View Full Version : Setting up Hard drive

26-06-2007, 11:01 AM
I have a Maxtor STM 3320820A hard drive inside my Technomate and I am running Juliet 006.

I set it up by clicking on the down arrow Selecting ext3 press the red button to Format and then Yes to reboot (Please wait 200GB over) when I play anything back I have recorded it breaks up.

Did I do anything wrong or is the Juliet image a little unstable with the Hard Drive.

Any clue how to sort the out would be useful



26-06-2007, 11:18 AM
its done that with every hard drive I have tried too

and I tried the ur008beta5 image from an sd card and no different

if you stream it to your pc , or ftp it to your pc and play it then you will find it works fine

its thought that using 160 gig 5400 rpm samsung spinpoint SV1604N drives may work , so just testing a brand new one now

26-06-2007, 11:21 AM
Opps, E beat me to it.

26-06-2007, 11:21 AM
Thanks Echelon. Read on another forum that people had hard drives working ok. But they are not saying how they set them up and got success. Is it the firmware (image) or the hard drive causing the problem. Hope it is the image as this could be corrected.

26-06-2007, 11:24 AM
well , just tried 2 playbacks on this new samsung spinpoint SV1604N drive and its still breaking up using the juliet006 image

I will boot the ur008beta5 now and try that one

I would think its the player and not the drives

26-06-2007, 11:30 AM
Thanks everyone for the input. Now I can see everyone is in the same boat not just me. Hope the image writers sort it soon.:D



26-06-2007, 12:40 PM
ok , booted ur008beta5 image from the sd card , but it wont let me record anything on the hard drive

I reverted to the flash which is juliet006 and recorded bbc2 and boomerang on tps and both played back fine , but hits24 on premiere suffers bad breakup , as did vh1 classic on cabo

so good and bad results , and unable to test ur008 to see if it improves or not

hopefully new images may work better