View Full Version : sbcl version 1.0 i problem.

15-06-2007, 11:56 AM
hi having a bit of bother with this lads .. i have cc cam installed with newcam and cam d .. checked all my setting they are correct meaning ip adress and so on i have config the ccam file and newcam . and transfered to ddc opened loader sbcl seems to kick in then say disconected refering to ip of technomate what am i doing wrong .. i have read about 6001 port on router.....p, s ( loader sbcl set to 6001 okay ) how do i get to that ..:confused: so somthing small amiss .. can t figue it out .. help please thanks ..

15-06-2007, 12:04 PM
there are stickies with help on using sbcl

having said that , most ppl including myself are using mgcamd1.23 as it gives tps au , and also premiere , as well as d+ and cabo , and no sbcl needed

hope this helps

15-06-2007, 12:31 PM
Agree with E, MgCamd is a much better option.

I added a guide installing it in post 1 of my installation guide.

15-06-2007, 01:05 PM
thanks loads guys very grateful:)

15-06-2007, 08:16 PM
the film chanels belonging to premier .. they use to come up as tv 1 etc on tm 1500 ..can t seem to find them on scan are you guys picking theses up on the 9100 and are yous reciving premier 1 to 4 aswell ...

15-06-2007, 08:56 PM
Select Premier Direct & press green button to get the sub channels (On Juliet, not sure about UR). Time shown is film start time.

Same works for Sport & Erotik.

All Premier including 1 to 4 working OK.

15-06-2007, 09:15 PM
Select Premier Direct & press green button to get the sub channels (On Juliet, not sure about UR). Time shown is film start time.

Same works for Sport & Erotik.

All Premier including 1 to 4 working OK.

ar right peggle cheers m8 sorry to bother you again ... what emu are using at the moment excatley . .. thats clearing im still not getting prem tried everything i get get d + .. WITH CAMD 181 .. i have got mgamd 122 and the 123 zip but tried the altered 2 files and still no joy .. :frown: pain in the backside heads done in ..

15-06-2007, 09:29 PM
mgcamd1.23 gets prem , d+ , cabo and is au on tps as well

the prem direct channels may come up with strange names , but I loaded the captains channel list after scanning the sats

or use the portal as peggle says ( the way the subscribers do it )

15-06-2007, 09:51 PM
echelon and peggle thanks so much i have just getting to decrypt prem after loading nearly al emus .. i must say the guides and information are second to none on satpimps :) much easier to follow excelant spot on mint tottally class ... no 1 thank yous :cool:

15-06-2007, 09:58 PM
i have put it down to the ddc somtimes not moving the file properly .. in the end i was double checking every move .. it actually cleared on mg1.22 champion .. cheers :)

15-06-2007, 10:02 PM
I have started using mozilla firefox and the plugin fireFTP

you can use this to load in the softcam key as well after d+ change the key

and you can use the right mouse key and load attributes on any file and put it as 0755 in the box , if and when necessary

15-06-2007, 10:13 PM
i maybe heading that way m8 .. almost certain .. i supose i will learn by mistakes ... i am away to bed keep the lass happy got a bad head .. thanks echelon ever so much m8 .. i be back for more info thats a gauranteee lol :):)