View Full Version : Echolink & Omnisat

03-08-2007, 03:52 PM
:confused:Hi Guys,
Does anyone know if this box can power an IRTE Omnisat motor? I am trying to set up my new box but cant get it to power up the Omnisat.
Any advice appreciated.

03-08-2007, 05:31 PM

Do not no About a Echolink Reciever? Ominisat is usally powered bye the Satcable running to your LNB ?? So it Looks Like your Echolink is not Giving your Ominisat Enoegh Power to Run ????

Have you Not got the 24 volt [ DC In ] Power Pack ?? This Boosts the Power to your Ominisat Motor?

03-08-2007, 09:58 PM
Thanks Rabby. I think you must be correct about the power supply, it doesn't seem to even light the control box. I dont have the 24v power pack - never needed it. My previous Force and Visionnet recievers powered up the omnisat no problem.
Oh well, it looks like i'm stuck on A*tra until i can sort this out.
Good to see Pr****** again though.

06-08-2007, 10:39 AM
Yup separate psu needed methinks.

I used to own one of these IRTE for mobile use as they also adjust in the verticle as well as horizontal plane they are great for fine tuning.

The 777 stb.
It seems there's no constant voltage output as I cant manually move my dish at the DiSEq motor with the 2 east/west switches on the motor.
It only outputs voltage when it needs to move the dish via DiSEq I think.


06-08-2007, 09:58 PM
Thanks for your comments on the Omnisat Alpha1. I have ordered a 24v transformer to see if that will do the trick. The Echolink is working great otherwise but i wish i had known about this before i bought it.:frown:

16-09-2007, 03:59 PM
Any luck ?

16-09-2007, 09:02 PM
:confused:Thanks for asking Alpha1. No joy with it i'm afraid. Even tried looping it through my old Visionnet but that didn't do the trick either. I'm stuck with reconnecting the VN every time i need to move sat positions. This is a real pain because otherwise the Echolink is a fantastic bit of kit.
I was thinking about changing my motor but its not an easy job(high roof). When i look at the cost i would probably be better changing my reciever again. What do you think? Any suggestions?

18-09-2007, 07:16 PM

Well the Omnisat is just a dish & positoner.

If you have a PSU separate so that theres no issue of the EL777 causing the problem then all it should be doing is moving the dish via the Omni remote to the sat, then tune the EL777 to sat bouquet its pointed at.

Maybe lnb power should be off on the EL777 menu also ?

Good luck.