View Full Version : 4 ways LNB switch

11-07-2007, 05:19 PM

I appreciate some help and recommendation on the following set-up.

I would like to have Astra 28, Astra 19 and Hotbird on a fixed dish with 3 LNBs pointing to each satellites. but I like a single cable coming dwon from the dish. I heard about the 4-ways switch that can take up-to 4 input and a single output. Does it exist? where can I find it?

Please note that i have seen switches around doing the opposite i.e., 1-in and 4-out but this is not what I am after.

Any info is greatly appreciated.

11-07-2007, 05:41 PM
a simple 4 way diseq switch will do the job try the sponsors here you can have four sats on your dish this way 16E is one option+ the other three you mention

11-07-2007, 05:53 PM
dead easy to do , have a look at the sticky threads at the top of the forum


4 way diseqc switches are cheap from shops , auction sites etc

I use 4 way and 8 way ones myself , and getting the 3 sats on 1 dish ia also pretty simple if you look at the pictures I uploaded

11-07-2007, 07:05 PM
Thanks guys for the clarifications. Much appreciated.

What about the arm holding the LNBs is that something we an make or we can find on the market. I intend to use a monoblock for the 19deg and Hotbird and another LNB to get the Astra 28Deg


11-07-2007, 07:29 PM
if you use a monoblock then you will also need a manual a-b switch to switch between 2 cables , one cable being on 28e and the other going to the 2 way diseqc switch in the monoblock , and then you cannot use the 4 way diseqc switch at all

the best way and correct way is to use a commercial arm like mine , 3 lnb,s and a diseqc switch , so basically the same as mine apart from my 4th lnb which is on 42e which you wont be using

so as for the question , 4 way diseqc switches are cheap to buy and will do the job , but wont work with a monoblock as that has its own 2 way switch built in and cannot be expanded and will only give you 2 satellites , not 3 , as you cannot easily cascade the switches

ideally you want:-

an 80 cm dish ( or bigger ) and mounting bracket
4 way multi lnb arm
3 or 4 universal single lnb,s ( or dual or quad output if more than 1 feed needed )
sat coax cable
one cheap 4 way diseqc switch ( about £6 or £7 )

11-07-2007, 07:36 PM
i have seen some monoblocks before that have 2 separate outputs so these will work with a diseqc switch but you will have trouble mounting another lnb on the arm as well.

as echelon says go for them same setup as he has done with 3 or even 4 separate lnbs on a correctly designed bracket

11-07-2007, 07:53 PM
Thanks once again!

Any reference where I can find/buy these commercial arms though I saw the picture for echelon seeting. Looks good and tidy.

11-07-2007, 09:19 PM
Hi Fox..

Have you thought about a motor (£79) it will work out cheaper,
and give you around 24 satellites including 30w.


11-07-2007, 09:23 PM
There are motors out there now for around £40.

12-07-2007, 07:02 AM
if you can set it up yourself yes motor will be another option can be expensive to get the sat installers in £150+ the motor brackets ect

12-07-2007, 08:55 AM
Hi Fox..

Have you thought about a motor (£79) it will work out cheaper,

not necessarily

a 4 way diseqc switch is about £6 on the auction site (delivered) ( Item number: 130131358057 , Item number: 130133304880 )
slyware lnb,s are less than £5 each (delivered)
the 4-way arm is about £16 (delivered)

as for a dish , the zone2 one that I used is cheap on the same auction site and comes with mounting brackets etc
( the zone 2 dishes I used were free but thats another story :) )

so my setup was very cheap when I first installed it which was after the bad winds and bad weather damaged the stab motor bearings and bent my pole slightly too , meaning its now slack on the motor and cannot track the arc correctly either , so as the main sats I watch can be got from 2 dishes I went for that option instead although the motorised dish is still up

for normal use you cannot beat the fixed dish option , especially in bad weather as they are virtually unaffected and no moving parts etc

my setup now uses the same two zone2 dishes but most have now got cheap slyplus quad lnb,s instead of the singles , and I did buy the 8 way diseqc switch from italy which gives me 4 sats from one zone 2 dish and 30 west from the other dish , making a choice of 5 sats in total on my tm1500ci , with 3 spare inputs left

and I now have a recycled 4 way diseqc switch on 4 main sats using a tm9100 which works ok too , with my old sammy on the motor and some fixed sats using another cheap 4 way diseqc switch as well as the motor ( yes you can control the diseqc motor through the diseqc switch on the sammy )

I may do some refining of this lot later this year but for me the fixed option was very cheap , very worthwhile and works for the main sats that we usually access , and I dont want or need most of the other sats so that doesnt bother me

if I could also get 15w , 1w , 5e and 16e then that would be fine as well , but I havent had any problems with the fixed dish and diseqc switch route and if you can source the parts cheaply then its well worth doing ( and my stab motor can still get these on a non-windy day )

so the motor option is great for some ppl , especially if you can get the arc from your building , but the fixed dish options can also work well if you have less sat requirements or you cannot track the arc from your building

12-07-2007, 03:26 PM

I am after a fixed dish solution as I am aware of the motorised one which I am currently using on another set-up. I think i do have enough info for the moment and I thank you for your input.

Can this thread be closed?
