View Full Version : Anyone using the 9100 & a positioner

10-06-2007, 08:45 PM
Hi folks
I'm using the 9100 with a Pace 508ip which drives the h-h motor on the dish
Problem is you can not disable the motorised option on the 9100

Ive tried selecting non standard user defined but keeps referring back to disqec rotor option
When i select the one satellite option & move the dish to Astra 19.2 east & select a channel broadcasting ie BVN it comes up not available

I have to change the sat showing in the box below to get it to work

Anyone got any suggestions on working round this -was wandering if any 9100 owners have similar set up:confused:

10-06-2007, 08:53 PM
ive got mine set to satellites via diseq rotor and ive got the same setup as you, but i use my technomate 5500cip to move my motor.

Because it does not pick up the diseq rotor it just lets me move everything with my 5500cip and i never get anything about motors moving.

ive just read your post again , if you are using a loop what you need to do is move the dish then turn your pace receiver off, this is because pace will be setting what transponder that channel needs, and your technomate will only get the channels that are on that transponder.

If you turn the pace of the technomate will pick the transponder.

hope it helps


10-06-2007, 08:59 PM
i had the same problem with my humax

10-06-2007, 09:35 PM
Thanks for reply
The Pace is not connected to the loop its just to drive dish motor-previously owned the Hummie 5400z & using the HNF smart program i used to be able to switch off the motorised function

The Pace box is set up from old analogue days ie channel 1 = 19.2east channel 50 = 16.east etc

Will try the option you've suggested tomorrow- if i continue to mess with the damn thing tonight misses will be divorcing me:)

11-06-2007, 01:28 PM
catseye I have identical set up,except I wont be collecting my box from the UK till the end of the month,so keep going,and posting,will try to help,or be helped come july.dont know the box menu/settings yet,but would seem to be correct to set to diseq,I do this with my ss2 to get channels,also with metabox3 as well.

11-06-2007, 08:14 PM
Thanks for that m8 -will give it go & report back with findings

This box is one hell of learning curve-misses already moaning about spending more time with that bloody thing! etc:D

11-06-2007, 09:48 PM
Just to report back ive tried that method & keep getting message of please wait whilst motor is turning -stays on screen for ages
Ive had to do factory reset & start again-think i will go to bed :rolleyes:

11-06-2007, 10:11 PM
I use my Philips STU909 Receiver with SCC209 Positioner to drive my Fibo dish. i.e. the dish positioner is totally seperate from the 9100.

The 9100 gives the "Please wait while dish is turning" message until it finds a signal on the channel you have selected.

It probably thinks it is turning the dish & when it finds the signal for the channel selected it stops & displays the picture.

Hope that makes sense.

16-06-2007, 08:43 PM
Got it working ok using the disqec motor option -i deleted a lot of the unused & out of reach satellite positions -that way it runs a lot quicker
Cheers :)