View Full Version : want to see 1,7, west 28,19,16,13,10 east

10-07-2007, 03:14 PM
i looking at dishes ,want to see 1,7, west 28,19,16,13,10 east.

i no 7west is out the question but is it poss for the other sats with a 1mtr funke and technomate 2100

or shall i go say 1.2 meter anderews with then a 36volt motor and then a vbox as well

you will probally say go bigger ,bigger is better we know but if its possibale to get them on the funke then there would be considerable savings

your veiws please

p.s is 1.8mtr andrews poss for 7west on the kent /es*** border along the thames

simon 2003
10-07-2007, 03:20 PM
they should be OK on a 1meter motorised as you say 1.2 better,do a search on 7west or nilesat as its quite hard to "see" in UK

10-07-2007, 08:34 PM
You should get most of the Nilesat vertical transponders at your location with the 1m Funke during good weather, evenings are better still but rain will wipe out the signal. I used to get Nilesat in NW London with a 1m gibertini dish under those conditions but no sign of the horizontal transponders.
A 1m will bring in the other satellites you mention with no problem.

10-07-2007, 09:49 PM
if you want nile, move closer

11-07-2007, 05:13 PM
1.2m channel master in ipswich picks up the same as a 1.8m channel master think have all channels on both, with a technomate 1500s or 9100 miss a couple of H on the 1.2 with the dream7020 very boxy


11-07-2007, 05:50 PM
if you want all transponders 7w I think the andrews 1.8 is still too small 3-4M would be closer to the mark in all weather conditions I have tied various 1.8 dishes on 7w not able to pick the H transponders but you are closer to the centre of the beam at your location