View Full Version : 777 & DiSEqC

04-08-2007, 11:50 AM
Anyone got this running correctly ?

I have tried for days now to try get the dish to move via the 777 with no success.

It seems there's no constant power to the motor unlike the Humax stb's where you can manually move the dish east-west from two switches on the motor at the dish.

its just dead up there but I can move the dish manually in the antenna setup on the 777 stb menu to set the east west limits, but that's all it will do to move the dish.

Any one else struggling ?

04-08-2007, 03:08 PM
I think it should be Thor [0.8'W or 1'W] as the reference point, possibly, speaking by heart, as the Manual is **** poor...:frown: That is, for London. Save as Position 1 then?

Dunno. Didn't manage in the end...

I suppose one can always go to factory defaults, then bring in one's coordinates [Longitude and Latitude] and try what I described above, as it kinda stands to reason... But...???:confused:

Anyone done it?:cool:

04-08-2007, 05:04 PM
Got it sorted.

The way i did it was to move the dish to each sat position in the 777 limiter setup and save each position as position 1-2-3-4 etc etc.

Make a full scan on each sat position as you go through them, its a bit fiddly as you have to let the stb finish moving the dish and it cant be interrupted to another sat position whilst it does its thing ( that last statement will be come clearer when you try it :) )

Manual as usual assumes you are a sat engineer and have worked with these setups for years :)

PS Im also in the London area near Dartford

Can the 777 input D+ from the remote ?

YEs: just found the editor in the stb menu

04-08-2007, 07:13 PM
This also seems to confirm the problem i am having with my Omnisat set up. (See other thread). At present i am having to reconnect my old Visionnet to move the dish, then swap over to the new777 - pain in the ***.
Does anyone know if the 24v input on the Omnisat will work with any transformer, or does it need a special one? I cant find one on the net and if it going to be expensive i would probably be better thinking about a new motor. The Omnisat has been a great piece of kit and is still going strong so i would be sorry to lose it.:frown:

04-08-2007, 07:25 PM
Got it sorted.

The way i did it was to move the dish to each sat position in the 777 limiter setup and save each position as position 1-2-3-4 etc etc.

Can the 777 input D+ from the remote ?

YEs: just found the editor in the stb menu

hi i had the same problem too. glad yoursis sorted

04-08-2007, 08:24 PM
Got it sorted.

The way i did it was to move the dish to each sat position in the 777 limiter setup and save each position as position 1-2-3-4 etc etc.

Can you elaborate, m8? Are you sure it was the limiter, rather than LNB [or whatever it was?] part of the Menu?:confused:


05-08-2007, 10:51 AM
Yes in the antenna setting menu under LNB all the dish settings are in there.

Good luck

Here's how I did it and it helps if you know the approximate compass position of the sats your looking for.

Hope it makes sense :)

1. Menu
2. Installation>ok
3.Antenna Setup>ok (you may get a box on screen telling you to wait for dish to be moved)
4.Select sat to be found.
5.Enter LNB config>ok
6.Positioner> DiSEqC12>ok
7.Position to save(enter a unique number for each sat position)
8.Move east/west to find selected satellite.(Signal bars will indicate if you hit the position).>ok
9. Go back 2 menu screens using>Menu> to search function section then scan the satellite you have found.
10. Repeat the process untill you have the sats you need.

05-08-2007, 12:18 PM
That's why I asked: I did it like that and it wouldn't accept/remember it. When I went for the OK [memorise] it would start moving to a position other than the one I just memorised...:confused:

Oh, well, must try again, one day...;)


05-08-2007, 04:24 PM
Make sure its actually moving the dish when it displays the message as it stays in the same position but says its moving it.

I can see my dish at the bottom of the garden when programming the 777 it shows "please wait for moving dish to reference point" message, but the dish isn't moving it just seems to memorize the position whilst the message is displayed.

HAve fun :)

16-09-2007, 09:16 PM
I have just installed a technomate tm-2200 super to replace my old ******* motor that I used with my Nokia 9600 . The echolink 777 will not move the dish from 0.0 deg . Please help


17-09-2007, 12:47 PM

I posted this in here a few weeks ago, I hope it helps you.

1. Menu
2. Installation>ok
3.Antenna Setup>ok (you may get a box on screen telling you to wait for dish to be moved)
4.Select sat to be found.
5.Enter LNB config>ok
6.Positioner> DiSEqC12>ok
7.Position to save(enter a unique number for each sat position)
8.Move east/west to find selected satellite.(Signal bars will indicate if you hit the position).>ok
9. Go back 2 menu screens using>Menu> to search function section then scan the satellite you have found.
10. Repeat the process untill you have the sats you need.