View Full Version : fortec star5100 ultra info please

08-07-2007, 12:45 PM
Hi all,just got a fortec star 5100 ultra & need some info if you all can help please
1)is it one of those blind scan recievers
2)where can i get software updates from
3)has anyone got a copy of manual for it
thanks my friends the wonkydonky

08-07-2007, 12:55 PM
1) Yes, it has blindscan (called Powerscan in the menu).

2) You can get official software from fortecstar.com...but keep in mind that Fortecstar have stopped the official software support for this model. As for inofficial software with emu, well not much use because they have also stopped the inofficial support a long time ago.

3) Nope, not me.

08-07-2007, 03:50 PM
Hi wonkydonky
Still a very good stb.You can use cam like Diablo to view most thats available.
Also depending which software loaded.If you look at system information it will tell you last time it was updated and boot version.Last was albar 2.80 jan 2006
If it had last released you should see a code menu.Look in menu then go to channel edit.you should see code menu.
Once there go to nagra arrow right volume arrow.you may see nagra2.There you can update keys for D+.Also with correct lead you can use keyenhanter software that you can upload a key file.

08-07-2007, 05:31 PM
cheers my friends for the information supplied i got it @ good price so thought i would give it a go

10-07-2007, 09:29 AM
one of my receivers is a FSCI 5100 Ultra. The last software update, AL7bar 2.84 is from Jan. 2006. The receiver is no longer supported :-(

The blind scan does work quite well down to a symbol rate of about 2800. Below that it won't find stuff, at leat not with 2.84 installed.

I'll give you a tip now about the blind scan and how it works. If you scan a satellite and then scan it again tomorrow it will find all the stations a second time. That's a pain in the a*se so try this:-

Go into the menus and delete all the transponders for the satellite you want to scan just before you scan it. The TV stations will still remain in the receiver's memory even though the transponders are deleted.

Next scan the satellite and the Fortec will find all the transponders again. It won't add all the stations a second time, It'll just add the new ones to the end of the list.

If you try that using a channel editor on you PC you'll get troubles. It will loose all the stations with out transponders leaving you without any stations on the sat.

The receiver will then think that the satellite is not active and drop it from your list of sats. You will then need to add the satellite again with your remote control and scan it again.

You can of course edit channels on a PC and delete duplicates. just don't delete all the transponders.


15-07-2007, 02:46 PM
thanks my friend for the info i will try later