View Full Version : Widescreen switching

18-07-2007, 03:15 PM
Hi all any help on this one would be really appreciated.
At the moment i am running UR beta 9 2 but the problem is the same with all images.
I have 2 wide screen tv sets one Panasonic 37" plasma and one Sony 26" crt
and i can't get any 16.9 - 4.3 switching tried 10 different scarts and svhs cables box set to 16.9 every channel wide screen tick disable wide screen signal on 4.3 every channel 4.3.
Dreamboxes,Humax,digiboxes etc work fine but not the 9100 a hand full of people have this problem but most dont.
Is there anything else i can try for example is there a config file somewhere?

Thanks nml

18-07-2007, 04:00 PM
I thought everyone suffered from this. I certainly do.

18-07-2007, 05:05 PM
Thanks peggle it would be interesting to see if there are more people with the same problem.
I think the image writers don't seem to think it's a problem.


18-07-2007, 06:33 PM
I am not sure what you are saying?, i have black bars at the top and bottom of my tv isn`t that because the transmission is in 16.9?. I can alter my tv to show 4.3 and the picture is stretched from top to bottom.
By the way i have a wide screen 100hz tv.

18-07-2007, 06:44 PM
to be honest I dont really understand what the problem is , although I have no doubt that those using the box know exactly what it is and how to spot the difference as they can see a working dreambox doing the right thing and presumably the tm9100 doing the wrong thing

if we could get the problem clarified in simpler english that even I can understand then maybe we can help in some way ?

I realise its a widescreen 16 by 9 and standard 4 by 3 screen switching problem but dont understand the significance of the question posed up to now

so a clear guide may help , thanks



18-07-2007, 06:55 PM
Hi ech no problem if the box is set for a wide screen 16.9 tv if you change to a channel transmitting in 4.3 it doesn't switch so you get a stretched picture on the whole screen.
If you manually switch the tv to 4.3 fine but when you go back to a 16.9 transmission it stays in 4.3 squashed picture no automatic switching and yet it works fine on the other boxes.
Hope that's a bit clearer.

Thanks nml

18-07-2007, 07:07 PM
9100 A/V Settings - Aspect Ratio 16:9, Disable WSS on 4:3 not ticked = 16:9 programs display correctly on widescreen TV's, 4:3 programs are horizontally stretched making people look fat.

With Disable WSS box ticked, 16:9 programs are vertically stretched making people look thin, 4:3 programs are OK.

In other words the widescreen switching voltage on scart pin 8 is either always on or always off depending on the Disable WSS box setting irrespective of wether the program is 16:9 or not.

Juliet 006 Image.

You beat me to it nml.

18-07-2007, 07:13 PM
Yes but your explanation was better.

Thanks nml

19-07-2007, 06:11 PM

no auto switching here either using Juliet006, the changes listed for 009 do say scart switching fixed but seems its still not working?

In the menu - stream information - 16:9 or 4:3 is shown but it seems the tm is not setting the voltage, its just using the A/V setting to set the voltage level and display info as peggle said not the stream information? Maybe it works ok on the original factory Technomate 009 image or DS images?

Best regards

20-07-2007, 07:14 AM
Thanks clogs no it doesn't work on the ds will try the original.


25-07-2007, 07:51 AM
Just an update i did a poll on another site result from the votes 3 with the problem 4 without so it proves that a number of people do have the problem.
There were 93 views but only 7 votes.


25-07-2007, 09:35 AM
ppl have to view that thread to read it all and to decide if they understand the problem and then if it affects them depending on the equipment used

I am still testing mine using a phono cable and so havent seen the problem that you are mentioning above but there again I use a tm1500 and a sammy9500 for the time being whilst checking this new box in my spare time , so its not in constant use yet as I have cables to run in etc first

personally I think its too technical for most ppl and they would probably have to know what it should be doing in order to know when its faulty , which is why I asked you in a pm and why others have tried to put it into words above

had it been explained in clearer detail on darkmans site then maybe you would have got more answers ?
but please remember ppl have to view something before deciding if its for them or not , or if they feel able to make a judgement or not

just my opinion of course , and I hope your questions and effort get it fixed so that the rest of us get the correct switching in future as I still believe that you know what it is and what needs doing to fix it

25-07-2007, 04:20 PM
Just an update i did a poll on another site result from the votes 3 with the problem 4 without so it proves that a number of people do have the problem.
There were 93 views but only 7 votes.


Hi nml

i wouldn't mind betting that those 4 who think they have automatic widescreen switching actually dont have it, as i think most people assume that just because the tm is displaying a 16:9 image (good list at h**p://en.king_of_sat.net/wide.php for checking) that is what is being asked. I dont think the tm9100 does do automatic aspect ratio switching ATM could be wrong ofcourse.

Have recently upgraded to Juliet009 and I did notice that the info bar now swaps back and forth between the correct aspect ratio information but the auto switching still doesn't work.

From googling there are 2 ways the auto switching can be done - using scart pin 8 or WSS line 23 which can be used without the scart lead.

Have found a very good link but its about modifying a S*y box (which are built to work with scart pin 8) to also use WSS line 23

is it ok to post this link?

Best regards

25-07-2007, 04:24 PM
non live links are ok

ie:- _http etc

as for this problem , its so technical I tend to agree with you that most ppl dont understand the problem , hence many views and few replies

25-07-2007, 04:42 PM
thanks echelon



25-07-2007, 04:51 PM
I'm not a Technomate user but generally you will only get true std/wide switching if the TV is set to RGB on the scart.

As well, I have to set my LCD to "auto" for it to work. If I set it manually (eg. when I use a phono connected source such as my video sender) it doesn't return to "auto" when I change back to a scart i/p.

I'm sure different bits of kit respond in their own way so you will probably get a myriad of answers.

Readers that didn't post may, like me have arrived here from the top page of Pimps - unfortunately that doesn't show the topic/thread that you are going to - so a lot of readers will have no view (only nerds like me try to be helpful :) ) .

25-07-2007, 05:58 PM
Thanks all i think what is happening the tm does send a widescreen signal that should work on everything rgb svhs component etc (try it on a dreambox it works) but it doesn't work on all brands of tv.
It has been confirmed to me that there is a problem with the software on 9100 with some telivisionsbut they are working on it.
There has been a similar problem on other boxes but it has been resolved.
The poll was on another site i did to help the development teams the more feedback they have the easier it is for them to rectify problems.
I am very sorry if it appeared that i was having a dig at people who didn't vote that was not my intention i posted for information only.
If anyone is having problems no matter how silly they may seem please post there are people here who will help.

regards nml