View Full Version : 510s - any clues?

26-07-2007, 11:24 AM
What's up with the 510 s guys? Any idea?:confused:


26-07-2007, 12:24 PM
Dgstation has changed it's name to Cuberevo. In fact the whole HD Series will be called Cuberevo while SD series will be called Cubecafe.

They claim it will be ready around September or October.

26-07-2007, 11:20 PM
Thanx, m8! ;)

'Been on the denktenk and the sentiments are not that positive regarding the DG...:confused: Is it that bad now...?:cool:

14-08-2007, 10:35 AM
Hi Goran
Most people complaining over relook is either people who really shouldnt baught a linux box in the first place or former dreambox owners that think they baught a dreambox
+ some people who seams devoted to write about pixels.Ive had a relook 400 for a year and a half and its mostly been a nice experience but and its a big but if you want something that works out of the box dont buy one.Personaly half the fun is putting on new firmware and solving strange problems.

14-08-2007, 12:51 PM
Thank you kindly, Samot, m8!

I haven't had one, haven't even seen one in operation, so I must ask... And as I rely on answers of knowledgeable people with good will [like you] - this is doubly appreciated!

Btw, I agree with you - in the end you don't watch the telly...:D The fun is in travelling - much more than "getting there, finally", really - so not so much into reaping the rewards of one's effort while on one's way to a solution...:p

Stay well!!;):)