View Full Version : TM9100 + Diseqc 1.2 motor setup...help!!

17-06-2007, 04:19 PM
Hi all
Just took delivery of my new TM9100, having had a Sammy DSR9500 before.
I have spent ages reading various guides but now I am stuck and desperate for advice.
I have a Diseqc 2.1 motor with a 1.2m dish attached. I set the motor to point dead South to start with, then I set up the box, moved the dish until I found a good signal, then found some channels on 1deg West. I saw where to select 'many satellites via diseqc rotor' and selected the 'goto x' function. So far so good.
I didn't see an easy way to make it store the satellite position, nor to calculate the positions of the others relative to it. I knew I would lose everything when I installed a new image so I wasn't too worried.
I then followed the instructions to install the Juliet image and I think that went OK. I can see a small 'Juliet' icon when I switch to normal channel display. However now I can't seem to find a decent signal anywhere, no matter where I point the dish. Also I just can't work out how to perform a 'Multisat Search'. I see a list of different Satellites, I choose the ones I want it to scan, it then takes ages and finds nothing. I guess the dish might have gone out of alignment, but it's a long shot. It's on my roof so I want to eliminate all other options first. I am guessing that I'm not doing the right thing in the menus somewhere - but where??
Can anyone please provide simple instructions to....
- get a diseqc motorised dish set up ready for connection to the TM9100
- get the TM9100 to recognise the motor correctly
- get the TM9100 to scan for multiple satellites (ones that can be seen from southern England)
- get the TM9100 to store everything correctly for later use
I know I'm asking quite a lot. It's clear that most of you had no problem with this bit, as your systems are working now. It just seems much more complicated than my old Sammy and it's not obvious to me....:frown::frown:

17-06-2007, 04:36 PM
first of all , just confirm you put juliet005 on the box , then factory reset it , then juliet006 on the box and factory reset it once more

so it should now be using juliet006 after a factory reset - correct ?

if so , I have heard of problems with diseqc motors , and I havent tried on a motor , only a diseqc 4 way switch , which works fine

one thought I had was use your sammy if you still have it to lock onto a sat , then scan it , then another and scan it , so say 1 west , hotbird , astra1 and astra2 , hispasat

then load captains channel list if you so wish ( I did )

now disconnect the sammy used as a positioner , and then try to get these sats back , knowing the box has the channels already stored

ps:- I think you mean a diseqc 1.2 motor , not 2.1 !!

17-06-2007, 05:40 PM
Thanks for the tips.
I only loaded Juliet 5 - I was following a 'how to' guide that didn't mention version 6. I will do that after completing this response.
I found the lack of signal was a loose cable between LNB and Motor (fixed after a short trip onto my roof).
Yes I did mean diseqc 1.2 not 2.1 :redface:

I need a simple guide which says how to do initial setup, then scan for (and store) the satellites and channels if you have a diseqc motor. The menu system isn't that great and I'm fumbling my way through it. Do I have to steer the dish manually to a Satellite to start with, and scan for channels, store them, and then go on to a multi-satellite scan? Or do I just connect everything up and go straight for the multi-scan (surely not?!?)?

I can't reconnect my old Sammy as it died :frown: during the storms earlier this year, rainwater came down the inside of the cable, got into Sammy and blew it :eek:
The water then dripped from Sammy into my SLY box and from there into my DVD recorder. Total disaster.

17-06-2007, 05:57 PM
I am using a diseqc switch but connected to 1 sat at a time and scanned and stored the sat , then another etc until I had 4 done

then I set mine to 4 way switch , and tested it all

I havent used a motor as mine is faulty bearings and not tracking the arc properly so cannot help with motor settings at the moment

dont do anything until you are on either juliet006 or ur006 and this must also be after a factory reset from installing 006 ( ie:- do it every time )

its nothing like your samsung ( I still have one on that stab motor ) , but its good when you are up to speed and its working :)

17-06-2007, 06:46 PM
Thanks for the info. I have Juliet 6 on there now, and have gone straight into an 'Automatic Multisat Search', having selected the satellites that are visible from the South of England. The scan takes ages. I'm still not clear on whether it's the right thing to do. All I can do is hope that someone else has a similar setup to me, and has sussed out what to do....

17-06-2007, 08:24 PM
I have a disec 1.2 motor and used a tm 1500.I connected the tm 9100 loaded the images then went into setup,Sat install + tp edit.Auto sat scan.highlight the sat you want and press okay.It will now scan for sat,For 19.2 mine showed snr 68%,agc 76%,ber 0%.Press green to start scan,after finish it asks if you want to scan another sat.Scan as many as you want.Hopefully your previous recorder settings are similar to the new tm 9100 and it will pick up the channels without having to move your dish.It worked for me so hopefully it works for you.

Sorry I should have said to save your longitude and latitude settings the same as your old receiver.