View Full Version : to know what are you loading

voith driver
01-08-2007, 10:16 PM
hi all,
well i keep seeing members saying they have loaded a new firmware, then have loaded a pcm then a catone whatever No.

well the way to check what you are loading is by using HDFSMART after loading the HDF, this if a full 1mg in size will most likely already have these items

if you look at the main page you will see the tick boxes, if there are a few not ticked then go to the ? at the top, and click on XML catalgue update,then choose from humax-zone (this works best for me) this will then tell you if you have the latest or if you want to load the latest.

after doing this close down and restart hdfsmart, and reload the patch, you will now see that all the modules are ticked (if its a valid toh/hot)

if you then read the firmware list you will see that it already loads a pcm and the latest catone relevent to the age of the patch.

the pcm is a bit basic it would seem, but it does work if you let it sit a couple of secs

hope this helps