View Full Version : cant install iboot any ideas?

12-07-2007, 09:38 PM
as it says above just cant get the iboot program to install on my computer
tried lots of whys i am now at a loss
followed the info's to the tea [all of them]

this is have far i can go

download iboot
unzip it
open folder

click on iboot

then a page comes on screen

put in details as
net [192.168.1.**] my box
enter password [technomate]
leave /mmc as it is
then press confirm
ok up til now
then press the x [top of page]
then nothing [just get a glance of [wellcome to iboot] so wot is the prob

anybody please please help
also had the man himself [from al*at] who did the how to help but even he cant work it out
where now?

pm me if you can help by looking inside my computer

13-07-2007, 09:28 AM
Did you try to telnet your box from the iboot front page?, you may find it is your firewall blocking it.

17-07-2007, 10:43 PM
Did you try to telnet your box from the iboot front page?, you may find it is your firewall blocking it.

got it sorted now m8 thanks
