View Full Version : commander 5000 patching tutorial?....

05-08-2007, 10:08 AM
hi guys,can anybods point me in the right direction for this as i seem to hit brick walls wherever i go on various sites.:frown:thanks.

05-08-2007, 12:50 PM
You can find all you need here:

05-08-2007, 01:00 PM
top man,thanks very much.:):):)

14-08-2007, 12:14 PM
many thanks for the link but being a thicko i could still do with a "how to" from somewhere if thats poss?thanks again............lennono:)

14-08-2007, 01:41 PM
This is a translation of a how-to by daskalos from __http://www.satgrekco.gr.

(My comments are in blue)

Commander upgrading instructions.
1. Connect stb to computer at com1 using a null modem cable.
2. Plug the stb and connect it to tv on a fta channel (Connecting it to tv is not necessary )
(I never connect it to a tv and I don't remember having problems if it is not on a non fta channel.)
3. Run Commander-Downloader.exe. Press Browse, select the right .bin software and press Download.
4. As soon as the dialog saying 'Version 1.00 or 1.10 detected' shows up, press Start. The stb starts counting. Wait until it says 'Downloading is Successful'. The stb reboots and it's ready.

If the software we chose is not right the upgrade won't start.
If the stb doesn't start counting then first press start and then plug the stb. (This is how I usually do it, tbh.)

Downloading channels is quite similar.

14-08-2007, 01:49 PM
my friend,cant thank you enough:D:D:D.so i take it putting in the latest kbn is done the same way?sorry bout the questions but the older i get...the thicker i get!regards.......lennono.

14-08-2007, 02:59 PM
Yes. Of course you must use keymaker and not Commander-Downloader.

14-08-2007, 03:47 PM
only kidding my friend.... but my mate(honestly) has asked if theres a today patch for his receiver(nextwave cx5000)?since youve helped me my mates are all on the bandwagon.just love this and toes for the top people who use them.:):):)

14-08-2007, 09:19 PM
I 'll be glad to help you, your friends, your family, your neighbors. Let me see did I forget anyone? lol:p
Honestly, I only answer questions about receivers I own, even when I don't use them all the time.
Now, I have a skystar 2, a commander 3000 and a FCIS 7000 - the first are two in use. And I am still waiting for Technomate 9100 to arrive from England.:mad:

14-08-2007, 09:31 PM
once again,many thanks.hope its ok to get back to you when i balls up!!!!!!

14-08-2007, 11:48 PM
Sure mate, no problem.