View Full Version : speed camera files

24-07-2007, 01:11 PM
Hi, I got three speed camera files. The first one is, UK - Single File With All Cameras. The second is, UK - Consolidated By Type (Gatso, Mobile etc) and the third is, UK - Speed Zoned Complete.Can somebody explain what is the differance between the three files.much appreciated.

24-07-2007, 01:50 PM
The clue is in the name of the file.
The first is just a list of all types of speed cameras lumped together. There is no distinction of type or speed limit.

The second differeniates between fixed camera (gatso, redlight etc) and mobiles but does not indicate the speed limit.

The last lists each camera type and speed limit separately.

Ease of installation is in the order given as is amount of information.

So you need to decide whether you just want to hear just "speed camera ahead" or "Gatso ahead - speed limit 40 mph" and decide which file to use.

On each file you can decide at what distance you want to hear the warning. On the last file you can tailor make it to your preference. Perhaps just 100m for a RedLight camera but 1000m for a 70mph moblile camera.

24-07-2007, 02:18 PM
If you had read the post with the speed cameras properly you would of seen an explanation of the different cameras.

Tomtom Zoned, Single File & Consolidated Speed camera files - And - Europe ZONED, CONSOLIDATED & SINGLE File Cameras.

Each file covers all of the speed cameras, so only use one of them depending on how much information you want.

The ZONED cameras are split up into different camera groups - Gatso, Mobile, Redlight, Specs & Temp - and then these groups are split up again into the various different speed limits - 20mph, 30, 40, 50, 60 & 70 - except for the Redlight cameras.

The CONSOLIDATED cameras are just split up into the different camera groups Gatso, Mobile, Redlight, Specs & Temp - so just one file for each group.

The SINGLE cameras has only one file which covers all of the cameras.

If you cannot understand this then please let me know ??

25-07-2007, 12:03 AM
Thanks for the quick reply guys,How can i set up the distance that i want to hear the warning, and tailor make it to my preference.one other question is can i put the EUR files in the same file as the UK?

25-07-2007, 01:17 AM
To set up the distance for the warnings you need to go into "Manage POI" then "Warn when near POI".

You have to do this for each camera type/speed limit. That is 36 (IIRC) different ones if you use the Speed Zoned option.

The camera POIs go in your map folder. I've not tried it, but I suspect the Eur cameras will work too, if you have a GB & Western European map installed.

25-07-2007, 07:56 AM
Have a look here for info on how to get better warning sounds for the cameras :-

And yes you can use both sets of cameras. Some units may not be able to use all the POIs so if you have problems with the Zoned cameras you could try either the Consolidated or Single file cameras.

25-07-2007, 12:58 PM
Thanks guys much appreciate.