)


so its not in here then ? ;)


03-06-2007, 08:02 PM
Its on Darkmans site along with everything else.

Would a mod like to post them here as well?

03-06-2007, 08:06 PM
Would a mod like to post them here as well?

I thought zad already had ?

03-06-2007, 08:17 PM
I'm sorry ech, I mis-understood

2. Origional Image 005.

3. Juliet Image 006.

I thought the term Juliet was like Gemini is to Enigma and so I thought Juliet 005 was pre Juliet 006. I was looking for file an Original 005.........muppet :redface:

I'm surprised it was not on Technomates website........ffs don't show me up and put a technomate link up too :redface:


03-06-2007, 08:19 PM
here m8 i have gettin a lot of good help on here about how to clart on with this reciever excelannte daone and the other member can t remember his name thanks anyway guys:cool:

03-06-2007, 09:36 PM
I'm sorry ech, I mis-understood

I thought the term Juliet was like Gemini is to Enigma and so I thought Juliet 005 was pre Juliet 006. I was looking for file an Original 005.........muppet :redface:

I'm surprised it was not on Technomates website........ffs don't show me up and put a technomate link up too :redface:


doubt you would find them on technomates website since the juliet and ur images are not official ones

hope you enjoy you box mate! dont bang your head off the wall too much when you get it lol.

and dont be afraid to ask questions.... it had my head battered at first

04-06-2007, 09:09 AM
@ ech

so its not in here then ?


I've just joined darkmans site and now I am clearer.

Original 005 is not Juliet 005 as I first assumed.

The link you have pointed to is Juliet 005 and not the original I was asking for.

Just thought I'd clear this up incase any other newbies are looking for the files

Anyway......got there in the end....... just waiting for my new toy now :)


04-06-2007, 09:52 AM
the juliet 005 image is the one you have to load before the juliet 006 image.

you do it ether via technomate control centre, mmc or a serial cable however the mmc way is the fastest and simplest way to do it

04-06-2007, 10:30 AM
glad you got there but I still have not so:D:
1. I load original 005
2. 006 juliet
then cc cam 1.71................

04-06-2007, 10:31 AM
thanks zad,
but can you explain why the tutorials all say load the Original 005 first and not Juliet 005?


04-06-2007, 10:32 AM
glad you got there but I still have not so:D:
1. I load original 005
2. 006 juliet
then cc cam 1.71................

that should be it...

mabie load some more emu's ie camd3 and some keys and that should be it!
then once your all done there will be a new image and you will have to start from scratch lol:D

04-06-2007, 10:33 AM
glad you got there but I still have not so:D:
1. I load original 005
2. 006 juliet
then cc cam 1.71................

thats exactly what I'll be doing when it arrives ;)

so do we load Original 005 or Juliet 005 first?


04-06-2007, 10:34 AM
thanks zad,
but can you explain why the tutorials all say load the Original 005 first and not Juliet 005?


think there just meaning original juliet 05 not original 05.
its all a bit confusing i know but mine is up and running fine now (was watching d+ this morning
running juliet 6

loaded juliet 5 via mmc then juliet 6 via technomate control centre and loaded emu's and keys manualy

04-06-2007, 10:39 AM
I always need to dot the i's and cross the t's before I start.


04-06-2007, 11:03 AM
I will do that also, will use the serial as usual.

04-06-2007, 11:11 AM
thats exactly what I'll be doing when it arrives ;)

so do we load Original 005 or Juliet 005 first?


It probably doesn't matter.

If you go to the Juliet 006 Image on darkmans site it says :-
"you have to download the Original 005 image first, then download the Juliet 006 image".

I did this, used the original 005 not the Juliet 005 & it worked.

Also with the EMU's. I loaded 2 and it works. I don't know if it needs both.........I just put what I did in the guide as best I remember.

04-06-2007, 11:32 AM
oh well looks like you can do ether!

ps a i would reccomend not using serial to do the original load as some people have said it can take over 30min to load.

your best off using a mmc card

04-06-2007, 11:35 AM
DB 7020 TAKES 30 MINS. so its okay for me.
But there is an automated function too with tcc 0.6, does that work

04-06-2007, 11:43 AM
oh well looks like you can do ether!

Guide amended.

04-06-2007, 11:48 AM
Use an SD card to update your images, i am sure everyone must have an old one in a phone some where.
It is so easy and fast, simply unzip all the files in the image folder and copy them to the root of the card- pop the card into the box switch on and wait until DONE is displayed on the box. Switch off remove card and switch back on.

04-06-2007, 11:57 AM

I am totally confused between the original images for this and the julliet images etc

so I have uploaded the originals into the firmware section , so if they are the same then I apologise now

personally , I am going to try a 16mb sd card or 64mb smartmedia card for the initial upgrades , and then an ethernet cable from my sly router for the rest of it

I expect it to be slow going as I know nothing about this box or linux , but I have a patched sammy 9500 and patched tm1500ci to fall back on so I will accept this box as a learning curve and may be some time before I see a picture on it

I am wondering if I have to scan channels in , or better still is there a recent list of channels I can use and save the hassle of scanning ?

04-06-2007, 12:06 PM
picture on it

I am wondering if I have to scan channels in , or better still is there a recent list of channels I can use and save the hassle of scanning ?

There are channel lists on darkman's site.

I think Captains settings in the dreambox section here might also be what you want????

I've just had a look at them with DreamSet 2.13. It covers every satellite from 90E to 61W, the vast majority of which I will never look at.

But there are some I want that are missing, i.e. the BBC Interactive channels. See my post "Viewing Interactive Channels" for more info.

Personally I like to scan, organise & check everything myself.

04-06-2007, 12:09 PM

I am totally confused between the original images for this and the julliet images etc

so I have uploaded the originals into the firmware section , so if they are the same then I apologise now

personally , I am going to try a 16mb sd card or 64mb smartmedia card for the initial upgrades , and then an ethernet cable from my sly router for the rest of it

I expect it to be slow going as I know nothing about this box or linux , but I have a patched sammy 9500 and patched tm1500ci to fall back on so I will accept this box as a learning curve and may be some time before I see a picture on it

I am wondering if I have to scan channels in , or better still is there a recent list of channels I can use and save the hassle of scanning ?

hello mate,
i used a 16mb sd card to do the original load (juliet 005)
then technomate control centre to do the second load (Juliet 006)

i also had to do a scan, there are some boquet lists but you still have to do a scan first to load the channels in.

still managed to get the images on and loaded other plugging and got a picture within a few hours

04-06-2007, 12:31 PM
Echelon, try the UR images as the Juliet images URL for downloads is not working.
Once you have done the initial setup and scanned the sat your dish happens to be pointed at, you can download cams direct. I found the key files were out of date for some channels so i used FTP to install them to start with. Then installed satan down loader and use that.

04-06-2007, 12:49 PM
that should be it...

mabie load some more emu's ie camd3 and some keys and that should be it!
then once your all done there will be a new image and you will have to start from scratch lol:D

Dont forget once the Original 05 & Juliet 06 image is on you need to install the Juliet UR FILE so you can add emu's ect :D

04-06-2007, 01:41 PM
the url file no longer works with the juliet image.

if you want to install emu's on this image you will have to do it manually.
however the ur006 image is working for the downloads however i cant say how long that url will stay active and there is no way of easily manually installing emus on this image

04-06-2007, 01:43 PM
Dont forget once the Original 05 & Juliet 06 image is on you need to install the Juliet UR FILE so you can add emu's ect :D
Lol:D anything else .....
No wonder they dropped the price:D

04-06-2007, 01:46 PM
i think once the new juliet image or ur008 gets the full relese these timley steps will go away (ur008 beta3 can be installed from factory so no need to mess around however its still a bit buggy

04-06-2007, 10:54 PM
julliet image 05, then reset to factory by pressing up key on reciver and on power button, goto factory reset, press right key on reciver.
once rebooted load julliet image 06, do same again once loaded, reset to factory.
then load url settings, i used dcc center. i think. then install satans key updater in plugins.

site down make a brew and enjoy puting satallites in or download from downloads= blue button on remote. plugins = yellow button, green button is satallite list etc, just press them and u will see.:)

hope this helps someone.

dreambox is defo going to sleep now.:D

hope i got this right i am bloody knackered.