View Full Version : "Triple" Monoblock

06-08-2007, 08:11 PM
I'm sure I read that a "triple" monoblock was on sale, or about to go on sale a few months ago, but having done a search, can't find any reference to it.

What I'm after is a triple monoblock, ie 13E, 16E and 19E.

Does such a thing exist or did I dream it?


06-08-2007, 08:13 PM
it has been rumoured that this will go on sale for the last few years

but it never has

06-08-2007, 10:12 PM
Thanks Echelon, at least I know I didn't dream it!

06-08-2007, 10:56 PM
it was called the Horizon Pyramid lnb , or it would have been if it had ever been marketed!
as Ech indicated , promised for years but never materialised


07-08-2007, 10:28 AM
It's shown here but as far as availability goes - who knows
You could always mail or phone them

07-08-2007, 11:25 AM
Thanks fernandez.

Did give them a call and spoke with someone in their technical department. It was a product which was under development for quite some time but as additional funds were required to get the working prototype to a finished product level, they decided to shelve it. They revisit from time to time but apparently don't feel the market would be large enough to justify spending more money.

07-08-2007, 11:35 AM
seems strange as you can now by a 3 degree twin monoblock for 16e and 19e , so thats two thirds of the job already done by somebody :)

and there are the 6 degree twins that do 13e and 19e ( or 5e and 1w )

21-08-2007, 10:59 AM
this is for their home market for astra 1 and 23e, why dont these companies want to make a lot of money and sell them to the whole of Europe ?

Theres a killing to made for the first company who makes it but their not interested. :rolleyes:

07-09-2007, 05:54 PM
I normaly watch channels on those 3 sats and quite frankly if I could get such a monoblock I would get rid of the motor on my 1m gibertini, also wouldn't keep wife up at night with noisey motor .

24-07-2008, 08:00 AM
can be modified to get 13-16-19 degrees.

Line the dish up with 16e as its main focus, then cut off one side of the lnb bracket so the lnb can be swivelled through 180 degrees manually.

Us a nylon tie cord to hold the lnb tight and straight on the bracket, this turns the lnb upside down which brings the polarity back to normal for hotbird or astra 1 and W2.

Its a manual fix but if you can reach your dish it works well.

10-01-2014, 04:10 AM
I've found out this triple lnb monoblock does exist it's made by Inverto check there web site but not sure who is the main dealer in the UK ?

10-01-2014, 09:23 AM
yes here h**p://www.inverto.tv/products/product.php?section=1&id=262