View Full Version : Connecting a sjystar card to db500

11-07-2007, 10:07 AM
Hi ,

i have a a db500 running gemini with cccam 1.71. This currently shares and is important i stay with cccam.

What i want to do is connect a skystar 2 card. Now from the plugins i have read about for progdvb it seems the only protacols that they run are Radgeast, newcamd 5 & 5.25 and camd.

Is it possible for cccam to accept calls from one of these protocals, or can i run another card server in the background to accept calls from the skystar.

I am truly stumped.

Any help greatly appreciated..


14-07-2007, 10:32 PM
Within the CCcam.cfg file you will see examples of how to connect to the three protocols you mentioned above...

15-07-2007, 11:54 AM

i had a look at that. Isnt that for connecting to and not for incoming connections .

I might be wrong. If you cna help me with that i will take it from there.

