View Full Version : new pet123 channel settings

voith driver
19-07-2007, 09:21 PM
pet123 channel settings

hi all,
here you go, the latest pet123 channel settings dated 21/03/08 which i am privileged to be able re-post from the pet123 site after doing my little adjustments.

the modified and adjusted files are ok to put in directly, the full version will need editing to use on the 5400


i think i have them all in

voith driver
23-07-2007, 07:19 PM
hi barron,

to start with the modified pet123 has already 16E and 10E with all the channels

but to get 45E channels

first open file modified pet123+h to h mounts190707.hnf in hnfsmart

then open file toh_45east-43west-Humax-30-21.hnf in another hnfsmart

line up both and reduce them to a manageable size to work on screen

then go to provider in both editors and highlight 45E

one will have dummy channel in the other will have more channels using the one with the channels and making sure you are still highlighting the correct sat, go to

it will all go blue then back to

then cross over to the other editor, making sure that one is also highlighting the correct sat, go

paste (paste will only be available if you have correctly copied from the last)

now depending on how many channels you are moving i would give it some time just in case its not all transferred before you do anything else

when you are happy its finished moving then look at the bottom of the editor screen
you will see how many tv channels and how many radio channels you have, the aim is to reduce so that you have below 4000 in total, so its just a case of right click and delete if you are dumping 1 channel at a time, or its select all and right click and delete service, if you are doing it by provider

once you are happy save the file

i hope this helps

06-09-2007, 06:54 PM
Bal i found some settings and editor for your hummy 2000 put it into puc


Thanks, but what is puc?


Thanks and I am not sure if they work on the 2000?


25-09-2007, 10:35 AM
puc = public upload centre

just guessing

05-11-2007, 11:06 AM
new Update pet123 settings 04-11-2007 for your hummy

voith driver
05-11-2007, 11:32 PM
hi all,
all updated, file dated 04/11/07 but my files dated 05/11/07, just in case someone queries the dates
all the best

voith driver
08-11-2007, 08:16 PM
hi all,
i have just re-upped the modified and adjusted files to include the other FTA stuff on 28E ie bbcnews 24 itv3 etc

all the best

28-12-2007, 07:13 PM
Can any one tell me if these new settings can be used on the humax 5300 machine.If so how do I do this.//??:confused:

voith driver
28-12-2007, 07:35 PM
hi rkbuttoo,
yes m8, they will work on the 5300, just use either humbox or hnfsmart, guides are up in the help stickie
all the best

28-12-2007, 07:41 PM
hi rkbuttoo,
yes m8, they will work on the 5300, just use either humbox or hnfsmart, guides are up in the help stickie
all the best

Thanks for your reply,good i am getting there very slowly as have never doen this before.
So now that I know thay will work on the Humax 5300.please tell me how to..........update and load onto the machine.I appreciate your help and thanks in advance.Pm me if possible.:confused:

28-12-2007, 07:43 PM
Thanks for your reply,good i am getting there very slowly as have never doen this before.
So now that I know thay will work on the Humax 5300.please tell me how to..........update and load onto the machine.I appreciate your help and thanks in advance.Pm me if possible.:confused:

Which of the 3 files do I use:confused:

voith driver
28-12-2007, 08:42 PM
hi rkbuttoo,
well, you have the modified for mounts, this is for motorised systems, you have the adjusted for switches, ermm, for switches, and the third is the basic full file which needs editing.

without a 5300 to work with i can only give you a general picture, with both programs you will need to set them up to suit your stb, then basically its then just throw the file in
though how well it works on your stb depends on how well you have set up your antenna's, they are set up as basic diqesc 1.2 listing, so after loading you will have either a setup which just needs fine tune, or one that needs to retune all the sats, but once done all the pet files that follow will work.

keep in mind i can't give you any accurate info as i do not know the 5300, other than its like the 5400.

hope this helps

28-12-2007, 09:20 PM
But that sounds too complicated I do not want to m,ess up the decoder.:confused:

voith driver
28-12-2007, 09:41 PM
hi rkbuttoo,
its not normally too difficult, but it would not be in my interest to not warn you of any problems that you may encounter, I can not know what the setup of your box is, so cannot give a hard and fast answer.

but any problems you might encounter, you might still encounter while using your box, so its all part of the learning curve, even so will not kill your box, worse case is that you need to retune your sats.

Its all down to you in the end, but as i say its not normally a problem, if you have any doubts then post in the main forum querying how other 5300 users fare

hope this helps

29-12-2007, 11:22 AM
I have used pet settings for years on my 5300. Use HNF smart or Humbox to edit and load. You can upload your current settings and update.

01-01-2008, 11:37 PM
Hi Voith
I've been using your settings for a long time and thank you for all your hard work. A question: I have exported the Badr3 services to your main settings but have noticed that they get rather "scrambled" in that some of the services seem to switch satellites eg Sirius and Nilesat. They look as if they are all saved as Badr but when you run the curser over the transponders some are on other satellites as shown by the white box that comes up. I can't for the life of me work ot how to resolve this and any help would be much appreciated. By the way, I'm using Humbox.

Many thanks and Happy New Year.

voith driver
02-01-2008, 11:14 PM
hi bees,
I would recommend using hnfsmart its so much easier, basically, run two, one file in each and cut and paste between the two, i have always found this sort of thing to be a bit difficult in humbox, though if i remember there is a good tutorial in the help section.

this might not help but


oh and my brain is not in gear with your specific problem, i am a lazy bugger and if i can't do it one way i will do it another

03-01-2008, 01:02 AM
Many thanks Voith. I will give that a whirl and see what happens.

04-01-2008, 03:15 PM
Have just upload pet123 but do not have any keys it's all 000 and cannot put any keys in with remote??

Must have done something wrong??

Any help please!!


04-01-2008, 06:13 PM
alright gazboy
try puting catone in hummy again if you have not got any keys in ram editor
and keys disapear when you enter them

04-01-2008, 06:57 PM
sorry to be a pain Marco but how do we use cantone 3.3?


voith driver
04-01-2008, 08:35 PM
hi gazboy,
you have don't no damage m8, you just need to change caid preset to card+emu and reload the bin, this is normal, and is the best way to sort out a bad bin, load a setting file, it resets everything, and you can start afresh with a new bin.
all the best

also if you have the new complete patch you will have already installed the latest catone

05-01-2008, 10:36 AM
Thank's Voith up and running!!

Thank's again and happy new year.


voith driver
05-01-2008, 06:23 PM
always willing to help m8, happy viewing

06-01-2008, 06:28 PM
thank you

06-01-2008, 07:23 PM
I have used pet settings for years on my 5300. Use HNF smart or Humbox to edit and load. You can upload your current settings and update.

Hi James,I see that you have the humax 5300.
I need your help in doing this.
First ,is it easy?
Second, how long does it take
third, what do i do?
Forth,how do do it all?
Fifth,is there the A to Z of how to,please.

06-01-2008, 08:10 PM
Just a quickie, Voith, your method using HNFsmart worked a treat. Amos still is saved as Thor but at least I can move the dish and save the position as if it was Amos which was impossible before.

You are a genius Sir. Thanks again

voith driver
07-01-2008, 07:47 PM
hi bees,
glad to help, not sure without testing on my setup, but your mismatching of sats, where are you finding this info, as there is an anomaly where ( I believe) if there is not a good enough signal on a channel it reports the sat wrongly.

the best way to check this is to go to a channel that reports the correct sat, (making sure it clears) then switch to the offending channel, if it still clears but still shows the wrong sat, then i tend to ignore the error.

It might not be the case here but sometimes we get bogged down in trying to make it all shipshape, that we miss the fact that it still works, or could it be a case of missing the forest for the trees:D

but in any case you have got around it so happy viewing


07-01-2008, 08:49 PM
Hi Voith
It now only appears to be Amos where the problem is - it reports that it is on Thor. HNFsmart shows that it is set for Amos, it moves to the Amos position but when you go into "Search for Channels", it appears to be on Thor and there is no Quality of signal". So it was a hit and miss calculation to work out the position. But as you imply, it's not an exact science and I have a good mix of radio and TV. Thanks again.

voith driver
23-03-2008, 06:49 PM
hi all,
all updated 21/03/08

24-03-2008, 08:46 AM
Thanks Voith. Top man:cool:


voith driver
24-03-2008, 09:18 PM
re-upped to include premier (i hope)

24-03-2008, 09:38 PM
Thanks a lot for all the effort.


25-03-2008, 12:26 PM
I have just downloaded your latest settings i have had to down load the switches one because my motor has packed up on me but i cant find the premier channels anywhere.

voith driver
25-03-2008, 06:46 PM
hi der01,
if you have downloaded the re-upped file, look in either provider if using hnfsmart or network if looking on screen and its in the top two, premier world.

all the best

30-03-2008, 01:40 PM
Just a Quick Question are these settings ok for me to put in to my TM9100 or are the solely for a Humax.
Sorry if it sounds Silly but i got settings from humax/dreambox site dated 5.11.07 and digitalb not up to date in it and a few others not working also.
So i thought i would do a wild search to see if i could find some up to date dsettings on Pimps.

regards Jono

voith driver
30-03-2008, 01:51 PM
hi jono,
this version is setup just for the humax oak versions sorry

though if you have a look on the pet123's humaxsettings.tk home site you can get the dreambox settings from there


30-03-2008, 09:19 PM
Cheers for clearing that up there all up to date there now nice one

Cheers Jono

05-05-2008, 11:05 PM
hi voith you are a very very helpful person i have a 5400 humax about 4 years a friend of mine lives about 50 miles from me i see him about every 6 months i have to waite on him seeting my hummy up for me i think i might mess everything up so that is why i do not try this my self god/bless you for all your great help
regards aspr27

03-03-2011, 07:08 PM
Hy guys,

Does anyone have any new settings from PET123?

Any help on the matter is greatly appreciated

Thank you


voith driver
03-03-2011, 07:28 PM
hi grover2000,
sorry m8, to my knowledge pet123 gave up doing these settings, which stopped me posting my version, there are others occasionally posted but they were not in pets setup last time i checked
all the best