View Full Version : Premiere

11-08-2007, 04:26 PM
Hello Need some advice im thinkin about getting a motorised dish dreambox and diablo card to watch the premiere channels on would that be all i would need.

any sort of advice on what i would need to view these channels

11-08-2007, 05:07 PM
the diablo is a cam , not a card

the dreambox should manage the task without any cams but if you want the cam as well you may get extras with it , but you will probably need a cas programmer as well as the diablo so you can program it

and there is no guarantee that premiere will stay open

11-08-2007, 05:13 PM
what model dreambox would you recomend m8 so if i get a dreambox i dont need no diablo t-rex cam is the dreambox compatible with a motorised dish

11-08-2007, 05:28 PM
I cannot tell you which dreambox to get , that is your own decision

I dont have a dreambox but actually have a tm9100 which is similar

at the moment most boxes can handle premiere on their own , including a dreambox , a tm9100 , a tm1500 , a samsung 9500 , humax 5400 and many others

there are 2 types of motors , one is diseqc and most boxes use this including a dreambox , but can use a vbox to control a 36 volt motorised dish if necessary