View Full Version : Latest pet123 settings 17/7/07 out now

17-07-2007, 10:16 PM
I was just doing a bit of surfing and noticed pet123 has a new set of channels out today - I can't attatch them as I don't have the proper rights - but no doubt you can find them in the usual places.

17-07-2007, 10:46 PM
well done

cheers regards Jono

18-07-2007, 12:13 AM
I just noticed in pet123 settings he has forgotten to add the premiere direkt portal 5+ channel. You can save the following file as a text and import it into the channels settings using humbox:

V Premiere Direkt 5 + Premiere Film × 107 3071 3072 3073 208 MrDude 12032 27500 Horizontal 3/4 133 2 Astra Universal

That will fix the portal to work properly.

18-07-2007, 12:18 AM
thanks for that mrdude. Pets settings have taken an age to update.

18-07-2007, 03:04 AM
Nice one mrdude its bin bugging me for ages

18-07-2007, 05:31 PM
Nice one mrdude its bin bugging me for ages

I take it you mean the direkt portal problem? Yeah I noticed it ages ago and fixed it, I just forgot to post the info here - then when the new settings came out I noticed nobody had fixed this problem so I am guessing people are just using the same set of files and editing them then reposting as a new file? still it's easy to fix if you know how - thanks to lyngsat & king of sat for having the transponder details on their respective sites.

It's also good to see the humax getting updated, this has been a good buy for me and I have definately had my moneys worth, I now have a dreambox 600 pvr as well but it's nice to have two boxes to switch between.

voith driver
19-07-2007, 12:41 AM
hi all,
damn, i have been watching his site everyday, problem was he has not updated the file date on the front page, now i know i will do my bit tomorrow
thanks m8

20-07-2007, 07:39 PM
Many thanks for info.

21-07-2007, 12:03 PM
@ Voith Driver

Hello M8, How are you ? went down to your part of world last week, got soaking WET and no fish...........

While you do the pet123, made sure the CCTV4 is in it, mate lost that channel, I have done rescan everything but can't locate it, I know it's in the humax somewhere, may be you are my lazy way out :D


voith driver
21-07-2007, 06:23 PM
hi phil,
no need to ask my friend, its channel 1352 in the modified for mounts file, if you are referring to the one on hotbird though at this time i can not get a picture though there is a good signal.

or channel 3283 on 12W that's got cartoons on it at this time,

all the best

21-07-2007, 06:57 PM
hi phil,
no need to ask my friend, its channel 1352 in the modified for mounts file, if you are referring to the one on hotbird though at this time i can not get a picture though there is a good signal.

or channel 3283 on 12W that's got cartoons on it at this time,

all the best

13šE 12168 H 27500 gone....12149 V 27500 will clear.

voith driver
21-07-2007, 07:09 PM
funny i changed mine to that freq and it still did not clear, but

if you want to check both freq
change to that channel
the channel you want should be highlighted in white
ok , this has now changed the channel name to red
right click until you get to the freq
a good section will turn red, watch the freq column
click up or down depending on the direction you want to count
when you arrive on the freq just make sure you still have the correct ant, and V or H is correct (this all depends on it being already in the settings)

hope this helps

22-07-2007, 09:16 AM
Correct me if I am wrong anyone? I re tune the Frequency 12149V, and I,d picked a cartoon (DUNA) is that right? or is CCTV4 share that channel with them?


22-07-2007, 11:45 AM
Just a short but very grateful thank you to Voith Driver for the trouble he goes to to give us the modified settings.

voith driver
23-07-2007, 06:49 PM
hi phil,
i have it tuned in with a 55%80% signal, and no picture at 1840hrs

ok, i have the answers, do all the above, but as well as, do

cctv 4 in white press ok changes to red
put in in order

7224 224 225 223 68 2 12149v 27500 3/4 7200 318



hope this works

23-07-2007, 07:37 PM
Bingo Voith m8

problem solved..........thank you very much
