View Full Version : Humax and D+

13-07-2007, 10:14 AM

i´ve the last firmware ToH3.4_HoT8.3 on my Humi, i get all what i need only D+ not.
I have the new key on but nothing, still always no picture.

Can someone please help me, and say me how i do?


13-07-2007, 10:36 AM
Which satellite are you pointing at 19.2East or 30West? Have you the correct channels and frequencies loaded for the correct satellite?

13-07-2007, 11:33 PM
I have astra 19.2 and i think i have the correct frequency.

14-07-2007, 08:30 AM
I am having the same problem. It was ok on ToH 7.9 but ever since i loaded the 8.3 version i can't load the D+ keys with DSR 9500 ED56 CW anymore. It keeps saying FW check failed. My settings are the same as before i used to load i.e on FTA channel 19 Deg Astra. Any suggestions please.


14-07-2007, 12:55 PM
I am having the same problem. It was ok on ToH 7.9 but ever since i loaded the 8.3 version i can't load the D+ keys with DSR 9500 ED56 CW anymore. It keeps saying FW check failed. My settings are the same as before i used to load i.e on FTA channel 19 Deg Astra. Any suggestions please.


When using DSR 9500 try setting the FW check to off. Look under ? setting.

If that doesn't work I'd try re-loading ToH 7.9 and see if it goes back to how it was.

I don't have problems with 8.3 and I went from ToH 7.9 to ToH 8.1 version d then ToH 8.3. You could try that and see if it works for you.

14-07-2007, 02:47 PM
Thanks prontopro for your advice. I adhered to your advice and loaded the ToH version 8.0 first and then 8.3. Both D+ and premier come alive without loading the keybin. I still don't know if the DSR would work or not. Never mind, i got what i wanted. I will try the DSR later on.


21-07-2007, 12:47 PM
D+ don´t work with me.
I´ve tried the new Firmware ToH3.4_HoT8.5, but nothing. I can´t clear d+.
Can anyone please heilp me?
I´ve tried Hot8.3; 7.9 nothing...

I have tried also many PMC Table, usually the same, no D+.

Please help...:(:(:(

21-07-2007, 03:04 PM
Now is always ok, D+ works fine.
I´ve the Hot7.9 and throw the Hot8.5 and always fine.


21-07-2007, 04:06 PM
i use toh 8.2 and simply enter keys via remote which takes 3 minutes and have no problems at all.