View Full Version : DIANA: THE WITNESSES IN THE TUNNEL - c4 6 June 9pm

06-06-2007, 10:09 AM

Diana, Princess of Wales was perhaps the most photographed person in the world. Her death in a car crash in August 1997 stunned a world that had lived her life with her. The blame was put squarely on the photographers who surrounded her in death as well as in life.

For ten years conspiracy theories, claims and counter-claims have obscured what actually happened that night. Did the photographers chase Diana to her death in the Pont d'Alma tunnel? Were they too busy taking pictures to call the emergency services and did their presence hinder those services? They had witnessed and recorded one of the most terrible and iconic moments of the 20th century. But for ten years that night has plagued their lives.

This is the story of the photographers arrested that night.

The film uses some of the photographs that were taken by passers-by as well as professionals and helps to establish what went on in the tunnel that night. Some have not been seen on television before. They are the most precise record of what happened in the tunnel during the hour after the crash. One image in the film has been appropriately obscured to avoid any unwarranted intrusion into their privacy or that of their families.

For one night the press photographs became the most expensive ever, but when Diana died they became worthless. Those who possessed them were hounded and for some their careers destroyed. The photographers have never felt able to tell their side of the story... until now.