View Full Version : Streaming HD films

17-07-2007, 07:00 PM
i have Windows Vista installed and noticed it can stream HD films/TV/music vids etc to the Xbox 360. so i tried this out by downloading a HD music vid and it looked really nice.

As there is a HD war going on between Sony and Toshiba i am not going to buy a HD player (with the exception of the PS3 which i hope to buy sometime this year) but untill then with only recently buying a HDTV i want to use this feature in Media Centre. so i downloaded a movie in HD (making sure i owned the original copy) but it wont stream it to my Xbox 360 for some reason. the files are .evo which is new to me so i figured its just because i have never downloaded something in HD before. so i wanted to know is there anyway of streaming this HD film to my Xbox 360?

if it is not possible i would like to know if i would be able to connect my PC to my HDTV using a DVI to HDMI converter? i own an ATI Radeon X800 GTO PowerColour (PCI-E)


17-07-2007, 07:30 PM
cant stream evo to a 360. wmv and mpeg2 is ok.

evo files are HD-dvd rips

ts files are a container for either mpeg2 or h264 sat tv rips. the latter cant be streamed to a 360 either. Theres an app "transcode360" that will convert them though but you need the media centre OS to do this.

17-07-2007, 07:41 PM
ok thanks for the information, i suppose i will just have to buy a standalone/ add on/ or PS3


20-07-2007, 04:55 PM
ps3 wont do them either, if you want to stream to the 360 just grab wmv re-encodes. Some nice lookin 1080/720p stuff out there