View Full Version : 'Unlock' your iPhone with SuperSim

14-08-2007, 12:05 PM
Not a total unlock (yet), but it's something alright!

1. an iPhone
2. SIM Reader / Writer -- Infinity USB Unlimited, CAS3 etc...
3. SilverCard
4. V1 SIM card (must be able to get Ki number)
5. Download:

from Sassha @

1. ::Getting IMSI,ICCID & Ki number from your SIMs::

Step 1 - Your(V1)SIM

1. Put your carrier SIM card in programer
2. Run Woronscan
3. Click on "Tasks" tab then on "IMSI select" u will get a IMSI number, write it down.
4. Click on "Task" tab then on "ICC select" u will get a ICCID number, write it down.
5. Click on "Tasks" tab then on "Ki search", in pop-up window just click "Search", and wait,Ki extraction has began.(I was waiting for mine 40 min ) When u get it, write it down.

Step 2 - Getting IMSI from AT&T SIM card which came with an iPhone

1. Put your AT&T SIM card in programer
2. Click on "Tasks" then on "IMSI select" u will get a IMSI number, write it down.
3. Close Woronscan
4. Remove SIM from programer

Now U have all "data" to make SuperSim.

::Making SuperSim::

1. Download & extract
1.a Put your Silvercard in programer
2. Run Sim-Emu 6.01 Configurator v2.1
3. Click on Configure tab
4. Click "Read from disk" button
5. Browse to your downloaded Flash&EEPROM files, first double click on SIM_EMU_6.01_iphone.HEX and then double click on SIM_EMU_6.01_iphone_EP.HEX, now they are loaded,positions 0 and 9 are red colored,thats fine.

6. In position 0 , type in data which u got from your carrier SIM with Woronscan - IMSI,Ki & ICCID!
For ADN/SMS/FDN# type 161, 15, 4, for SMS Centre type in your carrier SMS center number.

7. Now select position 9, here type only IMSI from AT&T SIM card, NOTHING ELSE!
8. In "Config mode" check "Card" circle button
9. Click on "Write to card" button,when its done close Sim-Emu 6.01 Configurator v2.1
10. Run Woronscan again, click on "Tasks" tab then click on "IMSI select" 5 times in a row,U should get first two times AT&T IMSI rest three times your SIM IMSI,if u do u're ready to go!
11. Click on "Security" tab then on "Disable PIN1", it will ask U PIN1 ,its 1111, click OK.
12. Close Woronscan, and remove card from programer

2. ::Making your iPhone SuperSim compatible::

Step 1
http://www.hacktheiphone.com/iphone_first_ten_steps_to_modding _mac.html
http://www.hacktheiphone.com/iphone_first_ten_steps_to_modding _windows.html

Step 2
For already "fake activated" iPhones ,put the AT&T SIM that it came with iPhone in it or deactivation in step 12. will not work! In "Step 15" when U are filling in fileds ,for ICCID use your carrier SIM ICCID not AT&Ts! When u download a "custom activator v0.2" DO NOT PROCCED to Step 16! At this point remove AT&T SIM card from iPhone(still connected to computer),put in your SuperSim AND THEN procced to Step 16.!

http://www.hacktheiphone.com/iphone_using_cingular_for_intel_m ac.html
http://www.hacktheiphone.com/iphone_using_cingular_for_windows .html