View Full Version : Adding Transponders 16e

06-08-2007, 12:20 PM
Anyone help me, I have a Echostar 3000ip/via, and Iam trying to add the the Digitalb tp 11092V SR 32000 FEC 5/6 and 11449H SR 27500 FEC 7/8 apparently the SR and the FEC are to high for the 3000ip box, has anyone managed to enter these TP or is there a conversion to lower the SR and FEC.

06-08-2007, 06:22 PM
There is no problem with 11449H SR 27500 FEC 7/8, not sure about 11092V SR 32000 FEC 5/6.

Make sure you have the latest v1000 firmware.

06-08-2007, 06:59 PM
SR of 30000 and above can be a problem with some receivers my echostar has long gone so can't test