View Full Version : Installing new cable for dish

15-08-2007, 10:29 AM
I need to drill and install sat cable at my new house, but the walls are filled with Rockwool sheets, Can I just drill through this or do I need a special tool or something. Also will the cable feed through ok?

thanks for any help!

15-08-2007, 04:45 PM
Should not be a problem m8, just make sure the wall at the other side is clear.

Feeding the cable through can be a pain sometimes, so what I do is get a garden cane push that through then tape the cable to the cane and pull cane back through wall hey presto cable comes too.

16-08-2007, 09:23 AM
Thanks for the assistance much appreciated

16-08-2007, 09:34 AM
Drill through and leave the bit poking out of the wall then, using insulation tape, attatch a length of cable. Pull the drill bit back through, undo the cable and attatch the main cable. Go back inside and pull all the cable through. Job's a goodin.