View Full Version : UR009 is a Router needed?

10-07-2007, 10:33 PM
Cant manually install Mgcamd etc. Tried various ways using the Addons menu of UR009beta to install a zipped (tarballed?) file but all UR009beta does is say unpacking... and nothing more, doesn't say finished. Mgcamd doesn't seem to install.

Have also tried copying over the unzipped files individually using FTP and then Chmod but still no use. Do you have to edit config files to get Enigma to recognise Mgcamd and start using it? Or do you need a particular version of Mgcamd or Evocam etc for Juliet or UR images?

Have tried downloading Mgcamd from the site shown in the cpanel xml file but cant seem to manually install it.

So do I have to buy a router and use the Green button?

11-07-2007, 12:18 AM
ur009 is beta software and still has a lot of bugs in it

the download option works fine for me , but I use a router , and yes a router is a better option for using with this receiver as its a lot easier to configure the intenet and ip connections

so as routers are so cheap nowadays it is definitely worth using one

but I would have thought an ftp option may exist but as I used the download button I couldnt really say for this beta image

one thing I have learned about beta software is , do not expect it to work properly , cos it wont

11-07-2007, 12:27 PM
If you downloaded mgcamd using the link in cpanel from UR9 then all you need to do is ftp it to your tmp folder go to manage
addons and do the manual install you will see mgcamd listed


11-07-2007, 03:54 PM
cheers echelon.

thanks again, but have you actually done this manual install with UR009beta? I'm sure Ive done what you said already - ie. downloaded mgcamd124_newcs120.tar.gz -> leave it unpacked and FTP over into tmp file go to addons and it confirms if you want to install but then just a message "unpacking.........."

wait a while then reboot but the emu hasn't been installed and when pressing the blue button all that comes up is "common interface" + no Mgcamd softcam listed? tried this several times.

thanks again

11-07-2007, 04:16 PM
You mean leave it packed right not unpacked ?

Not done it with mgcamd124_newcs120.tar.gz but with mgcamd124 using UR8

Just to be clear you did highlight "Common Interface" and then press right arrow to try and make mgcamd124 appear ?


11-07-2007, 08:29 PM
You mean leave it packed right not unpacked ?
:) well said my mistake.

Not done it with mgcamd124_newcs120.tar.gz but with mgcamd124 using UR8

Just to be clear you did highlight "Common Interface" and then press right arrow to try and make mgcamd124 appear ?

thanks might try it again with UR8 aswell if you've installed ok with that, but will probably stick with Juliet image for now

yes but i didnt have a right arrow just "Common Interface" & below "Softcam installed" which should probably have said which one.


11-07-2007, 08:48 PM
The right arrow on your remote !

Highlight Common Interface and press the right arrow on your remote to cycle through softcams

"Softcams installed" tells you how many softcams are installed

If you only install mgcamd it will say 2 Softcams Installed the other being Common Interface

Sounds like you had installed it just didn't select it


11-07-2007, 11:39 PM
The right arrow on your remote !

Highlight Common Interface and press the right arrow on your remote to cycle through softcams

ahh :) got you mixed up with the Juliet images which do give you the arrow prompt after installation

I didn't press the right key on the remote but I still don't think the emu was installed because the softcam message was still on one ("I Softcams installed") no different to before. have to give it another go Im probably doing something wrong or its still a bit buggy.
