View Full Version : TM9100 Problems

20-06-2007, 08:06 PM
Hi all, The problems I've read about this box so far, that peeps have reported, do any of you think that they might be hardware related rather than software?

20-06-2007, 08:07 PM
i would say software

20-06-2007, 08:09 PM
I don't have one of these box's but as a dreambox owner we know all about glitches and bugs and after almost 2.5 years I guess there will always be bugs with linux box's but trust me they are great fun:D
I might even get one of these to play with just because they look great value for money;)

20-06-2007, 08:22 PM
Been told today from a reliable source,that the reason these boxes are so cheap at the moment, {£99] is due to Technomate bringing out another 9100 with modifications made to it.
What modifications are being made I do not know,but I will try and find out over the next few days.


20-06-2007, 08:36 PM
nothing wrong with the hardware.
every aspect works just its over a few images at the moment.
once the developers get there heads around these issues and take on board the feedback from beta testers it will not be long untill the box works as fine as the dm series.

im having no issues whatsoever using the juliet 06 image (however not yet using it as a pvr, this is where this image has its downfalls)

as far as a future model goes the only thing they could do to it to make it "better" would be a hard drive as standard and hd ready

20-06-2007, 09:07 PM
nothing wrong with the hardware.
every aspect works just its over a few images at the moment.
once the developers get there heads around these issues and take on board the feedback from beta testers it will not be long untill the box works as fine as the dm series.

im having no issues whatsoever using the juliet 06 image (however not yet using it as a pvr, this is where this image has its downfalls)

as far as a future model goes the only thing they could do to it to make it "better" would be a hard drive as standard and hd ready


I am not having any problems with it either apart from the playback issue

and I dont think its hardware related either

once the software gets sorted it should be fine like most boxes are

well worth the money imho

20-06-2007, 09:31 PM
Been told today from a reliable source,that the reason these boxes are so cheap at the moment, {£99] is due to Technomate bringing out another 9100 with modifications made to it.
What modifications are being made I do not know,but I will try and find out over the next few days.


even if that is the case

it is a bargain for £99, all we need is the software to mature and we are onto a winner


currently running juliet 006 and multibooting UR 600

mainly using juliet i have had a couple of freezes, where i have been stuck in the emu menu and i also had to force power off the box cos it hung on a black screen on taquilla

these are all probably software glitches

so give it time and this will be more valuable than £99 in my opinion

i am sometimes getting audio sync issues, it seems when i change to a channel the audio is out of sync, but it eventually sorts itself out

it happens when i change channel, it's quite bad here

20-06-2007, 09:47 PM
Been told today from a reliable source,that the reason these boxes are so cheap at the moment, {£99] is due to Technomate bringing out another 9100 with modifications made to it.
What modifications are being made I do not know,but I will try and find out over the next few days.


Are you sure? Been told the next new box will be H/D and the price is to get them in the market so they can be played with and get some market share, then the price will go back up.
People are paying over the top for a dreambox as its the name and software, look at some of the boxes now less than £50 they are opening channels not just free to air.
If they can do a box for less than £50 what more is in the 9100 to make it twice the price, or a dream 7020 to be 7 times the price, just look at how cheap laptops are now.
Electronic are very cheap these days its the lable that costs


21-06-2007, 10:06 AM
it may be good strategy to the sell these boxes at this price, but the box didn't get released this week it has been around for over 7 months or so, and still has bugs and Jtag method is released quick too, maybe they expect problems. If it is software related then that is good as it can be fixed, if not then I don't think consumers will be forgiving technomate for dumping a problem box.

21-06-2007, 11:31 AM
it may be good strategy to the sell these boxes at this price, but the box didn't get released this week it has been around for over 7 months or so, and still has bugs and Jtag method is released quick too, maybe they expect problems. If it is software related then that is good as it can be fixed, if not then I don't think consumers will be forgiving technomate for dumping a problem box.

as i said before i have had no problems with this box what so ever! everything i have asked it to do it has done, i know there is prv problems but this looks like it will be sorted in the new full release of the ur images

there is nothing wrong with the hardware!
this is proved by every aspect of the box functions as it should its simply the fact that thee is no 1 image at the moment that will do everything correctly.

you have to give stuff like this time! after all how long did it take microsoft to develop vista and there are still bugs in it now

21-06-2007, 01:52 PM
Hi Zad
please read my issues i have had with this box and using juliet 006 , as i would obviously like to resolve these and i am especially interested in the TP signal issue that i have come across and other users have also confirmed the same problem over at *****, tell me what you think

To many issues for me

i have been stuck in the emu menu and i had to power off the box and back on again, happened a few times, also i got stuck on taquila and had to power off , so there are some issues but i bet this is just an image problem

i have had some sync issues with audio, seems others suffer from this problem to, lets hope it can be corrected with further software updates, as it is annoying

in juliet 006 when i fine tune my motor the motor takes control and goes nuts and starts moving about, doesnt happen all the time, but i had to power off about 8 times lastnight because of it

i do not like this as it could fk the motor up.

another problem i have noticed ,say for example i am on 28.2e and one tp is giving me a signal of 96% snr, but then i change channel still on 28.2e and i then get lower signal say 52% snr, i then have to tune that tp in by going to motor setup and find tuning it bringing it up to 96%, why can it not take the sat position for the whole satellite, instead it is doing it for each tp it seems

it does it on all different channels on the same satellite, even though it doesn't seem that the motor is moving when i change channels

16e is the biggest problem, i am getting 96% SNR on digit alb 6 but on the premium sports i am getting 52% , but i cannot tune it in any better?

is this a tuner issue, a technomate issue or a software issue

i do recall when using a technomate 1500, if i used a custom channel list, with the packages setup in the sat list, choosing say for example digital + would give a signal of say 90%, then i would goto the premier package under the sat list, and that would give a different signal reading, and no it is not because it is just a different tp and it differs slightly, there was a big difference and i would have to tune it in to match, similar thing to what i am doing with the technomate 9100, i hope this is not a flaw with technomate

do you or anyone else experience a similar problem to this?

my DB does not have this problem, just connected the DB and both digitalb and premium are the same signal strength, so it is not a lnb problem


as i said before i have had no problems with this box what so ever! everything i have asked it to do it has done, i know there is prv problems but this looks like it will be sorted in the new full release of the ur images

there is nothing wrong with the hardware!
this is proved by every aspect of the box functions as it should its simply the fact that thee is no 1 image at the moment that will do everything correctly.

you have to give stuff like this time! after all how long did it take microsoft to develop vista and there are still bugs in it now

21-06-2007, 02:42 PM
i must be the lucky one mate everyting seems to be peachy for me lol

as i say never tired the prv side of things but im pretty sure it will not work (hence why i have not bothered)

and as far as snr i have never noticed it below 80%

but as you say this is all software related and no doubt the image designers will get it sorted soon

21-06-2007, 10:46 PM
techmob why did you buy a tm9100 as you already have a db
i read on another forum a thread titled
poor mans dreambox tm9100
i was thinking of getting one myself
but i will now wait a few months

21-06-2007, 11:00 PM
I must admit my setup:
Juliet06, cccam. gbox255 and mgcam/newcs is very stable.
My recordings are perfect to a 20gb 5400 hd drive.
I'm very happy.

I also have ur008b5 and juliet09 on an sd card via iboot.
These two images seem to have loads of problems:-
cannot record
many lockups
many reboots
emu's no working

I also have a dreambox. The dreambox is solid but the tm9100 has the ability to record and I am using the two card slots so really I am getting more out of this new toy.

21-06-2007, 11:33 PM
techmob why did you buy a tm9100 as you already have a db
i read on another forum a thread titled
poor mans dreambox tm9100
i was thinking of getting one myself
but i will now wait a few months

''poor mans dreambox''....NO, from the folk involved on this forum in the '9100' threads, as said before, taking the same introductory path as the DB and hope that like the Dreambox.......hardware, tweak, firmware/software updates should see the box as a very price competative alternative.

Early days but the thread posters here have proved the receiver is capable...good work by them and the manufacturers/developers hopefully will feed from that input on their updates.

22-06-2007, 05:21 AM
just to add it is very stupid to say the tuner of the 9100 is better than the dreambox(alps). IT IS NOT.Lets stop comparing it to the dreambox.
I heard and read the sales talk, bought this box and now I know.
Sure give it a chance but many basics in the firmware are not okay, maybe the box has hardware problems.
This box reminds me of years back when emu on kaon first came it had teething problems back then it was the only box along with dreambox which had emu.

22-06-2007, 05:30 AM
Use the UR8 BETA 5 image. it is okay with the motor.
The signal problems I do have also and that is a firmware problem hopefully.
I dont say this box is garbage but its high time they fix the basics(audio/video/signal problems).
Maybe some boxes have a problem some dont

22-06-2007, 07:35 AM
another problem i have noticed ,say for example i am on 28.2e and one tp is giving me a signal of 96% snr, but then i change channel still on 28.2e and i then get lower signal say 52% snr, i then have to tune that tp in by going to motor setup and find tuning it bringing it up to 96%, why can it not take the sat position for the whole satellite, instead it is doing it for each tp it seems

it does it on all different channels on the same satellite, even though it doesn't seem that the motor is moving when i change channels

16e is the biggest problem, i am getting 96% SNR on digit alb 6 but on the premium sports i am getting 52% , but i cannot tune it in any better?

I use my old analog receiver to drive the dish & the built-in signal strength meter on it to fine tune.

I noticed when first setting up that the 9100 SNR would go to almost 100% as you drive the dish off satellite & just before loss of signal, whereas it would read between 70-80% when centered on satellite.

Therefore treat a near 100% reading as a week signal!!!!

Using Juliet 006 by the way.

22-06-2007, 08:17 AM
Use the UR8 BETA 5 image. it is okay with the motor.
The signal problems I do have also and that is a firmware problem hopefully.
I dont say this box is garbage but its high time they fix the basics(audio/video/signal problems).
Maybe some boxes have a problem some dont

i am trying to but i do not know how to install gbox on this emu


22-06-2007, 09:30 AM
I think the problems seem to be more noticable than usual with any other receiver, is that the 9100 has become that popular everyone seems to have just got one, or would like one.

If you go on all the sat websites it seem everyones gone out and bought the 9100, all you have to do is click on new posts and most talk is all about the 9100.

And most people have only bought since the price drop, i spoke to a retailer and he told me these receivers are flying out.

Ive had my problems but im well chuffed with mine, some people just think they can buy a receiver and hey presto there away, but it does not work like that.


22-06-2007, 10:20 AM
Whether or not Technomate are dumping this box soon, enough should have been sold to ensure the teething problems get ironed out by the image writers. Using Juliet 09 beta at the moment and having no problems (although not using as pvr yet).

22-06-2007, 10:33 AM
Whether or not Technomate are dumping this box soon, enough should have been sold to ensure the teething problems get ironed out by the image writers. Using Juliet 09 beta at the moment and having no problems (although not using as pvr yet).

are you getting a signal issue, where it shows say for example on 16e

premium 1-6 - 52% SNR
digitalb 6 - 96%


anyone know if the likes of gemini are working on this box?

22-06-2007, 12:50 PM
i am trying to but i do not know how to install gbox on this emu

from the auto download you can install gbbox 2.25, atleast I think so maybe I am confusing it with dreambox downloads