View Full Version : ufc 72

15-06-2007, 05:36 PM

starts 8pm sat

post here if you find it ta

16-06-2007, 06:31 PM
would of thought a few of you who are interested would of replied

no UFC fans about?

not long now

16-06-2007, 07:36 PM
its on ntl ppv if thats any help to you.

16-06-2007, 07:39 PM
its on ntl ppv if thats any help to you.


its also on setanta ppv

but i am awaiting a feed coz i am a cheap skate


16-06-2007, 07:42 PM
if its the same setana thats on freeview no,i just checked the epg.
plus bravo wil repeat tommorow.

16-06-2007, 07:44 PM
if its the same setana thats on freeview no,i just checked the epg.
plus bravo wil repeat tommorow.

yes but this is through a sky digibox as far as i am aware and you have to pay for it

not sure bravo will shot it tomorrow, with it being a PPV in this country

16-06-2007, 10:17 PM
bravo usually always show it the next night i tried to check but n l epg it a total screw up at the moment only shows 6/12 hours advance.

ive got money on 3 fights first one down the pan,:D

16-06-2007, 11:12 PM
bravo usually always show it the next night i tried to check but n l epg it a total screw up at the moment only shows 6/12 hours advance.

ive got money on 3 fights first one down the pan,:D

wont be on bravo with it being a ppv in the uk

no sense in zuffa/ufc to allow bravo rights to the ppv event the next day to distrubute it free, when they can cash in with ppv

so not on bravo unfortunatly

16-06-2007, 11:16 PM
as i said cant check for you but will do tommorow,my m8's in work always watch on the sunday so cannot see reason why they change it this weekend,but u never know.

17-06-2007, 08:51 AM
as i said cant check for you but will do tommorow,my m8's in work always watch on the sunday so cannot see reason why they change it this weekend,but u never know.

like i said mate

bravo get to show it to the uk free the next day, if the main event is ppv in the usa or somewhere else other than the uk

bravo is not allowed to show it the following day after a PPV event, because it is a potential loss of ppv ratings if they were allowed to do this, people might think, agh i will wait for bravo to show it tomorrow, then the ufc would lose money

so it wont be on bravo following a PPV event in the uk

cheers anyway, will watch it today from somewhere else :>

17-06-2007, 09:40 AM
i'm not much of a fan , but wouldn't want to miss out on the heavyweight fight , randy couture vs that brasilian fighter who beat the crap out of crocop in manchester .

is this fight scheduled later this year ?

17-06-2007, 01:02 PM
yes they were advertising it during the show last night was either july or august.

17-06-2007, 01:42 PM
i'm not much of a fan , but wouldn't want to miss out on the heavyweight fight , randy couture vs that brasilian fighter who beat the crap out of crocop in manchester .

is this fight scheduled later this year ?

I was at UFC72 in Belfast last night and I asked Randy when the fight was but I can't bloody mind now the exact date but I know he's fighting in mid August for UFC 74 and UFC.com hasn't the date confirmed yet.

Oh btw, Rampage Jackson is a right arrogant and big headed idiot. I hope Henderson kicks his ass.

17-06-2007, 01:42 PM
great so it's announced then , i'll keep that in mind .

do you know if there's any chance of seing fedor emilienko fight these ufc heavyweighters in the near future , that would be a cracker !

17-06-2007, 01:49 PM
It won't be for some time from what I've heard. I don't think Dana White wants the Pride guys to walk in and snap all the titles up but then again, the heavyweight section does need some big addition.

I think Shogun will make his UFC debut before Fedor so we will have to see him first before Fedor.

17-06-2007, 08:25 PM
UFC 73:
Anderson Silva vs Nate Marquardt
Sean Sherk vs Hermes Franca
Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira vs Heath Herring
Tito Ortiz vs Rashad Evans
Frank Edgar vs Matt Bocek

UFC 74:
Randy Couture vs Gabriel Gonzaga
Georges St. Pierre vs Josh Koscheck
Hayato Sakurai vs Diego Sanchez
Joe Stevenson vs Kurt Pellegrino
Tim Sylvia vs Frank Mir (Maybe Frank can break Sylvia's arm for good this time?)

UFC 75:
Quinton Jackson vs Dan Henderson
Mirko Cro Cop vs Cheik Kongo
Bisping vs Hamill