View Full Version : Can someone confirm???

19-06-2007, 08:04 PM
From reading the posts in the forum, I understand that this box likes gb*x, can be used with a motor, setting up each satellite one by one. Load up Captains channel list for ease of use.

Ur 008 beta 5 (which I can find anywhere!!!) allows the use of a hard drive. Doesn't like cams (anyone got Diablo working)

From what I can gather any 05 image to start with and if someone can post 008 beta 5 straight to that image.

Can any one confirm the above is correct or not?

Many thanks


19-06-2007, 08:16 PM
I use juliet006 and g**x v2.25 worked ok on mine

beta software is not available to the masses , as beta means test , so you wont find it on any sites unless you are a beta tester ( the way it should be )

most hard drives work fine , its the playback thats a bit iffy on mine , so awaiting new software that hopefully fixes it

captains list works fine on mine

I donr have a diablo so no idea on that aspect

19-06-2007, 08:29 PM
Thanks Echelon. Hopefully someone with Diablo cam can confirm working or not with Stealth 2.03.

Hopefully a new image for helping with the Hard drive comes soon. Glad to see Gb*x running smoothly.

Pretty sure now I will get one this week:D

19-06-2007, 10:47 PM
Found the TM worked well with cams on factory setup, better than
Dreambox. Been busy getting Innovative up & running also waiting
for newer TM image.

Regards catoro.

19-06-2007, 10:48 PM
Ur 008 beta 5 is a full firmware image and can be loaded on any image without loading 05 first


22-06-2007, 10:34 AM
Thanks Echelon. Hopefully someone with Diablo cam can confirm working or not with Stealth 2.03.

Hopefully a new image for helping with the Hard drive comes soon. Glad to see Gb*x running smoothly.

Pretty sure now I will get one this week:D#

Running Juliet 09 beta on flash and UR8 beta 5 via iboot. Both work fine with Diablo Stealth 2.03, although I have had some problems with TPS AU not working on and off (just ust MGCamd1.24 and updat tps.au files for this now- seems more reliable)
To be honest, at the moment emus seem to be the easier option if you have your pc on most of the time like I do, much easier to update D+ keys etc this way then keying them into diablo menus. I`m sure the stealth team will come up with something soon to make me change back to diablo though.