View Full Version : MV EPG and TuxWetter(New Weather)

03-07-2007, 10:11 AM
Hi mates
Trying to find these 2 plugins, recompiled for tm9100/itgate tgs100, but not succeeded so far.
May be someone here may help?
Running MV EPG and tux Weather on 9100, would make these excellent boxes even better.

03-07-2007, 01:07 PM
Heres MV EPG 3.5.3 for DS Images I installed it on DS3.2 but it locked up the box

Its auto install for DS


Menu->Extras->Download Addon->manual install

Don't know anyone who's had MV running on 9100

Do you mean weather X ?

I would recommend only testing on MMC


03-07-2007, 05:28 PM
Hi m8
Thank you very much indeed. Will try this version of mv epg, but tux weather i meant is here, f.e.

Have tried almost all versions of above mentioned, but with no luck. That's why i think that someone should specially recompile them for TM images.

03-07-2007, 05:36 PM
Inside the MV tar.gz there is a install.xml which is worth looking at and checking the files have the correct attributes
because mine weren't right when I checked

Your probably need to look at it anyway as when I used the uninstall it didn't remove it all ;)

PS : removed the link


03-07-2007, 06:33 PM
have tried by installing manually, but no luck - it asks either for some library or most probably should be recompiled:frown: