View Full Version : am i the only 1 with tuner probs?

06-07-2007, 10:21 PM
when i scan sats i dont get all the channels i have to edit the box ie: on a freq

like 12345 i have to edit it to 12347 to get a signal ?

now before anybody says change images/plugins etc i have tried that still the same
using ur9 [beta] at the mo [i like this one] works the best for me?
even tweaked the dish still the same
lnb ok
yet on the dreambox it is all there [so nothing wrong with dish/ lnb]

so either i have a faulty tuner or i am missing something?
is there any way to get the box[9100] to round up to the nearst digit so i can get a signal
even tried feedhunter 0.1 on the 9100 got it to install on the 9100 but it would not search [perhaps some tweaking needed here by some clever clogs]

anybody help ?


not a bad box all in all quite happy with it except for tuner prob?

07-07-2007, 01:29 AM
have you gone into the receiver menus and had a look at what the lnb menus is set at

07-07-2007, 02:08 AM
have you gone into the receiver menus and had a look at what the lnb menus is set at

LOF/L: 09750
LOF/H: 10600

threshold 11700

thats the settings m8

think thats the right setting

07-07-2007, 07:59 AM
how old is the lnb? is it working on another reciever?
Ive got both images (9 ur & juliet) working and there is nothing missing on any sats from about 40 each way
Just thinking with all the rain may be a bit of water ingress?


07-07-2007, 08:20 AM
Sounds like your LNB has drifted slightly, its easy to compensate for.

Menu, Setup, Satellite Installation, Sat Configuration,

Step down to the satellite you want i.e. 19.2 E Astra & highlight the LNB column, Press OK.

Change the LOF's by a couple of MHz & save.

For the example you gave try a LOF/H of 10598.

07-07-2007, 12:41 PM
have you tryed switching lnb setting to universal

07-07-2007, 05:33 PM
thanks for the replys will give it a try see wot i come up with?

could explain why the signal in the dreambox is ****e?[5620]

so going to have a play about and see wot i come up with?

thanks again all
ps wot about the threshold sould it be kept the same 11700 or can i change that aswell to something like 11698?

07-07-2007, 05:35 PM
have you tryed switching lnb setting to universal

setting above is uni m8


07-07-2007, 11:33 PM
seems my lnb is adrift did altor the setting a bit and pulling in some cracking signals
well chuffed now
also did it to the dreambox even that is a little better
so all in all im happy for now:D

thanks all for your help
