View Full Version : What dish size? Nilesat South Dublin!

04-08-2007, 05:52 PM
What size dish is required for picking up Nilesat at 7West in Dublin South? Any experiences? Have a 1.1 Triax with absolutely no signal What satellite gives 1.2 i presume for England. How much more for Ireland East Coast?

appreciate any replies

04-08-2007, 06:08 PM
Some people are saying they are picking up the Vertical channels with 1.2m dish.
I have a 1m in southern England and just fail to get a steady signal.
Your 1.1m might just be enough.

04-08-2007, 06:46 PM
Nothing I'm afraid on 1.1 mtr. Don't know how much more is needed.


04-08-2007, 06:52 PM
Hi M8,
i live in the NI, No chance with my 1m DISH, I THINK YOU WILL NEED AT LEAST 1.2M POSSIBLY 1.5m.

04-08-2007, 07:15 PM
Hi chopper
I just tried on my 1m dish and managed to scan in the Verticals so am very happy :D

04-08-2007, 07:31 PM
Vertical channels are much stronger signal. But it's the horizontal channels that most people want to get their hands on. And there lies the problem. If you are in the extreme South East of England as little as 1.2m might do the job. If you are in N Wales Midlands 1.8 -2.4m, North England 2.4 -3.0 m. I am near the southern coast in SW England and 2.0m just does the job. Horizontal channel signals vary through the day. Between 9pm and 1am is the strongest period. But beware the slightest bad weather drastically degrades the signal. For Dublin you are probably looking at 3.0m at least. Best to get local knowledge though before committing to buying such a monster!

04-08-2007, 07:40 PM
on fair weather days I get the vertical channels, soon as a cloud comes over there gone.

Never ever seen the horizontal ones.

04-08-2007, 08:07 PM
Down in Kilkenny with a 1.1m triax, Skystar 2 and 0.2 lnb

If it is a reasonably clear night, I can get a stable picture from about 10-11pm onwards on a few vertical transponders. But any hint of rain, or even thick Irish clouds, and the signal goes. Much harder to pick up in the winter, there is a scientific reason for this, but I can't remember it. Also, the dish needs to be really well aligned.

Transponders I get:

11861 --- this is the easiest one to get a lock on for me.

Get about 68 tv and radio channels, haven't scanned for a few months.

Will have a play around tonight, got broadband about 2 weeks ago and haven't turned on the telly since. Novelty is beginning to wear off now though.

05-08-2007, 12:53 AM
A monster I don't need. Will try late night scan. Might invest in a 1.5



05-08-2007, 12:06 PM
m8 1.5mtr might sound big but it still will not be enough for H beam on 7.0w.

I have just this minute finished tweaking my gibertini 1.5mtr dish on 7.0w.

It has a c120 with a matched feedhorn and is set up to the mm perfect.

I can get V beams 24/7 no problem using technomate cip5500 as a meter, 11747V is coming through at 51%.

For the H beams I have nothing at all no matter what I do nothing appears.

I am in Manchester which is on the same level as Dublin.

I honestly think you need to be looking at about 2.4mtr plus for H beams in our location.
Wotsat reckons 220cm, so you can bet it will be 240cm.

The only guy I have seen on the forum who has posted he had the H beams was the guy from Ipswich with his 1.8mtr channel master.

1.5mtr dish cost me £350 so think carefully, esp when you consider that my 1.1mtr Televes dish gets V beams in the evening so I've spent all that money just for some Arabic daytime TV, camel racing is good but not that good !

05-08-2007, 12:45 PM
I think it also has a lot to do with longitude...I live in the south of Sweden with a lattitude almost the same as Glasgow and I get signal on basically all horizontal Nilesat101/2 beams, often enough to get a clear picture on 12226 and 12301 in good weather...and I use a Gibertini 1.25m (with a Golden Interstar 0.3 lnbf)...my longitude is at almost 14 degrees east.

I´ve noticed that the signal level of the Nilesat satellites have gone just a little bit weaker the past year (is it only me?)...I used to get a clear signal lock from all horizontal TPs at one point and could scan most of them...could always (as long as the weather was good) watch channels from at least 3 TPs with clear picture (but with basically no margin)...now I can barely get a clear picture at all on 12226 and 12301. The latest scan brought in 155 tv channels.

I reckon a Gibertini 1.5m will bring in all the horizontal TPs no problem here.
As for Atlantic Bird 4 on 7W...not a sniff of signal with my 1.25m!


05-08-2007, 07:28 PM
Okay. The 3 metre is out but I want to buy another Triax for a combi bar with 4 lnbs in a fixed position. Might just move to the 1.5 because I won't need a motor to drive it. Once it's on target I just leave it sit.

The only reason I wanted the Nilesat was for the occasional match not available anywhere else.

Thanks for all advice which was both informative and much appreciated.



06-08-2007, 10:58 AM
Its a great package too, in Spain I have a 80cm motorised and get the full package all the time. At home now in South Yorkshire and nothing with my 80cm. Missing it loads, but still lots to watch.


06-08-2007, 11:16 AM
With my my Fibo 1.2 (near heathrow) I am getting some 314 channels on Nilesat on the TM1000D after a scan. Currrently there is no breakup on any of the channels whether it's day or night.

11977V is the strongest transponder for me with 70%+ signal and the 11938V MBC transponder with 62%+ signal

The weakest for me is the 11804H with around 40% signal

06-08-2007, 08:47 PM
Thats great, just goes to show how much a couple of hundred miles can make a difference.

Not a sniff of 11804H here (Manchester) with 1.5mtr and guy up road from me and he has a 2.0mtr and no 11804H for him either.

07-08-2007, 12:36 PM
In Lancashire in the Skelmersdale area and today I am picking up showtime package with echostar 3600 and traix 110 dish...40% signal quality, 11862,V 27500. Regards james

07-08-2007, 03:14 PM
Tarzen looks like your getting the best results given size of your dish and you're a little further out than me too, I am on a 1m in east london getting vertical transponders in the day too, but notice the movie ones are weaker than the comedy channel transponder, in other words I get decent 24/7 signal from where there will be some football i.e show sports extra, but the movies are more stable in the evening:):)

07-08-2007, 09:54 PM
In Lancashire in the Skelmersdale area and today I am picking up showtime package with echostar 3600 and traix 110 dish...40% signal quality, 11862,V 27500. Regards james

M8 V beams are not a problem and most people in the UK can get these with 110cm dish +.

You try and get a H beam with a 110cm dish in the North West of England and its a different story.

Last night about 21.30 I did get 12399 H on my 150cm dish but with a slight breakup.

The one everyone wants is 11966H 27500 3/4, this is the one with movies and more importantly the EPL footy.

10-08-2007, 09:44 AM
Hi guys
OK I get the V beam ok in stoke on a 1.25 channel master with feedhorn but no signal on the other beam-

I have two clients in north liverpool/skelmersdale area who want to pick up the EPL on nilesat and are prepared to install whatever size dish is gonna do the job. Already have one guy there with a 1.8m channel master/feed horn in skem and don't think he is getting enough signal (but gonna check with him) What I need to know is will the 2.4m channel master suffice in that area or are we gonna have to go for 3m plus?? Also any recommendations of good dish manufactureres of that size, 2.4 is biggest i've done so far....


10-08-2007, 12:46 PM
Hi guys
OK I get the V beam ok in stoke on a 1.25 channel master with feedhorn but no signal on the other beam-

I have two clients in north liverpool/skelmersdale area who want to pick up the EPL on nilesat and are prepared to install whatever size dish is gonna do the job. Already have one guy there with a 1.8m channel master/feed horn in skem and don't think he is getting enough signal (but gonna check with him) What I need to know is will the 2.4m channel master suffice in that area or are we gonna have to go for 3m plus?? Also any recommendations of good dish manufactureres of that size, 2.4 is biggest i've done so far....


I'd advise your clients to hang fire on buying their dishes as there's a rumour on the site that Showtime will upgrade to Viaccess 3.0 very soon.
They can of course buy a card which will set them back around £170.

10-08-2007, 06:47 PM
Hi guys
OK I get the V beam ok in stoke on a 1.25 channel master with feedhorn but no signal on the other beam-

I have two clients in north liverpool/skelmersdale area who want to pick up the EPL on nilesat and are prepared to install whatever size dish is gonna do the job. Already have one guy there with a 1.8m channel master/feed horn in skem and don't think he is getting enough signal (but gonna check with him) What I need to know is will the 2.4m channel master suffice in that area or are we gonna have to go for 3m plus?? Also any recommendations of good dish manufactureres of that size, 2.4 is biggest i've done so far....


M8 let me know about your guy with the 1.8 channel master, hes not to far from me and would help me to decide what to do here.
Tell him its best to check about 20.30 onwards.

By the way you seen the price of thre 2.4mtr channel master ? its about £2500.


12-08-2007, 03:16 PM
i can see all having problems with massive size dishes ...etc ,i´m located in spain and we have nilsat no problem but we are suffering with Astra 2D(BBC ...etc) ,i think is time to find a solution thru internet (the new idea is receive the transponder streams in the good part then convert it in binary and send it thru the net then receive it in the end part and convert it back to normal streams so the decoder can use the signal ,i know is a dream to have such as solution but i ´m sure one day will be possible ,already similar solution exists with other applications(domotics) and its devoloped by siemens..regards

12-08-2007, 03:28 PM
Yep even with a big dish you may still have problems
First thing is to find out if you are in the foot print of nile sat in your area.

And why would you want to pay big money to set a dish up for for nile sat ?? when there is Nova , premiere world, digitalb. ect

check the games out on the web site below and compare games on channels to nile sat you may find out it is not worth it..for me anyway:D


12-08-2007, 06:39 PM
I treat Nilesat as a bonus.
Certainly wouldn't fork out for a massive dish.Waste of money atm imo.

You Knows It
13-08-2007, 11:58 AM
I treat Nilesat as a bonus.
Certainly wouldn't fork out for a massive dish.Waste of money atm imo.

How many people will end up having to take them down because of haughty penpushers at their local councils? Not to mention Daily Mail reading, curtain twitching neighbours who feel the need to complain about the slightest form of impediment.

20-08-2007, 04:25 PM
These two clients mentioned are interested in receiving ALL the premiereship matches even those that are only on Show TV (for example the first everton-wigan match of the season was. If they wanna spend the money I'm happy to do it and yep they know the cost of these dishes.

Will report back if I know find any more regards what is actually required regards dish size.

I do know about the option of streaming from a location for example in Spain where the footprint is easier to receive ;)

PS whoever mentioned (above) these channels moving to Viaccess encryption are you also suggesting they may move to a satellite/beam easier to receive?


20-08-2007, 05:13 PM
unlikely to move orbital position if they change encryption method