View Full Version : press red

28-06-2007, 09:41 PM
I've been asked by a gentleman I know to find out if it is possible to go interactive with a Humax HDCI-2000. I told him that I didn't think so but my brother in law has a Technosat and he can sort of go interactive with that, so maybe it is possible with the humax. If not, does anyone know how to access the extra Wimbledon coverage on BBC interactive, maybe tune them in as extra channels?

Thanks in advance

28-06-2007, 10:35 PM
astra 2 28*2 east
12441 v 27500
11954 h 27500
the above is what ur looking for.

29-06-2007, 12:30 AM
The joy of a non-Sly box is that you can just have the so-called interactive stuff as other channels so no wait hopping from one to another.

Only the news interactive is fixed - that is they transmit the 4 (or 6) screens as a single mosaic channel but, at least, you can hop from one audio to the next.

And all without that annoying red-button or menu overlay.