View Full Version : Update for UR Panel Downloads (latest Emu's)

24-06-2007, 06:17 PM
Back up the original one first in case this one stops working then you can go back to the old one

I've installed it but not downloaded anything to my box so its untested by me !

NOT FOR Juliet !


24-06-2007, 08:28 PM
I do not think that is a url as such, it is an xml file. The url is inside to try it in juliet copy the http link and save it as a url file, then you can copy it in to var/juliet.

24-06-2007, 08:39 PM
I do not think that is a url as such, it is an xml file. The url is inside to try it in juliet copy the http link and save it as a url file, then you can copy it in to var/juliet.

Its not for Juliet M8 its for UR don't stick any of those URLs in the XML in juliet as it works differently !


24-06-2007, 08:54 PM
I realised that but the reason for my post was that the actual download site the url`s inside pointed to may work in the juliet images, nothing lost by trying and you would not damage your box or image.

24-06-2007, 10:14 PM
More info regarding the url inside, it is the same as in the latest juliet beta image.
I have used the image and downloads are OK.

25-06-2007, 07:19 AM
IT WORKS var/etc is where you put it.

25-06-2007, 01:03 PM
I have used this in an image of ur008 on an sd card and it is working fine

doesnt seem to be right for ur006 for some reason ( different filenames and/or locations ? )

and I am not sure I understand how to use this in juliet006 which is in the flash on my box

so could someone either upload an amended url for juliet006 or explain exactly how to amend this for use in juliet006 ?

ps:- I pasted the url into an old url file using notepad , but the attachments are in folders on that site so using the main page url didnt work


25-06-2007, 01:17 PM
you cant use that file directly with juliet
however you can open the xml file in your internet browser. in there you will find the url locations for all the files drectly in tar.gz format

25-06-2007, 01:20 PM
thanks m8

yes I realised that last night and I did d/l the tar.gz files

what I didnt know was 2 things

1) if I could use the url like goodolddad said

2) and if I could use the self installer gz files on an mmc to get my juliet006 image working on my mmc ?

ps:- my juilet006 is working fine on my flash but mmc is a lot different

my aim is to get the various images all running on the 1gig sd card I recently bought , and at the moment I have ur008 beta5 working ok on that card

25-06-2007, 01:36 PM
juliet006 it worked differently so I dont think you can use this url, from what goodolddad said it sounds like juliet009 is now using the xml in var/etc

It was just a single url in juliet006 that went in VAR > JULIET


25-06-2007, 02:46 PM
waiting for my new mmc so i can install iboot and get up and running.

it will be a much better way to play with images.
is everything running the same, or is there new problems if your running from mmc?

25-06-2007, 02:51 PM
difficult to say at the moment as I am used to juliet006 and havent got it to decode channels on the mmc yet

but ur008beta5 is running fine on the mmc which I havent seen running on the box , but I dont think it matters where you boot from , flash or mmc image , the end results are probably the same

at the moment I have 3 images on the card , juliet006 , ur006 , and ur008b5 , and only ur8b5 works properly

all 3 work fine on fta channels at the moment

could be a while before its all up and running but as the flash remains the same you dont compromise the box itself , which is a great idea when these cards are only a few pounds to buy

my flash remains juliet006 at the moment and runs fine

25-06-2007, 03:44 PM
ok stupid question from me :rolleyes:

In the manual it says

MMC, RSMMC (With Adapter)
SD,mini SD (With Adapter)

I take it by that only the RSMMC, mini SD need the adapter and not the standard MMC and SD ?


25-06-2007, 03:52 PM
I would assume so

I am using standard size sd cards myself

so I assume that if you use miniature cards like mini-sd , you need it plugged into an adapter to make it standard size , and the same for any other miniature cards

25-06-2007, 03:55 PM
ok thanks M8

Wanted to know as my laptop supports standard MMC and SD so it could come in quite use full


25-06-2007, 04:26 PM
I have sent the url to upload for you to try in your juliet images. Don`t forget to copy your old one to a folder on your computer in case this one goes down.

25-06-2007, 04:29 PM
Images on an mmc card work fine, just remember to set up a large swap file 32 meg at least on the card. This is done via iboot.

25-06-2007, 05:35 PM
MMC transfer data rate 2.5MB per second
SD transfer data rate 10MB per second

That kind of swayed my decision that and the fact you can get Kingston Elite Pro 1GB SD £4 and ScanDisk Ultra II 1GB SD for £6 :)