View Full Version : weird problem, any suggestions

14-08-2007, 07:56 PM
im haveing some problems with some channels but cant quite track down the issue.

tried with ur009b2 ur0010b2 (been running ur009b2 dor a while in flash without any problems untill now)

using a standard monoblock.

i only seem to be having issues with 19 degrees but its not all channels, 13 seems to be fine and not having any problems with fta and tps.
however im having massive picture breakup on prem and d+ but its only some of the d+ channels for instance taq2 breaks up but canal+ is fine

at first i thought it may just be the lnb but if so shurley i should get nothing at all or at lest picture breakup on all channels not just a selected few (or should i say there are a selected few it does not break up on)

its also unlikley my dish is out of alignment as its a monoblock and i have a good signal on 13 but the other weird thing is on prem direkt im geting signal lock and sync but its fluxuating between about 60% and 10%
prem1 is locked at about 60% snr and agc 78% and does not break up that oftern

is there any issues with the transponders at the moment or is it down to the rain outside lol

also to finish this off, under the satfind there are 3 bars

what does ber stand for?????

cheers for any advice guys

14-08-2007, 07:58 PM
bit error ratio

14-08-2007, 08:11 PM
BER should be all zeros if its not then its not focused on that transponder correctly

I've got a feeling that when you adjust your dish that it does it by transponder and not by sat ?


14-08-2007, 08:27 PM
well that may indicate the problem, ber is leaping up and down on these problematic channels, its ether my dish out of alignment (doubt this as some channels are fine and as i have said its a monoblock so its hard to get one sat out and the other aligned) im guessing its all this rain im having here creating noise on the offset!

14-08-2007, 10:36 PM
sounds to me as if you havent got the skew right , where one lnb is higher than the other

and a monoblock is designed for an 80cm dish so if yours is bigger or smaller the arm length would need adjusting

15-08-2007, 07:45 AM
all working fine this morning, must been the weather!

weird never seen it only affect some transponders before!
not to complain tho at least its all ok!
cheers for your suggestions