View Full Version : dish size question

18-06-2007, 08:55 AM
Hi all,
Want to ask a question that for sure will seem stupid to most you but bear with me please.
Why do most installers insist on putting a fixed dish of at least 80 cm on for receiving hotbird when the portable dishes for caravans seem to be able to do the job well with dishes of 40cm and even less?
thanks for any clarification.

18-06-2007, 08:59 AM
I would think it is in order to get more channels , as you wont get fringe channels with a 40cm dish

but if the channels you want are strong and available on a small dish then you dont need a bigger one

and there is always the possibility of you wanting to fit a monoblock to get astra1 as well , and you need a bigger dish for that

18-06-2007, 09:01 AM
Got it. Thanks echelon for the quick reply.

18-06-2007, 09:13 AM
Also, in a fixed dish setting, you want to have bad weather reserve. With the camping setup, in a heavy rain or even heavy clouds you see the channels disappearing very quickly.

Hotbird (all off it) will need a fixed 80cm to give you better then 97% reception all the time, besides, the often inexpensive 80cm dishes that are sold in the supermarkets these days have often only 70cm or less performance.


19-06-2007, 03:36 PM
Thanks Chris. I was hoping to have little dish on my house that will be almost invisible but will go for 80cm now.
While I am at it, another question. I have a 1.2 mtr dish that I use to view Sky UK(centre Italy). i wanted an installer to put a bracket with 2 lnbs so that I can use the same dish and get hotbird and astra. The answer that I got was that my dish is ********* and to be able to get hb and astra on the same dish, the dish need to be elliptic. Is this really the case? The installers in my neck of the woods are not really daring and I don't know enough to contradict.

19-06-2007, 03:38 PM
ooops don't know why my post has **** in it. Happened automatically. The word that I used was p a r a b o l i c which is the word the installer gave me. Forbidden? Means something bad? :confused:

19-06-2007, 04:42 PM
its presumed its going to be used in an insulting way, its kind of weird!

I got side tracked, a 60 cm seems a good compromise for an astra/hotbird system in the south of Britain, the weathers got to be pretty bad for you to lose much.

19-06-2007, 04:45 PM
ooops don't know why my post has **** in it. Happened automatically. The word that I used was p a r a b o l i c which is the word the installer gave me. Forbidden? Means something bad? :confused:

its a sat dealer;)

tho now you mention it, it does seem a bit rude

" ive got a right pain in the old para.....":D

19-06-2007, 04:49 PM
ive got an old 60cm on 13e, with 19.2e offset havent had any weather issues!

19-06-2007, 08:18 PM
its a sat dealer;)

tho now you mention it, it does seem a bit rude

" ive got a right pain in the old para.....":D

:D :D
havta be more careful in the future with these bad words....