View Full Version : Horizontal all over the Place

13-06-2007, 12:13 AM
All horizontal channels on my system are blinking in and out. I replaced the LNB to no effect. Could it be the Hummy? If I twist the LNB so that the horizontal becomes vertical (if you see what I mean) the H. signal stabilizes but the V. goes wonky. It also affects my DVB card which is passed through the Hummy. Anyone any ideas please? Cheers.

13-06-2007, 07:57 AM
i have known the tuners to go down like this but its not very common.

since you have changed the lnb you have ruled that out so i suggest you disconnect your dvb card and try again see what happens, if its the same change the cable and if it does still do it you have ruled out everything else and its more than likely the box

you could try checking the voltage output from the humax with a multi tester and check to see if you get 13v and 18v respectively for horizontal and vertical if you dont its more than likely down to the surface mount regulator (lm series chip if i remember rightly) if you do get the correct voltages is more than likely down to the tuner (providing its not the cable!!)

14-06-2007, 11:15 PM
Also are you using a diseqc motor? if so this could be affecting the lnb voltage and making it unstable.

15-06-2007, 12:21 AM
Thanks guys. Will give it a try. Just one thing; how could the cable affect it?Do you mean it could have perished or become cut or something?

15-06-2007, 06:31 AM
Thanks guys. Will give it a try. Just one thing; how could the cable affect it?Do you mean it could have perished or become cut or something?

it is doubtful if everything on one polarization is correct but there has been people with this type of issue before due to perished/worn cable

18-06-2007, 01:17 PM
and a squirrel started eating the main cable a few years back, also ants set up home in my actuator, so annything is possible.

voith driver
18-06-2007, 06:04 PM
hi bozz,
the fact that you are talking about turning the lnb suggests that it reasonably accessible, but after reading your post, it puzzles me, i mean, the horizontal is for arguments sake is 0 and the vertical is 1, so if your box is looking for a 0 channel, and you have just rotated the lnb to a 1 position, then surely it would not be getting the signal it wants it would be out of tune for want of another word.
and the same would apply to the vertical request.

anywho, if you are not getting any joy, and you are lucky enough to be close to the dish, then make up a short lead and using a portable tv, test the whole shebang using the new short lead, directly to the lnb, bypassing the motor.

or else, cheat, and ask your m8 to lend his stb to test on your line, or the reverse, and you could eliminate your box as the problem.

if its blinking, it could be lead flapping, and changing the lnb is not the hard and fast solution it would seem, i know someone who rotated three, that he had laying around (to come in handy) and all three ended in the bin.


23-06-2007, 12:38 PM
For anyone interested, I unplugged the through feed to the PC DVB card and (although not immediately) Horizontal is functioning again. I am still plucking up courage to plug the DVB Thro back in incase it all goes t*ts up again.
The replacement LNB was brand new, so would hope that's not the problem and Voith, just to confirm that twisting the LNB definitely allowed reception of one or the other polarizations. Infact I was trying to find a halfway position in my desperation - to no avail.

Anyway, I don't really think it's cured but I will live with it for now.

And thanks to everyone for showing an interest. The clues you give to try to move things on are invaluable.

voith driver
23-06-2007, 02:49 PM
hi bozz,
yes Zad did suggest taking the dvb card out of the equation earlier, while you are twiddling with the lnb, it would not hurt to rock it until you have the best picture, as this is part of the initial set up when installing.
at least you know what is causing the problem now

happy viewing