View Full Version : connecting 2 Recievers

12-07-2007, 02:48 PM
Er im clueless about this - but reckon it can be done.

I have a 2 x HD recievers - The humax will let me veiw a chennel in english wihere the fortec wont.

Its a pain remove the ANT. Cable to swap each time -- can I loop a cable ?


12-07-2007, 03:30 PM
yes if you have only a single output lnb switch one receiver to standby should work ok loop on main receiver to lnb in on the slave

12-07-2007, 04:05 PM
oh ok -- so they both get a feed - so you switch between them.

so the master can only move the dish then/

Sorted -- Oh yea -- thats cool!

14-07-2007, 06:45 PM
the master receiver has control over polarity ect and the one that controls the motor if you switch the master receiver to stand by the slave should have access to all bands hi lo but not the motor so firstly drive your dish to the desired sat and then put in stand by to use the slave

14-07-2007, 09:04 PM
Yes __ thanks -- There is no wor around that sharin a cam ?! Still havbe to swapo the bloody cam :D

14-07-2007, 09:34 PM
if both receivers are basically the same not mutch point swaping the cam from one to the other if they both open the same packages

14-07-2007, 10:33 PM
Yea it sounds dumb but it aint -- But one recevier has problems with English Audio - the other has other problems - So combined 2 makes one good one :D

14-07-2007, 11:01 PM
the master receiver has control over polarity ect and the one that controls the motor if you switch the master receiver to stand by the slave should have access to all bands hi lo but not the motor so firstly drive your dish to the desired sat and then put in stand by to use the slave

I have two receivers which are looped though & connected to one motor. Of course only one receiver can can control the motor at any given time.

I use DiSEqC 1.2 in my Samsung & USALS in my other receiver which is a Fortec. The motor understands both sets of commands and so both receivers can control the dish without any problems.

I can drive to any satellite with one receiver and then switch if off. Then drive the dish to any other sat with the second receiver. The motor won't get confused about where it is or where it should go to. The system works really well.

I use the Sammy to watch TV and the Fortec for blind scanning.

I also have a Canal Digital HD receiver looped into the system. It can't control the dish at all so I just use one of the other receivers to drive it back to 1 west before I use it.

15-07-2007, 09:07 AM
I have 2 technomates ( 1500super and 9100) driving the same dish via a vbox2 you can only have one on at a time they are connected via loop through and both move the dish the same just when loading ensure they use the same sat nos
ie set-up with one then copy sat nos to the second
