View Full Version : Stream from PC to TV via DB500

25-06-2007, 06:56 PM
I've managed to stream from DB to PC but can't work out how to do it the other way round

Can I stream a ripped DVD from my PC to the DB?

25-06-2007, 09:45 PM
This is how to do it. posted by
Keith in 7000s section but works fine on my 500

Right guys I have come across a solution of how to stream from your PC to your dreambox, not the best way I'm sure but it does work.
This can't be done with Internet Explorer (at least I never managed to do it)
I did it with Firefox.

1) Download and install VLC ( VLC media center ) on istallation check the boxes moxilla plugin, ActivX plugin and File type associations.
2) Via the blue button on the Dreambox install the VLCfrontend plugin
3) Go to your web browser and type in the IP of your Dreambox.
4) Click on the stream button on the left.
5) Click on the settings button, this should bring up a new window.
6) Under server setting click on EDIT and change the settings accordingly (the server IP is the IP of your PC and the server CD/DVD Drive is the DVDrom drive in your PC) then click change.
7) Under VLC settings click EDIT and enter admin usre ID and Password then click change.
Now close the Stream settings window and the Dreambox browser.
9) Now you need to run DCC (Dreambox control center) and click on the FTP tab.
10) You need to edit the file called movieplayer.xml ( var/tuxbox/config )or ( /share/tuxbox/enigma/templates ) edit IP, username & password and drive letter. Remember to save after editing.
11) Launch your web browser and again go to your Dreambox browser.
12) With the DVD you want to watch in the PC's DVD drive click on the DVD tab. Abox will pop up just click OK and wait about 15-20 seconds.
13) Sit back and enjoy your movie.

This sounds more complicated than it actually is, so go on try it

Hope this helps others.

25-06-2007, 09:47 PM

Just to add I got it working with explorer. No need for firefox!!!

Good Luck!!

26-06-2007, 07:01 PM
This is how to do it. posted by
Keith in 7000s section but works fine on my 500

Right guys I have come across a solution of how to stream from your PC to your dreambox, not the best way I'm sure but it does work.
This can't be done with Internet Explorer (at least I never managed to do it)
I did it with Firefox.

1) Download and install VLC ( VLC media center ) on istallation check the boxes moxilla plugin, ActivX plugin and File type associations.
2) Via the blue button on the Dreambox install the VLCfrontend plugin
3) Go to your web browser and type in the IP of your Dreambox.
4) Click on the stream button on the left.
5) Click on the settings button, this should bring up a new window.
6) Under server setting click on EDIT and change the settings accordingly (the server IP is the IP of your PC and the server CD/DVD Drive is the DVDrom drive in your PC) then click change.
7) Under VLC settings click EDIT and enter admin usre ID and Password then click change.
Now close the Stream settings window and the Dreambox browser.
9) Now you need to run DCC (Dreambox control center) and click on the FTP tab.
10) You need to edit the file called movieplayer.xml ( var/tuxbox/config )or ( /share/tuxbox/enigma/templates ) edit IP, username & password and drive letter. Remember to save after editing.
11) Launch your web browser and again go to your Dreambox browser.
12) With the DVD you want to watch in the PC's DVD drive click on the DVD tab. Abox will pop up just click OK and wait about 15-20 seconds.
13) Sit back and enjoy your movie.

This sounds more complicated than it actually is, so go on try it

Hope this helps others.

I get a VLC front end screen..and a blue bar starts to build at the bottom. It manages about 4 bars and then the VLC front end screen starts again

Any ideas?

26-06-2007, 09:32 PM
I get a VLC front end screen..and a blue bar starts to build at the bottom. It manages about 4 bars and then the VLC front end screen starts again

Any ideas?

I have the same problem, I thought I was the only one, I cannot get VLC to work either way, I'm using Vista/Firefox/EI7 Tried alsorts and no go for me, even tried running vlc with xpsp2 compatibility!

Frustrated is not the word