View Full Version : Streaming From PC to TM9100 Working

04-08-2007, 08:38 PM
Yes I've got it working lovely :D

Working on UR009 Beta 1 and 2 also Juliet009 Beta

To stop video from streaming press the exit button until the channel clears don't change channel until then

You must use this version of vlc I tried others and they don't work with this plugin

I've streamed Xvids and DVD from my PC drive although I had to edit the XML to transcode the audio on the dvd

Can't take credit for the guide although I did edit it and create a pdf which was tediously boring :D

Everything is in the Rar below


04-08-2007, 10:39 PM
What a nice find and thanks for your work on the instructions, have installed it and now i am going to play with it.

04-08-2007, 10:52 PM
It was fun only a 100 reboots to get the right image :)

You can have directories in the files part aswell, and I'm sure its possible to add mp3 to the xml

Probably best if everyone edits their xml to work best on there network I've changed all the 704x576 to 720x576 and
on the avi line increased the bitrate to 6000 and changed it to mpeg2, better picture now :)

<setup name="File-Mode" ext="AVI" Videorate="6000" Videotranscode="1" Videocodec="mpeg2" Videosize="720x576" Audiorate="192" Audiotranscode="1" ac3="0" />

DVD is a nice picture period

PS: Don't forget to open VLC first, if you do don't do anything with the remote just start vlc and then the plugin will pick it up


04-08-2007, 11:29 PM
I can see my avi files and i can access them, but my box hangs on " buffering" and then goes back to the avi file screen. Any ideas?, my lan is 100mbytes.

04-08-2007, 11:35 PM
Are you using UR009B version one because what you described happened when I used the DSImage


05-08-2007, 07:52 AM
I am using ur009 beta1 in flash, i will load beta2 into my sd by iboot and try that, thanks.

05-08-2007, 12:33 PM
I have original 009 in the flash

I did say it only works well for me on UR009 beta v1, I could stream with the others but couldn't stop it streaming once it had started

Here a short clip of it working crap quality auto focus having a field day but your get the picture, playback is smooth unlike the clip

Edit changed clip

One thing I forgot to mention as I always do it anyway I set everything to zero under Ngrab


06-08-2007, 09:12 PM
If anyone is interested I have this running ok on UR009 beta1/2 and Juliet009 beta

I found that turning off UHF Modulator solved any problems I had its on by default


07-08-2007, 09:07 AM
If anyone is interested I have this running ok on UR009 beta1/2 and Juliet009 beta

I found that turning off UHF Modulator solved any problems I had its on by default

That is interesting because i seem to have had a lot less probs with the ur images than some others but have always had the uhf turned off as its not connected same as the spdif and the serial
My be the standard unit is lacking memory??


07-08-2007, 01:24 PM
Yes I've got it working lovely :D

He He He


Thanks for the detailed instructions, very clear. I've now got this running on UR9 B2 and it's showing no signs of jerkyness or sound sync issues. Only tried it on 1 avi file at the moment though. All in all very satisfactory performance so far. Will try on some different images when more time is available.
Thanks TNT.


07-08-2007, 01:57 PM
Glad you have it working :)

I have an external HDD full up with xvid movies and have not come across any I cant play, only thing that I noticed is avi's all get zoomed to the same AR but thats no biggy

Try a dvd they are even better and don't get zoomed

Also I no longer put it on FTA channel or turn off emu's as long as you use the exit button to end playback its fine


07-08-2007, 01:59 PM
Yep, that's something I forgot to mention, I left the 9100 on whatever channel I was watching last, no probs at all.

07-08-2007, 11:22 PM
hi followed tut nice work
but i have installed plugin on tm 9100 and works ok
altered xml ? well think i have
but can not see my files when i open vlc on box
all my files are in L:\movies\ (copied from properties) on L drive on pc
<config startdir="L:\movies\" cddrive="d:" />
using ur009 b1
help please as i would like to do away with my xbox for streaming

08-08-2007, 05:57 AM
I hope the line from the .xml file you have put above is a typo as it should be like the following, with forward slash.

<config startdir="c:/divx/" cddrive="d:" />

Of course, substitute "c:/divx/" and "d" with your own locations and it should work ok, in your case it should be

<config startdir="L:/movies/" cddrive="d" />

09-08-2007, 10:27 PM
hi tired that still no good urm this is getting silly now
i have installed the plugin ok and when i press the yellow key it brings up vlc i press ok and window opens but no files show ?

09-08-2007, 11:27 PM
ok if the vlc pluging can't find vlc on the pc then the file window wont even appear on your TV

If the vlc window appears on your tv with no files then the path to the directory has an error somewhere thats why it cant see them

Just put the drive letter and no directory and see what happens as you can navigate to the folder with movies with the plugin

Don't use capital letters for your drive letters either !!!!!!!..........

eg in your case startdir="l:/"


10-08-2007, 10:32 PM
cheers will try that and get back to u after weekend

17-07-2008, 09:50 PM
Hello found this oldish thread very useful, most mpgs seem to play ok but I can't play avi's, just a blank screen of continual 'buffering screen'. I am running EDG 4.1 in multiboot. has anyone tried it on these latest images?

17-07-2008, 11:02 PM
I use it all the time and I'm running EDG 4.1 on iboot

Could be a load of reasons try the version below which has my vlc.xml which will rule
out that, just change the paths and IP etc, it also supports a higher resolution

Your also find the http folder in there for vlc 0.8.1 if you install the latest version of vlc
and replace the http with that one then you can use the latest version of vlc which may help

Just out of curiosity are you using a 4.3 screen or 16.9 as with 4.3 you have to make a change in vlc to get correct res


08-11-2008, 02:32 AM
hi there i managed to install everything ok and some movis play ok but some others pixelate and freeze, is there anything i can do to fix this. I have a c2d pc with 4gb ram so thats not the problem!! and im using an 85mbps homeplug so that should be alright to.
I was trying to watch an episode of top gear and the audio goes out of sync and the picture really screws up big time!

08-11-2008, 03:18 PM
Its possible its your homeplugs because even though they are rated at 85mbps doesn't mean your getting that full bandwidth

You could try lowering the bitrate in the vlc.xml and see if it helps

You need to lower this part Videorate="6000" of the line that is the file type of the video file your using, try lowering it by a thousand or more obviously this will lower the quality


09-11-2008, 01:35 PM
hi there i changed the bitrate down to 4000 but its still quite bad.

09-11-2008, 03:24 PM
The only way your know if its the homeplugs is to try it using a wired connection

Are you sure its not your rips causing the problem ?

Are you using VLC 0.8.1 from the Rar above if you are then maybe you should try VLC 0.8.6i but remember you have to replace the http folder


12-12-2008, 08:56 AM
just got round to doing it there now and it seemed to improve a lot, in fact flawlessy but ive tried again with several videoes and i can only get audio on it