View Full Version : nokia n95

10-07-2007, 11:47 AM
sorry firstly i apologise if this has been posted before,but i am completely new to this sat nav thingy,I just got an n95 phone,it has maps on it,i can get my global position,but would like to enjoy free sat nav,i am with Or***e,if that makes any differance,what software do i need to install? do i need a memory stick?what software do i need to delete if any?do i need a registration code? and finally is it 100% free?

10-07-2007, 04:47 PM
I think Route66 will work on the N95 using the internal gps (I have not got a copy of this). Tomtom will also work (& you'll find all the software, maps & keygen posted in here), but at the moment you will need an external GPS receiver.

10-07-2007, 06:06 PM
ive just read somewhere that the route 66 hasnt got very good graphics,does anyone know any different?