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09-07-2007, 02:11 PM
Technomate TM-9100 JTAG
- This program is compatible with Windows NT/2000/XP as it is using window library ˇ°portTalk2.2ˇ±
- Go to BIOS Setup utility and check I/O address at Parallel port. If the value is not 378, change it to 378.

Window Library Installation (PortTalk)
1. Double click on the porttalk.reg file and start the installation.
2. Copy "porttalk.sys" to "windows\system32\drivers".
3. Reboot the PC. ˇ°portTalkˇ± will start after rebooting.

using a jtag to repair your box should be a last resort.

09-07-2007, 02:14 PM
Some people have had success with the older itgate jtag program than the newer TM9100 one .
Use this only if you can't, after lots of trying and testing, get the TM9100 one to work.

10-07-2007, 02:11 PM

over on ___satellites.co.uk in the Technomate 9100 section there a few posts and one about jtag.

There is a short explanation of how to use the software (mentions 9600 which I suppose is the baud rate) it may help anyone trying to use a jtag with their 9100.

Hope thats some help.

19-04-2010, 09:44 AM
JTag walkthrough

Many thanks to basilyoung, and other contributors

Things to do 1st, if JTAG method is to be employed

The very 1st thing to do, is create a "Restore point" on your computer
(programes/accassorys/system tools....restore)

next is to download, and study the walk throughs, some are not to clear, to someone, that may be stressed, and this additional walk through aims to sort to clear a few things up.

make your JTag cable, the parts will cost about Ł4 from m@plins

you need:

* half a mtr of 16way flat ribbon cable (xr73),
* 5 x "M 100R resisters" (buy 10, if i were you)
* 1 x FG 44
* 1 X TQ 48
* 1 X CT73

again, I doubled up on the above

when making the cable, its important to make the "red" cable....pin 1
once assembled, test it carefully
I used a spare resistor, pushed into the connector, to test conductivity, also test the vacant (unused) pins....to ensure no shorts are apparant
this is an extract from the read me doc, and is edited, by me, to reflect what i did;

Technomate TM-9100 JTAG-
This program is compatible with Windows NT/2000/XP as it is using window library ˇ°portTalk2.2ˇ±

you will see a file, called port talk registration entrys, ( 1kb )

1. Double click on the on it, you will be asked if you want to add info, select "yes"

2. Copy "porttalk.sys" (4kb) to "windows\system32\drivers".

3. Reboot the PC. - Go to BIOS Setup utility and check I/O address at Parallel port. If the value is not 378, change it to 378. also change port mode to "normal" not auto or epc...see below

changed the settings to; onboard paralell port @378
par port mode: normal
par port dma: 3
par port irq: 7

save and exit...restart the comp, with the JTag cable connected to the computer, and reciever, MAKE SURE THE RECIEVER IS OFF, and memory card/hard drive, if present removed from the unit

pin one is on the unit mother board and is the one nearest the card reader, and also closest to the edge of the board

once windows has restarted, you will see a pop up briefly, with a message, that portTalk is running

As suggested, go to the technomate folder, and rename the files, and save the folder, to an easy to locate place on the comp, ie; C drive and rename the file, "technomate-boot-loader, to "bootloader" and save, move the folder

make a folder called temp on c drive and copy the contents of the technomate folder (not the folder itself) to C; temp

within these files copied to "TEMP" should be a folder called "root" and within this folder a file called 9100 u-boot, it may not be nessisary, but what i did, was copy and paste this file to TEMP as well,

so in the absence of info, recommend this is done

NOW for the Command prompt via windows

go programmes, accessories command prompt

you will get a DOS window, spaces dots etc are important, so copy /write commands accuratly, if they are wrong, like me, you will get nowhere fast

type C: hit return
type cd\temp
hit return
type bootloader 9100
and you will get this
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\temp>bootloader 9100

**** CAUTION !!!! ********************************* **********

* JTAG Flasher for Technomate TM9100 (06. 2007) *
* This is "Write Boot-loader" for Window *
* GPL (c) 2006 T-Hydron *
* *
********************************* ***************** **************
*** CPU and JTAG communications check ***

LPT/JTAG IO Delay set to 1
ERROR: register test failed
Check your JTAG/LPT1 connection and/or adjust your voltage regulator
Bad flash memory.

this message in my case means the units power is off...now turn on the power to the unit, and repeat, you should then get this

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
C:\Technomate_TM9100_JTAG>technomate-write-bootloader.exe 9100
**** CAUTION !!!! ********************************* *************

* JTAG Flasher for Technomate TM9100 (06. 2007) *
* This is "Write Boot-loader" for Window *
* GPL (c) 2006 T-Hydron *

********************************* ***************** **************

*** CPU and JTAG communications check ***

LPT/JTAG IO Delay set to 1
ERROR: insn/reg2 test failed
Check your JTAG/LPT1 connection and/or adjust your voltage regulator
Bad flash memory.
C:\Technomate_TM9100_JTAG>technomate-write-bootloader.exe 9100
**** CAUTION !!!! ********************************* *************

* JTAG Flasher for Technomate TM9100 (06. 2007) *
* This is "Write Boot-loader" for Window *
* GPL (c) 2006 T-Hydron *
* *
********************************* ***************** **************

*** CPU and JTAG communications check ***

LPT/JTAG IO Delay set to 1
Your target CPU seems to be a PowerPC indeed. Let's continue...
Hardware setup ok
*** Flash check ***
manufacturer code: 0x0001
memory size code: 0x227e
Chip erase 0x7FC00000 ................................. ................. ....
Flash bootloader
file size : 196608
100% done.
Check flash
100% done.
****Flash ok.

at 1st nothing will be to obvious....and the process takes about 15 minutes...at which stage you hopefully will see the above and the unit will then restart.

shut down the computer, and the unit, remove the JTag cable
restart the comp, and unit, with either ethernet cable connected
then, on the unit, go...menu..setup...advanced setup...comms...and note the address

use TCC6 the password will be blank..as in nothing..select change password..and enter a password of your chioce

you can now load an image of your choice...(ie UR9) VIA LAN....OR serial cable

this walk through is still a draft, and hope that "qualified" peeps will add//alter to refine it

it should also be noted, if you are in need of this walk through, you did something wrong, so back track, and find out what you did


ps; although I am the author of this walk through, it is actually the work of several very good peeps, my only contribution was determination, and again thanks to all that helped

Technomate TM-9100 JTAG
- This program is compatible with Windows NT/2000/XP
as it is using window library ˇ°portTalk2.2ˇ±

- Go to BIOS Setup utility and check I/O address at Parallel port.
If the value is not 378, change it to 378.

Window Library Installation (PortTalk)

1. Double click on the porttalk.reg file and start the installation.
2. Copy "porttalk.sys" to "windows\system32\drivers".
3. Reboot the PC. ˇ°portTalkˇ± will start after rebooting.

19-04-2010, 09:55 AM
rough guide to Technomate TM-9100 JTAG
- This program is compatible with Windows NT/2000/XP
as it is using window library ˇ°portTalk2.2ˇ±

- Go to BIOS Setup utility and check I/O address at Parallel port.
If the value is not 378, change it to 378 and irq7
porttalk should have the bios set to standard or simple mode , not ecp , not epp and not ecp/epp
so check that setting and change it to a simple mode if you can do so , LPT1=378h

Window Library Installation (PortTalk)

1. Double click on the porttalk.reg file and start the installation.
2. Copy "porttalk.sys" to "windows\system32\drivers".
3. Reboot the PC. ˇ°portTalkˇ± will start after rebooting.

pins NAME ohms header

02 data0 100 11
03 data1 100 09
04 data2 100 07
05 data3 100 03
11 high busy 100 01
25 ground 16

make a folder on c drive called temp (for temporary folder)
copy the root folder to the temp folder
copy the technomate-write-bootloader.exe to the temp folder

rename this file to techboot.exe for easier typing :)

switch the 9100 on from the main power switch

open a command prompt window ( a dos box )

in the command prompt box type in

cd c:\temp and press return so you change directory to the temp folder

type in

techboot.exe 9100 and press return again

if the jtag is connected it will try to execute the reflash which can take half an hour so leave it alone

if its not connected or you havent made the jtag correctly you will see an error message instead
you can test this on any suitable pc with no cable connected just to be sure you have done everything right

I would assume you would change the name from 9100 to 9101 for a 9101 box

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Technomate_TM9100_JTAG>technomate-write-bootloader.exe 9100
**** CAUTION !!!! ********************************* *************
* *
* JTAG Flasher for Technomate TM9100 (06. 2007) *
* This is "Write Boot-loader" for Window *
* GPL (c) 2006 T-Hydron *
* *
********************************* ***************** **************
*** CPU and JTAG communications check ***
LPT/JTAG IO Delay set to 1
ERROR: insn/reg2 test failed
Check your JTAG/LPT1 connection and/or adjust your voltage regulator
Bad flash memory.
C:\Technomate_TM9100_JTAG>technomate-write-bootloader.exe 9100
**** CAUTION !!!! ********************************* *************
* *
* JTAG Flasher for Technomate TM9100 (06. 2007) *
* This is "Write Boot-loader" for Window *
* GPL (c) 2006 T-Hydron *
* *
********************************* ***************** **************
*** CPU and JTAG communications check ***
LPT/JTAG IO Delay set to 1
Your target CPU seems to be a PowerPC indeed. Let's continue...
Hardware setup ok
*** Flash check ***
manufacturer code: 0x0001
memory size code: 0x227e
Chip erase 0x7FC00000 ................................. ................. ....
Flash bootloader
file size : 196608
100% done.
Check flash
100% done.
****Flash ok.

19-04-2010, 09:56 AM
Technomate TM-9100 JTAG
- This program is compatible with Windows NT/2000/XP
as it is using window library ˇ°portTalk2.2ˇ±

- Go to BIOS Setup utility and check I/O address at Parallel port.
If the value is not 378, change it to 378.

Window Library Installation (PortTalk)

1. Double click on the porttalk.reg file and start the installation.
2. Copy "porttalk.sys" to "windows\system32\drivers".
3. Reboot the PC. ˇ°portTalkˇ± will start after rebooting.


Firstly go into your pc bios (pc not laptop) and go to integrated peripherals and then make sure your onboard parallel port setting is set to

onboard parallel port setting is 378/irq7
parallel port mode SPP
this is all i changed in my pc bios setup because there was no other options but yours may be different .

now restart your pc and go into device manager and go to ports and then printer ports and then go into the port settings and then enable the option use any interrupt assigned to the port.

then proceed to the Barryr post

in the jtag software you downloaded rename Technomate-write-bootloader.exe to bootloader.exe

rename you jtag software folder to temp and place it in the root of your C:\ drive

goto a command prompt


C: then press enter


cd\temp then press enter

now type

bootloader.exe 9100-super

if you have your jtag connected to the 9100 super at this point power it on and then press the enter button on your keyboard to kick this off

use this and the Barryr post and you won't go wrong

Dead-Box Recovery.

If your TM9100 will not start-up, then from the knowledge gained from past Posts on the ***** Forum, there are things to try before the “jtag fix” is declared.

When in a state when the box will not start-up, and there is no TV display (from a Scart-Socket Connection) it is best to get the box into a basic state….This is done by removing all external cams, viewing cards, SD cards, and disconnecting the Hard Drive if fitted.
Sometimes after the above procedure, the box will spark into life again and a Factory Reset, followed with serial reload of the most up to date basic flash image uboot, and noboot followed by a compatible (of the same generation) Final Image.

When switching ON from the mains, is there a front Panel display?
If there is none, check the Power Supply is working.
If this is fine, remove all external cams, viewing cards, SD cards, and disconnect the Hard Drive if fitted and try again.
If after several retries, the display is dark, then probably the uboot file in flash is corrupted and a jtag fix must then be considered.

When switching ON from the Mains, is there a Red or Blue power indicator with or without four green dashes on the display?
We think the four green dashes is better news meaning it is the start of the main Image boot program and that is corrupt.
This usually indicates there is CPU I/O activity, and a serial cable recovery is strongly possible.
First of all, remove all external cams, viewing cards, SD cards, and disconnect the Hard Drive if fitted, before attempting a serial cable recovery.

Serial recovery procedure:
Connect an RS232 null modem cable between the TM9100 or TM9101 and the PC.
Start the Technomate Control Centre 6 and select the latest uboot image (you have to select Image files in ‘File of Types’ Dropdown Box in order to see an image to select).
With the ‘OK’ Button depressed, switch ON the TM9100 power, and the download of the uboot image should start.
Repeat above until it loads.
If you are lucky, you can proceed with loading the main Image, using the same method for the noboot Image as for the uboot one.
Then carry out a Factory Reset and re install your Image settings.

Jtag recovery procedure:
This is the last resort, and only considered when you are convinced that the TM9100 or TM9101 is completely lifeless.
The relevant jtag files ‘Technomate_TM9100_JTAG.zip’ is obtained in the Tools & Loaders Section. http://www.*****.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=112292
It is best to unpack the Technomate_MM9100_JTAG.zip into C:\technomate_TM9100_JTAG so that it is easy to navigate to.
To access it in Dos 8.3 format the file would be “cd techno~1<CR>”

First of all you need a PC with a Parallel Port with PortTalk2.2 installed.
Within the newly created directory ‘C:\technomate_TM9100_JTAG’, there is an Installation readME together with the necessary files to get ‘portTalk2.2” working on your PC.
It has been shown from past experience, to use a PC rather than a laptop because PortTalk2.2 requires 33ohm on the port resistance…. Nearly all laptops are 22ohm and this may cause problems.

The other files in directory c:\tchnomate_TM9100_JTAG, is the executable ‘Technomate-write-boot-loader.exe’ a sub-directory ‘root’ containing the ‘files u-boot-9100’ and ‘u-boot-9101’,
also a PDF ‘TM9100 JTAG Manual’ with instructions on how to construct a jtag cable.

The recovery is carried out from the DOS command window.

Assuming you have Made or Bought the correct Jtag cable then connect to the TM9100 or TM9101 Circuit board as shown in the PDF drawing.
Pin 1 on the TM9100 16 pin connector is located at front near card readers.
Pin 1 on the Cable Connector is denoted with a small triangle on the plastic moulding.
Connect the other end to your PC’s Parallel Port.
Switch ON your TM9100 or TM9101.

On the PC, enter the DOS window.

From the root Directory C:\
cd Techno~1<CR>

technomate-write-bootloader.exe 9100<CR> (If this is an Original TM9100)
technomate-write-bootloader.exe 9100-super<CR> (If this is a Super TM9101)

There is a space after .exe and 9100 or 9100-super.

There should be the following response on you PC Screen:

**** CAUTION !!!! ********************************* *************
* *
* JTAG Flasher for Technomate TM9100 (06. 2007) *
* This is "Write Boot-loader" for Window *
* GPL (c) 2006 T-Hydron *
* *
********************************* ***************** **************
*** CPU and JTAG communications check ***
LPT/JTAG IO Delay set to 1
Your target CPU seems to be a PowerPC indeed. Let's continue...
Hardware setup ok
*** Flash check ***
manufacturer code: 0x0001
memory size code: 0x227e
Chip erase 0x7FC00000 ................................. ................. ....
Flash bootloader
file size : 196608
100% done.
Check flash
100% done.
****Flash ok.

At first, nothing will be to obvious.
The process takes about 15 minutes...at which stage you hopefully will see the above the unit will then restart.
Power Down the TM900 or TM9101, and remove the JTag cable.

If this fails after the first time, try the Jtag again as the experience below indicates:
“This time after jtag the " - - - -" appeared and after a 30 odd minute wait final PAL arrived instead of reboot loop.”

If the Jtag succeeds, then carry out a Serial recovery procedure.

The End