View Full Version : With a 110 cm dish What Sats could i receive

21-07-2007, 08:43 AM
With a 110 cm dish What Sates could i receive, as i am interested in buying a new replacement but i fro a few extra sats i might go one bigger.
Thanks in advance

21-07-2007, 09:12 AM
That is a very difficult question to answer without knowing your general location.
It would also help if you could mention what size dish you are currently using, just to give an idea of what extra you could pick up.

21-07-2007, 09:54 AM
Sorry about that completely forgot
I am in the South East Of England Es*** Ilford area.
At the moment I have a 80cm fixed dish receiving astra and hotbird about to go motorised in the next couple of days when i get a new dish.

21-07-2007, 10:05 AM
1.2 would be better a nice andrews with polar mount last you a lifetime arabsat would be recivable some on amos 4w nilesat v tranponders 1w some incease in signal on the weak tranponders

21-07-2007, 10:08 AM
I have a 1.2m and 1.8m dish in ipswich area and i dont get any extra channels on the bigger dish, i have all sats from 40e to 40w and dont think i am missing any channels on my technomate 1500s and 9100 my dream 7020has a couple of channels that it struggles on in poor weather on the 1.2m as the tuner is not as good for weaker sats,but there are so many channels i cannot remember which. Also the lnb is 0.2 on both


21-07-2007, 10:25 AM
the 1.8 should give increase signal on all sats over the 1.2 depending on the make of the dish some are better than others

21-07-2007, 11:20 AM
Both are channel masters, and yes the 1.8 has more signal but when you are over 90% on the major sats I use there is little point in the extra size, i have gained more from a better more sensitive tuner, better lnb and quality shielded cables than i got for the extra size. In the analog days the size seemed to be much more important, but then the lnbs were 0.7 for a good one, and even though the lt8700 was a top reciever the tuner was not close compared to todays.
As i have a spare 1.2 channel master i am considering taking off the 1.8 as it looks so big down the bottom of the garden compared to the 1.2 for little gain. But obviously my location near ipswich helps as well


21-07-2007, 11:47 AM
the 1.8 could be modified for c band some nice channels from south america could be viewed express russia telecom is quite strong as well

21-07-2007, 06:03 PM
I totally agree with Tr8. I have 3 dishes one of which 1,4 m.

I also have a DB500 and a Kaon. The Kaon has the better receiver and I can pick up more on that with a 90 cm motorized than with the fixed 1,4 m on my DB, LNB's beeing equal.

The 1,4 is also more sensitive to wind as it focuses on a very tiny spot.
The larger your dish the more difficult to align.

Go for a Good dish and LNB and proper cabling. With a good receiver that should get you proprer reception.

Cheers M8.

22-07-2007, 01:50 PM
Sorry about that completely forgot
I am in the South East Of England Es*** Ilford area.
At the moment I have a 80cm fixed dish receiving astra and hotbird about to go motorised in the next couple of days when i get a new dish.

Firstly you are in a great location, one of the best spots in the UK for picking up "other" sats.

Remember the law before you go and get a new dish, esp down your part of the woods.

see here,

Councils crack down on dishes

Local authorities are cracking down on illegal dishes in conservation areas and on listed buildings.

Wotsat regular Roger Bunney has warned us of local authorities in southern England starting enforcement proceedings or even prosecuting for dishes placed on listed buildings or badly-placed in conservation areas.

Regulations introduced in 2006 eased restrictions for dishes in conservation areas, provided they're out of sight, but you still need official consent before fitting a satellite dish on a listed building.

One man in Breamore, Hampshire, was fined £150 plus £100 costs by local magistrates, after failing to fill in a form which called for information about an unauthorised satellite dish on a listed building.

Under planning regulations, listed buildings can only have a standard TV aerial without express permission from the local planning authority.

Taken from wotsat Apr2007.

You might wont to read this,

h**p://blog.wotsat.com/resources/whatsat/AHouseholdersPlanningGuidefortheI nstallationofAntennasincludingSat elliteDishes.pdf

Any how moving on size does matter, regardless of what people tell you, example I have 3 dishes, one is 80cm, one is 110cm and finally the last one is 150cm.

The 150cm is the only one which picks up 7.0w 24/7 (V beams), the 110cm will do it during the evening only and the 80cm well your having a laugh.
All have cable which is CT100 and have the best LNB's for that dish.

Now in your location you may have a chance of getting the wonderful H beams (good for footy) from 7.0w with a 180cm dish but anything less then you are going to struggle.

The best policy in this game is get the best to which you can afford, there is no point paying X amount of money on equipment only to change it in a matter of weeks.

Finally stay away from the old dreamboxes if you are considering a new receiver, the tuner in these are 100% crap.
One of the best receivers for weak signals is the Technomate range, i still have my old DACI5500 here and it picks up signals nothing else can.



23-07-2007, 11:14 PM
Thanks for the replies guys good advice i think i will go and get me 110cm dish i have no chance of showtime though i guess though i geuss illl be alright for premiership footy.

23-07-2007, 11:34 PM
You should be able to get vertical channels on showtime where you are with a 110


24-07-2007, 01:16 AM
is the footy on the vertical transponders?

24-07-2007, 06:40 AM
Most of the footy is on the new sport channels which are on H beam but saying that looking at well known football TV site is lists a couple of games that are on V beam.

Think Wigan first game is on Extreme Sports (V beam) but sorry to say most of the EPL will be on 11996H 27500 3/4 and you need big dish here in UK.

24-07-2007, 12:48 PM
Yeah looks like most of the footy is on showsports (H)

Al Jazeera Sports 1/2 are (V)


24-07-2007, 07:20 PM
Most of the footy is on the new sport channels which are on H beam but saying that looking at well known football TV site is lists a couple of games that are on V beam.

Think Wigan first game is on Extreme Sports (V beam) but sorry to say most of the EPL will be on 11996H 27500 3/4 and you need big dish here in UK.

got to say near ipswich on a 1.2m channel master have got 61% with the h beam on a technomate 1500s so no probs at all on the H, this goes to 76% on my 1.8m channel master but the picture is the same, my dreambox 7020 on the 1.2m it drops down to 50% but can watch sport 1 2 3
not sure in poor weather as dont use the dream much a moment
And on the technomate 9100 its all over the place i am getting different signal depending on the software juliet, ur, or ds images dont think they have optimised the tuner yet!!
but ur009 beta2 is the strongest at 62%


24-07-2007, 09:03 PM
got to say near ipswich on a 1.2m channel master have got 61% with the h beam on a technomate 1500s so no probs at all on the H, this goes to 76% on my 1.8m channel master but the picture is the same, my dreambox 7020 on the 1.2m it drops down to 50% but can watch sport 1 2 3
not sure in poor weather as dont use the dream much a moment
And on the technomate 9100 its all over the place i am getting different signal depending on the software juliet, ur, or ds images dont think they have optimised the tuner yet!!
but ur009 beta2 is the strongest at 62%


Thats great m8, looks like I'll be house hunting in Ipswich very soon !

I am not surprised about the Technomate 1500 giving you the best signal, there are the best boxes I have used for weak signals.

Its crazy to think just a couple of hundred miles can make such a big difference.

Lad I know up the road from me has a 2mtr dish with feedhorn and cant get any of the sport channels and his dish is spot on.

Its a bit like Astra 2d in Spain, you can go to one town in where you can get astra2d with a 110cm dish then go a few miles down the road and not get it with the same size dish.

If I had a bigger garden (or no wife) then would look at a something bigger myself but my 1.5mtr dish looks bad now in a small garden

07-08-2007, 03:22 PM
Hello mate, I live in Barking so bang on the same as you and have a 1m there is nothing more I could want or need between what I have already and a supposed 2.4m dish for the show sports channels, so unless you want to get a 2.4m a 1m will be enough:)