View Full Version : Clarke-Tech HD 5000 coming soon....

21-07-2007, 10:11 AM
The new Clarke Tech HDTV Receiver with PVR Ready (Harddisk via USB)


21-07-2007, 10:53 AM
Yes, it should hit the shops in a matter of days(?)...but as ususal with these new receivers, there is not much information about it and what it can really do, no tests etc. The price in some german shops is €299. Also, the HD-5000 comes as a COMBO (DVB-S/T) as well, price seen is €379.

A few other HDTV receivers to hit the market very soon is Ezy-box 8000 PVR (€549) and the Technisat Digicorder HD S2 (€599).

At least things are beginning to get just a little interesting...maybe?


24-07-2007, 09:47 AM
There a quite a few HDTV receivers releasing in the next couple of weeks

24-07-2007, 01:17 PM
YES spot on with your comments about the C-T HD Models..:)
Thats correct the price as well..;)
I was one of the very First with the C-T when they came out..
In Fact I wrote a lot of the first Tutorials on S/W Updating/Channel Settings Editing/Loading etc..etc..
I was looking forward to the HD Model as well..
BUT since the Support and S/W Updates and the solution to the Last fiasco with the V1.55..which by the way laid my STB to Rest...R.I.P
I will NOT support this Model unless there is a clear effort to Release a FIX for all the people who buggered up thier C-T's with the last S/W Releases..
It is clear that NO or very Little Support has been offered to FIX our STB's.
which IMHO is NOT very nice for all who bought and supported the C-T.

24-07-2007, 01:44 PM
you can fix your 2000 model and firmware 156 is out for it

24-07-2007, 01:55 PM
Hi A..
Thanks for your response and support.
Have tried that method when it came out weeks ago..
The only result I got was that both my PC on Board COMM Ports were corrupted..:mad:
I now have a COMM Port Interface Card on Board with 3 Ports ..which works very nicely..
I DO NOT want to touch the C-T 2000 again with my COMM Ports.
I may try it with a USB Adapter but never again my COMM Ports..!
I read that you Posted this solution Buddy..DID it work for you..?
Have you still got all your C-T's 2000..?
Does the V1.56 work on them now..?

24-07-2007, 02:00 PM
yes it works and 1.56 works too not tried it as yet but will today.
Using 1.52 and I have fixed 4 boxes of my mates so it works.

24-07-2007, 02:00 PM
Yes, support really is A and O these days. Also, many satellite hobbyists are screaming out for more enthusiastic DVB functions and compatibility, superb tuners, advanced signal and stream info, 4:2:2 etc. Will the C-tech 5000 HD be yet another receiver with EMU as the main salespitch? There are many questions about this and other upcoming receivers and I guess only time will tell. Call me a rotten pessimist but I hardly think that any of the STB's due out soon will deliver anything really passionate. Shame to waste all that fine hardware on middle of the road software if you ask me.
Would be nice if some company would shut me up though! :D


24-07-2007, 02:12 PM
Well A..
again you have brought to my knees with Tears in my eyes I must confess I have missed my C-T 2000..:D
Your News gives my Hope Buddy.

@ Eugenie..
Very True spoken like a true Sat Freak...
That's exactly what I am experiencing with my Fortecstar Passion HD..
A lot of Bugs..BUT listening to my Dealer ..who says BARE WITH ME..all this should be fixed in the next few weeks..
So If the S/W is NOT up to scratch then the STB is NOT worth getting..
but who knows what the STB can do unless you Buy and Test its all Talk..!
so lets wait and see what the C-T HD Beast will de capable of..
I am sure "A" will get one and he can come back and report..:D

24-07-2007, 03:22 PM
@Eugenie which one to get ??:D:D
@Load 152 on the CT-2000 AND keep it that way I will test the 156 and let you know

24-07-2007, 03:45 PM

Ask me in a couple of years time, only then will we truly know! :D

At this point I am ready to buy the first decent HDTV pvr that comes along, I sold my only pvr receiver (Dreambox) aprox 8 months ago with all the promises of HDTV pvr receivers about to hit the market around februari...and as we all know, nothing came!...no DM8000, no Lyngbox, no C-tech 5000 etc etc...and I´ve refused to give in and buy another pvr receiver with old mpg2 technology...I was looking to the future...but the future didn´t come to meet me! What a bummer! :D:D


24-07-2007, 04:39 PM
your future is not bright then m8:D

24-07-2007, 04:50 PM
I´m still keeping hope alive m8! ;)


24-07-2007, 05:39 PM
OK A..
I will wait until you give me the Green Light..!:D

24-07-2007, 05:42 PM
I´m still keeping hope alive m8! ;)


have a look at my Posts concerning the Fortecstar Passion HD here:


See what you think..
I am NOT plugging it but before you hang in there any longer with nothing..maybe..well..maybe..!

24-07-2007, 06:13 PM
I´ve been watching it (Fortec passion) ever since it came out on the market because it looked somewhat promising but it has -so far- not delivered the goods like blindscan, 4:2:2 etc, also the tuner has gotten bad reviews, slow zapping etc...also, I´m not fond of Fortecstar, I´ve been very disappointed with their original/official support for their Lifetime Ultra model and their respons to complaints. It would take a lot to get me to buy a Fortecstar again...and from what I´ve seen so far m8, they´ve still got far to go. Don´t get me wrong, I´d give Fortecstar another go if they delivered some serious stuff...hopefully they will do just that.
I am baffled over the fact that so many manufacturers/companies release their products half baked (you know what I mean?).


24-07-2007, 07:09 PM
Yes I see what you mean..
OK its true a few problems are at present still under observation and the Engineers are Addressing them but the potential for this beast is according to the US Boards very good..
Apparently there is a S/W out in the US (only Beta mind you ) which already does 4.2.2.
This will be Released Worldwide once the trials in the US and Canada are finnished.
The Chip in the Passion is a 7xxx Series and these can do the 4.2.2 Signals..
So thats a real surprise ..my Dealer confirmed and told me this is true ..(it even says that in the User Manual)
Or at least 4.2.0 and the STB thinks its 4.2.2
which sounds very interessting..I personally DO NOT think such rumours would be spread around if there was NOT a little truth in it..
All the Boards in the US are raving about it..
Also an Editor and Loader for convential S/W and Settings is in the making..writing it is a German/Dutch company..so I have been told by my Dealer.
Also the Power Scan as the US call it we call it a Blind Scan is on the way..
Apparently these S/W's are available ..BUT only for a certain few..namely the Beta Testers...they are sworn to keeping them OFF the Net..!
and Last but NOT least the USB is going to be switched ON for to function for PVR Recording.
So lets wait and see what happens..
I am a little dissapointed with the Scan but this is being addressed as we speak..!
So all in all I will hang on to this Beast for another few weeks and see what develops...
What really teases me is the Fact that the On Board Functions Editing /Deleting/ Moving really DO work well..
Also the USB function is fantastic..
Not to forget the Huge Memory for 7000 TV and 3000 Radio ..delete most of the Crap on the Radio and you have at least 9000 Tv..
which is really futuristic..
anyway enough Eugenie..
Hope I did not bore you..


there is a Store in the UK..begins with a "Ma " ends with "ps"..which is selling them at the moment for GBP 149.-..
Which I must say is a great price and if I was at Home right now ..I would get another one..

24-07-2007, 07:29 PM
@ "A"
Sorry.. we seem to have got carried away here Eugenie..!
Just like two Old women having a natter..!
I have just noticed that we are in the wrong Thread..!
maybe "A" can move these Posts to the Fortec Passion HD Thread..Please.
Sorry Guys...a genuine mistake..:frown:

24-07-2007, 08:35 PM
Well Andrew, we may be getting a little sidetracked but as long as we are at it...it is absolutely true what you say about the beta softwares being tried out by north american dealers...it does indeed seem that there will be exciting software updates including 4:2:2 etc...I´m sure we are all keeping an eye on the situation. The receiver is rather well priced and should they deliver on the mentioned things...well then it might just be worth it.
I am sad to see that both Fortecstar and C-tech have chosen to go down the usb pvr route, I must say that I would have liked an internal hdd (and maybe ethernet for PC transfers) but then again, I have no experience with these external usb pvr solutions so who knows, they may work rather well (remains to be seen I suppose).
I tend to be maybe a little bit too demanding these days but I really do think that we as consumers should hold the companies to a certain standard, I personally think that they (manufactors in general) are missing the mark! They should keep their ears closer to the ground and meet the costumers wants and needs in a better way.


24-07-2007, 09:47 PM
Sorry to jump in.
But really nice to read Your posts @Andrew007 and @Eugenie.
Similar Ideas about CTand HD receivers.Thanks...again :)

25-07-2007, 06:38 AM
@ quibath
No problem M8y..just jump in and Add anything you have to offer..
Its a general open discussion.;)
anything on this subject is welcome as this is a New Road we are going down.

@ Eugenie
Yes same for me,as far as the USB PVR Route is concerned I dont think anyone has Posted any results cos its NOT out and running yet.
Don't think it will take long thought..
Either "A" or "The Handsome One" will surely Post on this Subject as soon as they have a chance to Test it..
Maybe I will be getting there with the Passion before them (hoping :rolleyes:)....saying that the C-T 5000 HD definitely has this feature according to all the rumours.so as soon as its released and people start buying it we will read all about the Pro's and Contra's.
Probably means another piece of New Kit though,unless you take it thru and onto your PC HDD...which I personally dont want to do ..so a stand alone external 500 GB HDD will be needed...NOT the Ideal solution cos this means yet again another piece of Equipment standing around.
But thats only speculation on my part I have NO idea how this works in practice
A matter of waiting,sitting tight and drinking Tea ..!

31-07-2007, 01:57 PM
So...I see the C-tech 5000 is now out and in stock at some german shops...price is as said before €299 (combo DVB-S/T €379). Wonder how many hours/days it will be until someone confirms whether or not it can do 4:2:2? Seems to me that this information should be present in the product info sheet!...you shouldn´t have to buy it to find out! As for the external USB HDD...I´d prefer an internal HDD and ethernet connetion myself.
@Andrew...it is indeed now only a matter of time...and it´s time for my 3 o´clock tea!


31-07-2007, 02:46 PM
ONLY If it can be patched I will get it

31-07-2007, 05:29 PM
All these new HD boxes claim to do things, but in reality they don't do the tasks that people are spreading over the forums.
The Fortecstar is another example. :rolleyes:

I would not buy a box based on what it might do. :cool:

31-07-2007, 09:32 PM
The Clarke-tech HD-5000 support webpage (digit*****.tv) offers very little information...not much of a support site. Shouldn´t this site be prepared and filled with stuff since the receiver is now on the market...seems to me it only offers empty sections and 'coming soon's. Is it the official site?
Another halfbaked release?

I agree, what is needed is a little bit more reliable (and more detailed!) information from the companies/manufacturers...and a little in advance of the market release.


01-08-2007, 03:57 PM
Hi M8's hope you don't mind me adding a bit about PVR's. Has anyone got any feedback on the EZY-Box 8000HDTV PVR.
Just wondering cause it looks like it;s ready for shipping.:)

01-08-2007, 04:20 PM
About the Ezy-box...there is an official forum if it helps ( ezy-box.de ).

Here is a TEST of the Ezy-box (hope the link is ok, otherwise please remove);


02-08-2007, 12:22 PM
About the Ezy-box...there is an official forum if it helps ( ezy-box.de ).

Here is a TEST of the Ezy-box (hope the link is ok, otherwise please remove);


Many thanks for that Eugenie:)

02-08-2007, 12:25 PM
I have just received mine and will give you my opinion shortly.

There is already a small bug when you want to choose your language (null, null, null, null instead of the languages).

And the bloody Germans at Clarke-Tech (strangely or not ******** and Clarke-Tech have the same admins) did answer me this on 13/07/2007


the Receiver CT 5000 HD have Blind search option


Carlos Pastor
******** GmbH

But no Blindscan at all !!!

02-08-2007, 01:39 PM
Others :
Possibility to add a 2nd card reader

Options :
Portals menu included.
No Blind Scan
Audio Level as for CT2100 (doesn't work)
Mostly same OS as CT2100 (with its good & bad things)

Cams :
Can't enter TV Vlaanderen Cam menu
Aston Cam OK
Diablo Cam & TRex - Will test again later as it doesn't seem to work at 100%

Card Reader :
TV Vlaanderen OK
Digitalb OK
ART Sport OK
Can***** OK




Didn't test yet


Didn't test yet

02-08-2007, 02:03 PM
Thanks Fabrice for your feedback. Looking forward to hearing more...it does seem to be both positive and negative reactions from your side.
I hope you get a chance to try a channel with 4:2:2 coloursampling to see if it works, many people are interested to know.

Here are a few active channels;
36.0 east - 12611 V 5787 3/4 Al Jazeera in 4:2:2
7.0 east - 10959 H 6666 7/8 feed in 4:2:2
7.0 east - 11151 H 5700 3/4 feed in 4:2:2


02-08-2007, 02:29 PM
I've just tested

Intelsat 10-02 & Thor 2/3 (1.0°W)
Frequency: 11491 - Pol: V - SR: 6111 - FEC: -
Category: Sport - Courses hippiques
Transmitted in: MPEG-2 4:2:2
Comments: Galways Horses Races:Summer Festival Meeting 2007

And beautiful black screen but sound (obviously) despite the error message : No Audio/Video :-) (oki in Quali Tv)

Diablo : doesn't read my Canal sat (no idea why it does in all other receivers and not in CT5000) card but opens Showtime (Premiere and other providers deserve another test).

Will look furthermore on the other issues this evening.

02-08-2007, 02:41 PM
Ok, thanks again, sad to hear that it will not display 4:2:2.


02-08-2007, 03:07 PM
thanks for the info, still no decent high def reciever to recieve 4;2;2

02-08-2007, 05:48 PM
Additional infos :

1. Can't test DVB-T as my antenna can't catch a thing.
2. Diablo ok but seems like initializing every time I move channel (minor bug)
3. Diablo Reads my canal Sat card after that new initializing (so a bit slow on Diablo but no major bug as freezes or whatever)
4. Will test USB/PVR another day (when I'll have a USB stick or HDD USB)
5. T-Rex seems OK as well
6. Answer from Clarke-Tech Support (not sure it means it'll be or can be added in a future firmware).

Dear Sir,
sorry but in the moment a Blindscan is not available !

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards

Support Team

My opinion after Day 1 :

I was a bit disappointed because no blindscan but otherwise I must say it's a good receiver with some options you can't have on other HD receivers (Usals, Diseqc 1.1, Portal menu, DVB-T) and quite stable for a 1.00 firmware compared to some other receivers I had the opportunity to test in the past.

03-08-2007, 10:26 AM
And in the New SW Version 1.01p Emu is available. SD and HD recording and playback in real format available. A very nice box.

03-08-2007, 12:51 PM
And in the New SW Version 1.01p Emu is available. SD and HD recording and playback in real format available. A very nice box.

Where can I find the 1.01p version?

03-08-2007, 03:06 PM
Just uploaded them in the CT section on this board

03-08-2007, 03:09 PM
Just uploaded them in the CT section on this board


Any idea what it opens?

Also another user posted that it has got recording features, does this box have a PVR functionality?

03-08-2007, 03:11 PM
I guess it´ll open the same chls as the CT2100 + CS possible?
Can´t really say, because I haven´t got one

here´s the link to the manual:


03-08-2007, 03:20 PM
It's PVR thru USB Hard Disk or Stick.
But recording HD freezes

05-08-2007, 06:04 PM
New Software 102p available on DVB ULC

05-08-2007, 06:10 PM
No Emu in that one

06-08-2007, 10:41 AM
No Emu in that one
In 102p from yesterday the emu is available.

06-08-2007, 04:24 PM
@ Smart
what does emu open m8 and how do u access it?

yours as always poleman

06-08-2007, 04:54 PM
It opens the same as most emus + TP$ is AU.
U access to it by Menu -> security settings -> Multi-Cas ON
Then 8280/8282 for keys change thru the remote control if necessary.

06-08-2007, 05:00 PM
thanks m8

yours as always poleman

14-09-2007, 04:14 PM
New Software 104 & 104p available

01-02-2008, 12:50 PM
how can i check if i have PVR on my CT?