View Full Version : well i joined the family?9100

04-07-2007, 09:27 PM
ok got the technomate 9100 yesterday spent a few hours getting to know it?
had a few probs but got them sorted with some trail and error?

ok got it working ok as such but only prob i have with it at the mo is tuner probs ie on 30w it is missing some of the transponders ie a*n [cab*] is a no show and some others like no scfi etc etc yet when i plug the dreambox in it shows all channels weird prob just cant work it out tried diffrent images yet still the same
is there a cure for that prob.

but all in all it not a bad box yes there is some bugs but what box do not have probs?

so a recap tuner probs missing some transponders also did a nit search still naff all
so now im stuck help?


04-07-2007, 09:41 PM
Also a 9100 Virgin this week but have you tried loading the sat setting? PET123 as an example;)

04-07-2007, 09:51 PM
Also a 9100 Virgin this week but have you tried loading the sat setting? PET123 as an example;)

yes m8 put the captains settings yet still the same but will try pet123 just to see if that works there was a program for the dreambox that lets you search
all freq but cant remember the name it did a blindsearch well sort off? so going to try and find that to see if that will cure it?


05-07-2007, 04:14 AM
Try a manual search and enter the transponder details

05-07-2007, 07:29 AM
.... there was a program for the dreambox that lets you search all freq but cant remember the name it did a blindsearch well sort off?.....madian2

You may be referring to the plugin 'FeedsHunter 101'.
More of a forced step scan rather than a blind scan.

Not brilliant...runs with mixed success and erratic, most folk decide NOT to use it!

Different images carried different problems ie: freezing etc.

Attached zip here: 15797 15798

Unzip the file and FTP the three files to 'var/tuxbox/plugins'...CHmod/rights to 755, all three if in doubt!

Caution, remember.....compiled and installed on Dreambox, your receiver ???

05-07-2007, 08:28 AM
I'm having some problems with the tuner too...when I connect my TM9100 to my motorised dish (1.2m with SMW XL1000A LNB ) there's no lock or sync on any sat, I know the dish is tracking correctly and LNB works because my ancient Nokia 9600 has no trouble getting a signal from it.

Also the TM9100 is ok because it works great on a fixed 60 cm dish with ALPS LNB ( also tried and works with Inverto Silver tech LNB ) pointing at 13E.

So I'm waiting on a new C120 LNB for my motorised dish and hope it will solve the problem.

madian2 have you tried a different LNB ????

05-07-2007, 01:17 PM
yes got it sorted on 30w the freq digits were out a bit ie in tm9100 showing the freq as 12226 v 27500 3/4 but on the dreambox it is showing 12231 v 27500 3/4

so i put this setting in to the 9100 guess wot i have lift off all missing channells
now have signal and pic

dont you just love this hobbie
@ dishdad
thanks m8


05-07-2007, 01:48 PM
@dishdad thanks for the file m8

looks like it dont work on the 9100 [ur 9 beta]

worth a try:eek:
