View Full Version : TM9100 = What do you think?

12-06-2007, 07:07 AM
First A big thank you goes out to Echelon, A , TNT, Peggle, Zad , and countless others in sharing there knowledge on this box and have put in hours to explore this box ..but Gentlemen since we now have the TM9100 running for a short while I was just wondering what your thoughts were on this box?

For me the box every now and then freezes ( when satalite searching) , it also has every now and then decides to reboot .(Strange ),
1.Picture quality not bad
2.Tuner excellent
3.Putting some images on and installing the software can be easy then some can be a pain sometimes (maybe down to the user not following correct procedure's but for me its a pain lol)
4.I think this box is temperamental and needs to be tamed :D

OVERALL ..cant complain about the price of the box and what it gives but there are a lot of bugs still in this box that need to be ironed out.
So............................... .............................
1.What bugs and faults have you come across?
2.What features and benefits does this have for you?
3.Can you really compare it to the Dreambox?
4.Is it worth the money?
5 What else have you found good /bad in this box?
6.Are you happy with the TM9100 ?


12-06-2007, 07:16 AM
1. sometimes restarts for no reason (this bug is sorted in the new ur008beta5)
2 its quick and can be streemed easy and can be updated via my wifi laptop (no need to link a serial cable anymore)
3 aint got a dream so cant compare but from what i read there is no difference from the early stages (infact the tm has a better tuner)
4 worth the money? hell yeah!
5 the good thing is the amount of support for such a new tool! and the fact that it is so simple to use once you get your head around it.
6 to put it simply YES

its just one of those things! its a totally different box to what most people are used too and because of this some people are turning there nose up at it as it seems to complicated and cant do much for the moment.
however i remember when the dreambox hit the scene there was way more questions and it took a lot longer to get a good support team for the box.

12-06-2007, 07:44 AM
You won't get better value for £119 inc P&P.

So many extra features compared to a normal sat receiver.

However it is not recommended for people with little or no computer & satellite knowledge due to the complexity of programming it.

Still early days. My Humax 8000 & 9200 PVR's had several bugs for months after release & Humax are among the best for support.

I think it is normal these days for box's to be released like this.

I'm not clear who is developing the software, but it is being done & will certainly result in a much better box in the coming months.

Using Juliet006, it seems to reboot itself once shortly after I make changes, i.e. new cam, but then OK.

Only thing not mentioned elsewhere I can think of is the 4/3 - 16/9 auto switching doesn't work. Everything either one or the other dependent on the "Disable WSS on 4/3" checkbox.

12-06-2007, 09:17 AM
have to agree with most of the comments here

its excellent value for £109 and has a lot of promise for the future of this hobby

it is early days and the software can be buggy , as expected , but I am sure that the firmware and images will improve a lot , bugs ironed out etc

rome wasnt built in a day

but its not for the newbie

ideally you need to know a bit about pc,s , networking , files and folders , ftp and operating the menu by remote control etc

so a good and wide knowledge with the inclination to get the job done helps , especially when someone points you in the right direction or feeds you that little piece of the jigsaw you need to move forwards and upwards

its good but not perfect and I would also say it helps if you have another box like say a tm1500 just to be getting on with the usual tasks whilst you learn this new box

1) Picture quality seems fine to me , as good as my samsung or tm1500
2) excellent tuner as stated
3) agreed
4) agreed

so its not for the timid or faint hearted or tunnel vision syndrome user

it requires some thought , a working brain , good deductive processes and the abiity to work your way out of the fog towards the light

but when it works ................................. ................. :)

12-06-2007, 10:13 AM
so there

14-06-2007, 04:22 PM
same here very happy so far and has a fair bit to go, so happy have put my dm7020 up for sale, but still wont sell my tm1500s even the wife can use this little beast, my echo ad3600ipva will keep it till 100% happy with tm9100, then i will have a go for a hd reciever.

got to keep playing


14-06-2007, 04:40 PM
same here very happy so far and has a fair bit to go, so happy have put my dm7020 up for sale, but still wont sell my tm1500s even the wife can use this little beast, my echo ad3600ipva will keep it till 100% happy with tm9100, then i will have a go for a hd reciever.

got to keep playing


PM me with the price for your 7020 I may interested :D:D:D

14-06-2007, 04:45 PM
buggy but if the company SUPPORT IT it will be a great box.
If they have put the price down just to throw them out then I dont think this box will go far.
Time will tell.
The beta 5ur 8 image is an improvement
I want this box to go ahead.
As far as the tuner goes I find it no better than my 500 or 7020 si DB.

14-06-2007, 05:00 PM
Hated this box when I first got it (partly because it destroyed my motor), but recently there have been massive improvements. No random restarts since installing UR8 beta5 and now multiboot is an option you can have the best of both worlds (if Juliet ever release an updated image)
I worry a bit about why these boxes were so cheap so quickly, but I think the level of support they have already will see that they survive.

14-06-2007, 05:25 PM
Can you explain what this multiboot is ?
It looks like there is one source for support
DB ,REELOK, ITGATE Triple dragon are openly supported "linux open source".
A closed source could mean an early death
Maybe I am wrong.
BUT at £ 119 there is nothing really to worry about

14-06-2007, 05:58 PM
Can you explain what this multiboot is ?
It looks like there is one source for support
DB ,REELOK, ITGATE Triple dragon are openly supported "linux open source".
A closed source could mean an early death
Maybe I am wrong.
BUT at £ 119 there is nothing really to worry about

Multiboot allows you to install multiple images from different drives HD and Memory Card in this case

As far as I know TM is open source except for the bootloader which I think is needed for proper development of multiboot for TM

TM is meant to be pretty much a clone of the itgate so I don't think it will take long for things to get ported over from the igate but who knows for sure

Someone correct me if any of that is wrong I'm just going on stuff I've read so far


14-06-2007, 06:02 PM
It does not like working with the T-Rex Cam, and occasionally crashes/locks up.

Needs more work to be as good as a Dreambox, but early days yet I guess.:rolleyes:

14-06-2007, 06:07 PM
Just Have to Say ?????? [Juliet Image ] On the Dreambox was a Nightmare????? So Many Problems;)

14-06-2007, 06:23 PM
Just Have to Say ?????? [Juliet Image ] On the Dreambox was a Nightmare????? So Many Problems;)

I have to agree, it was not the best.

If only Gemini image would work on a TM-9100. :cool: :D :eek:

14-06-2007, 06:30 PM

Remember it well m8?? Had it on USB ?? Doing Updates with Emus?? Filled the USB Pen Drive [ Crashed ] ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL The Time?? Bloody Nightmare:eek::D

P.S Gemini images [ Bloody hate them Also ]

16-06-2007, 01:03 AM
The iboot program (allowing booting of different images from a memory card) is allegedly working on the 9100 (from another forum, although I can`t get it to work) My previous post in this section was a few days ago when i was feling fairly positive about the box, having spent the last 4 hours trying to get tps on mgcamd 1.23 and then iboot to work and failing with both, along with the multiple lock-ups, random reboots and having to use my old receiver as a positioner because the 9100 can`t seem to do disecq 1.2 properly, I will be putting it in a cupboard for a few weeks until a stable image comes out, or failing that on a well known auction site. I hope I`m proved wrong, but it`s looking like a case of getting what you pay for :(

16-06-2007, 12:16 PM
what do u think is the best image rabby, cheers :)

16-06-2007, 03:52 PM
for me ur008 beta5 is working well, so dont dare touch it at moment, but will tri iboot when ready to start crashing and beating my head again


16-06-2007, 05:08 PM
To be honest im still struggling, it freezes with my Trex and im having difficulty understanding all the advice,i appreciate all you people have put a lot of effort and im hoping someone will come to an easy user guide on how to set this reciever ,once again im not far from getting the knowhow of this box,but i would appreciate a simpler jargong thanks to all

16-06-2007, 05:34 PM
yup just like my dreambox 7000 at start. :)

16-06-2007, 05:59 PM
Why would anyone use a cam in a box that is capable of doing the same with softcams?, or am i missing something.

16-06-2007, 06:09 PM
my thoughts exactly :)

great minds.............. lol

as for a good guide , peggle has posted lots of good info , ably assisted by myself , goodolddad , zad , daone and several other ppl

I have been running juliet006 with mgcamd version 1.23 and copying just the softcam into the keys folder after a keychange , tps updates everyday no problem , and premiere , d+ and cabo are working fine

its not perfect , but nothing ever is , but I have no complaints in comparison to other equipment of simlar prices , and I am sure there are plenty of goodies just around the corner

in the meantime I have been updating tm1500 , clarketech 1500 and samsung 9500 so the old ones still work whilst I play with this new toy

as for multiboot , didnt understand any of it but hope to in the future , and hope the onboard video playback gets fixed in future releases

now if I could get my s** card in this box , a twin tuner for watching and recording , and somehow hook up a season interface to keep her indoors happy then that would be an achievement :)

either that or buy another box and teach her to operate it !!!

16-06-2007, 06:43 PM
its better to keep away friend couse to much crashes and the image is not so stable

16-06-2007, 07:15 PM
Why would anyone use a cam in a box that is capable of doing the same with softcams?, or am i missing something.

Lot's of Reasons. :)

Easier to program if your box is not networked.
TSM can often get more channels than softcams.

More to the point is why does the TM-9100 have a CAM slot if it does not work properly?

16-06-2007, 08:18 PM
I may have to reprogram my old dust covered trex and see what happens, on second thoughts maybe not. I did have troubles with it in my dapci maybe it is the way technomates poll the cam slots.

16-06-2007, 10:11 PM
I appreciate all your efforts and im not having a dig at anyone, but what im saying is what is a softcam maybe we should have a forum to explain what everything does and what excactley is an EMU , and what it does for example as i say its not a dig, just somwere to get the knowledge for these terms, by the way ECHELON you have been most helpfull and i appreciate all your work and all who have contributed

16-06-2007, 10:41 PM
what is a softcam ........what excactley is an EMU , and what it does

A softcam is an EMU.

It's called a softcam because it is a software program.

The softcam EMUlates a hardware CAM, so no need to use a Dragon CAM or other hardware CAM.

The encryption keys can be updated by editing a text file.

16-06-2007, 10:49 PM
Thanks Much Appreciated, Just Annoying When You Have A Cam It Does Freeze Up ,might Be Asking More Questions Soon , As I Say Thanks To All Who Have Put Time Andeffort ,hope To Put A Posative Input One Day.

16-06-2007, 11:10 PM
there is a softcam key files , containing the keys , which is updated daily

this softcam goes into var/keys/ and keeps them up to date , opening d+ as well as others

17-06-2007, 07:21 AM
9100 now £99, a bargain if only you want to further your knowledge.

17-06-2007, 07:40 AM
9100 now £99, a bargain if only you want to further your knowledge.
Now I am suspicious:D if the box is improving why drop the price

17-06-2007, 08:20 AM
Now I am suspicious:D if the box is improving why drop the price

does sound a bit strange but it may be down to a price war now since this has to be the most popular piece of sat equipment in ages

17-06-2007, 08:29 AM
Bet they are still making a good profit though.

Most of the cost is in design, & tooling the production line etc.

Once this is done they can churn out these type of box's for just a few pounds.

If sales are then many times the previous level they are quids in.

On the other hand the box's were too much bother & they are flogging the remainder cheep just to get rid of them......

Time will tell......

17-06-2007, 08:30 AM
must admit very tempted at £99. Usually if a price comes down as much as this its because of too much stock or most likely a new box is just about to come out.

Anyone know if somethings happening at Technomate?


17-06-2007, 08:52 AM
must admit very tempted at £99. Usually if a price comes down as much as this its because of too much stock or most likely a new box is just about to come out.

Anyone know if somethings happening at Technomate?


to be honest since i now have my head around it (and seems fairly stable for me however not using the pvr side of things) im well happy with my purchuse.

it can open tps prem and d+.

more than worth it, not to mention the fact that nearly all the dm software will run on this makes it more than futureproof even if technomate no longer manufacture the product.
there is already loads of people with this box that are helping to improve it along with the teams that are making the images as well.

dont think this is going to be a short lived box unless they bring out a new version that also has hd support. but to be honest with you this would not make any differance to me as this is more of a project of opeing the channels not viewing them

17-06-2007, 09:07 AM
Maybe they are stopping production, they could open the source let the lads play and sell ten times more

17-06-2007, 09:15 AM
i am going to buy one :O

is this a good replacement for a dm500?

17-06-2007, 09:27 AM
i am going to buy one :O

is this a good replacement for a dm500?

bit more of a headache to start off but yes it could be concidered as a good replacement

17-06-2007, 09:42 AM
bit more of a headache to start off but yes it could be concidered as a good replacement

just ordered one for the bedroom for the time being and to see if it takes off and to replace my dm500 downstairs

just thought tho, how can i use both a technomate and dreambox to control the same motor?

is this possible with a switch or something, i completley forgot before i ordered, would of liked to have control from both box's

is this possible?

17-06-2007, 09:48 AM
loopthru will allow either box to operate a motor , but the main should be on standby when operating the slave

or you could have a twin or quad lnb and just use one box to drive the motor

or use a manual A-B switch

17-06-2007, 09:54 AM
loopthru will allow either box to operate a motor , but the main should be on standby when operating the slave

or you could have a twin or quad lnb and just use one box to drive the motor

or use a manual A-B switch

right so this is possible, thats good news

and putting main box on standby when using slave, is fine.

last resport would be to use a twin lnb, which i need to get anyway and use one box to power motor (twin lnb, do you mean an lnb that has two output connections, or an lnb that is two lnb's joined?)
not sure what to do with an A-B switch, will have to investigate

which would you recommend


17-06-2007, 10:03 AM
In the image intallation programs there are provisions for a technomate 9101, i am assuming it will be either with a hard drive already installed or it will be a HD version, what ever it is it will not be as cheap as the 9100 at the moment.

17-06-2007, 10:06 AM
I cannot recommend any option as that is down to your personal usage

by twin lnb I meant an lnb with 2 independent outputs , and for quad I meant 4 independent outputs

personally I tend to use the quads for sly plus as they cost about 12 euros on fleabay inc delivery , and they fit into standard 40mm collars

so one box can drive the motor and up to another 3 boxes can also be added if required , and with a quad you can always leave 2 outputs unused for now

loopthru usually works fine as I have tested this on previous boxes , and costs a bit of cable and 2 f-conns

manual a-b switch - never had one but seems a simple operation as its only a 2 way switch , but leaves 1 box disconnected

my own preference would be a quad lnb , and have 1 box driving the dish

you can always use some form of infrared system to get remote control commands from 1 room to where the boxes are , like global , marmitek or blueblaster

17-06-2007, 10:13 AM
ok thanks for that

so a sky quad lnb will work on all sats?

i didn't know that!

17-06-2007, 10:22 AM
ok thanks for that

so a sky quad lnb will work on all sats?

i didn't know that!

yes but make sure the one you get will fit the feed arm on your dish

17-06-2007, 10:30 AM
yes but make sure the one you get will fit the feed arm on your dish

ok cheers

i am thinking more about this manual A - B switch

this is my current setup

dm500 downstairs, with the cable going out through the wall, to the motor on the outside wall , motor is a superjack dg120

when i receive my technomate 9100 this will be upstairs in the bedroom

currently i have wf100 cable coming in from the dish on the outside wall into the bedroom, and i was hoping i could use this cable for the new box

now my question, where does the A - B switch go and would i have to remove the cable from the bedroom and have that going into the switch into the living room or vice versa

probably sound like obvious questions but i am trying to get my head around how a switch would work, i know it cuts off one channel , but how would it be setup, with my setup

dm500 downstairs - cable from dish on outside wall directly into living room
technomate upstairs - cable from dish on outside wall, directly into bedroom


17-06-2007, 10:32 AM
I tend to get the zinwell , or thomson , or skyware ones

as long as it uses a 40mm collar , then you can use it

some have plastic lugs which can be sawn or filed off or whatever

once you have it smoothish and looking round , then it will go back in its own collar or in a standard 40mm lnb holder

if there is any slack , wind a couple of lengths of black tape around the lnb collar area first to bulk it out slightly

I have one fixed zone 2 dish with 3 of these on for 28e , 19e and 13e , and a fourth single lnb on 42e

I also have a fixed zone 2 dish pointed at hispasat with a sly quad on it as well and all connected to 4way or 8 way diseqc switches

ps:- just to add the bearings are shot on my stab motor due to the weather/wind , so that is why I prefer the mainly fixed dish options nowadays as they are more stable and easy to setup

your A-B switch needs A to one box , B to the other box , and common to the motor and dish

so I suppose you could disconnect the motor cable and try to get it into the bedroom as A , then use the other one from bedroom to motor ( common ), and finally a cable from the B on the switch to the tm9100 in the bedroom

so the switch and tm9100 are in the bedroom , and the dm500 stays downstairs

17-06-2007, 10:57 AM
A word of warning, make sure the A-B box is break before make.

17-06-2007, 01:00 PM
cheers echelon that could be a plan....
@ goodolddad, what do you mean


17-06-2007, 01:42 PM
There are a few cheap switchover units on the market that do not break the connection from one lead to the other before switching, so it is possible to damage the voltage line that feeds the polarity ghanges in the lnb.
When you purchase one do it from a reputable Sat dealer, and ask the question.

17-06-2007, 02:44 PM
ok cheers

looks like i am going to have to buy some more cable, cable i have is not long enough

what is the max size length of wf100 cable i can use before i start to lose signal quality

17-06-2007, 06:44 PM
can you use a dreambox channel list on this 9100

17-06-2007, 07:22 PM
can you use a dreambox channel list on this 9100


17-06-2007, 07:33 PM

nice one