View Full Version : Picture help

25-07-2007, 07:42 PM

On my dreambox when I watch Sky or ITV the picture is in widescreen or a smaller sqaure and it don't fill my screen. Is there any way to change the setting so that all TV pictures fill my screen? It fills it on a normal Sky box.

27-07-2007, 05:53 AM
anyone know?:confused:

27-07-2007, 06:54 AM
Do you have a widescreen TV? If so check the settings in the Dreambox menu. It sounds like its configured for 4:3 letterboxed output.

If it's not that and you're saying that your TV autoswitches aspect ratios for your Sky box and not your Dreambox then the problem possibly lies with your scart connector not being fully wired or the setup of your TV scart.

Hope this helps.

31-07-2007, 04:20 PM
Do you have a widescreen TV? If so check the settings in the Dreambox menu. It sounds like its configured for 4:3 letterboxed output.

If it's not that and you're saying that your TV autoswitches aspect ratios for your Sky box and not your Dreambox then the problem possibly lies with your scart connector not being fully wired or the setup of your TV scart.

Hope this helps.

Thanks, it was my dreambox settings, iv'e sorted it now :)

31-07-2007, 04:32 PM
You're welcome. I was wondering what the outcome was.